Classic Flying in War Within

WOW want´s to be a product for everyone, where diversity and kindness exists and your abilities or preferences are considered.

First thing Blizzard does, is alienate everyone who is unable to dragon flight.



What is your source for this? Was it actually written in a blue post or are you just making an assumption?

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I love dynamic flight, but I agree that this is odd to me. I can understand that Blizzard probably wants the new zones/expansion experienced a certain way… but it overlooks not only people who don’t like it, but those who even have health issues that make it difficult to use. And players comfort should always come before the way they think their “art” should be experienced.


Blizzard has been very clear for a while now that when The War Within launches you will only be able to use Dynamic Flying until you have completed the TWW Pathfinder which will require at least Max level, full campaign completion and full exploration of the map…

Unlike dragonflight where we could largely get around via ground mounts, for those of us who get headaches, vertigo, nausa from the “dynamic flight”, this new expansion has been specifically designed to be accessed via flying.

I’m not you, but I don’t think it’s healthy to have to take medication just to play a game because the dev’s decided to take away an option that wasn’t hurting anyone.


Hey, I like cheap mats on the AH, so that kinda sounds like a win-win.

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Stabbed in the back seems extreme. It is available from the start of War Within, you just need to do something to get it. How is that a stab in the back? I mean raids are available from the start as well, but you need to get to end game and probably hit ilvl to lfr or some other limitations. Not seeing the dagger here.

You cannot force a gaming company to cater to the .0003% of the player base with these types of handicaps. Not to mention the patches they have done since then to remedy some of the more severe cases of what you mentioned, they cannot do everything to stop this.

It was design choice they made, and they seem to be sticking with it. What you do with it is your own personal choice. you can still use ground mounts while leveling, and can still do everything the game has to offer without dragon flying. Knowing how little you need to do to unlock the standard flying should be of little concern…

Explore the zones? just play the game.
Max level? play the game.
Complete the campaign? Play the game.

The OP is making it sound bigger than it is, and the same people with the same “issues” with it are also making it known of their disdain for this choice. but in reality, it really isn’t a huge deal.

Seems more like first world western problems than an actual issue.

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It does seem like a baffling choice to allow deluxe flight from the get-go, and hold back the less-capable version. I have yet to hear an explanation of this that makes sense … other than someone’s spite about failing to kill flight entirely during WoD.


I’m not digging for the interview from months ago… but it was Ion and another dev and the second dev jumped into to answer why that very question when it was asked of Ion… who, probably wisely, let someone else take the bullet… Ion seems to avoid even talking about static flight if he can.

Anyways, the answer given was because it’s harder to control Dynamic Flight mounts. Kid you not that was the argument. That the lack of precision and fine control was claimed to be a feature of Dynamic Flight. Thus they wanted players to experience the world from that perspective, one of frustration, headaches, nausa and vertigo just because they didn’t want to let players have precise control of their mounts.


That is the most entitled take on it I’ve ever seen. Yes. Clearly Bliz wants people to be sick while playing. It couldn’t possibly be any other reason. Your argument is crap. Most of the issues causing those have been fixed. I say most because some people claim it’s not fixed, but people hate change and are very quick to jump on the sympathy side so they feel important. Also. I don’t know about you, but dragon riding is still pretty precise.

Ah yes…pressing the 2 key on my keybind to go up and moving my mouse slightly to the left to turn, is gamebreaking.

The sense of entitlement to think blizzard is personally attacking/hindering people with these types of symptoms is astounding.

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Wording of their annoucement and the interview.

Try not to doomsay too much.

Players shooting the gun and complaining about stuff not released yet? No way!

no there isn’t… and honestly if pathfinder is going to be required for one type of flying, it needs to be required for both… and held back just as long or all of their previous bull garbage just proves that they lie, lie, lie.


Bots can use any kind of movement. It is simply an automated keystroke. Who told you that bull pucky that they can’t use dynamic flying?

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That still sounds kinda spiteful.

For my money, dynamic flying isn’t that much harder to control. I have very little trouble getting it to land where and when I want it to. I get that not everyone has the wealth of experience that I do, and I think that players ought to be able to choose which one to use, and that ought to be available from the start.


That’s because old flight seems more like flying a helicopter where as dragon flight is more like flying an airplane.

I’ve flown pilot training devices for both and I don’t think that’s quite right. Helicopters aren’t easier to fly. Nor are they harder, just different.

A better comparison is automatic versus manual transmissions. Automatic, you never have to know or care what gear you’re in; manual, you have to pay more attention.

The beauty of this is Blizzard designs a lot of things that can be easily accessible without flying, you might run into the occasional “YOU HAVE TO FLY HERE” quest, but they always make roundabout ways to get to places.

TF am I engaging with in Dynamic Flight? What, that one WQ where I get to roleplay Superman 64? Or that one small area where I get dismounted and it’s at most a minor inconvenience and I just mount back up in 2 seconds? Idk, still seems dumb to lock a slower form of flying.