Classic Flying in War Within

You should be grateful that TBC flying doesn’t require reputation or renown to unlock it

Of course people play differently— but they want it to be engaging with the content and environment from their view. Let’s keep in mind getting regular flying will be quicker than all previous expansions— including the ones where we had to pay for it at max level.

There are always different perspectives and I wouldn’t dare tell someone not to give theirs, either. Because these types of threads are how we got dynamic flying and static faster next expansion.

I’m just giving their response if it helps anyone. It probably doesn’t. But that’s fair. I liked reading your response and think it’s good feedback.

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I’m grateful that we get regular flying at max level, and getting dynamic flight right away is a huge bonus. I see nothing to complain about.


Did you read the rest? And keep in mind I’m talking about static flying. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

Isnt static flying suppose to be available fairly quickly into the expansion? Not a few patches down the road, but just getting to 80 and doing a few quests?

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What people conveniently forget about old style flying, bots love it. Bots don’t like the new flying.

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Yes, I’ve already agreed with that. At any point when one version of flying is available, the other should be too.

I’m just pointing out that theres nothing suggesting that they will withold classic flying back for a significant amount of time. Explorering zones and completing the campaign could mean a year later, or it could mean completing the initial campaign available on launch and have it right away. The wording I’ve seen seemed to me like it meant right away, but yes of course I could be wrong.

Or could be like pathfinder achievement

War within will have a pathfinder but its pathfinder in name only because why you might ask?

It only requires the following:

Getting to max level

Explore the zones

Complete all of the main campaign

Pathfinder required reputations. They did not list that or renown as a requirement.

Is that time gated?

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Just like in DF I have no earthly idea why this is such a big issue for them. Old flying is SLOWER and all it does it let you hover. I don’t see more than 5% of the players using it much anyway so what is the point in inconveniencing people for the sake of nothing?


This seems to be the thing people are getting hung up on. Some seem to interpret this meaning complete the initial campaign that’s available at launch, others seem to interpret it to meaning the ENTIRE campaign that is time-gated over weeks or months.

Bots have been using and exploiting dynamic flying since day one. They figured out how to use an exploit that puts them under the terrain and teleports around.


How clear am I to be?

The four main campaign

How hard is it to understand

Ion said it as much if you have been paying attention

There is no other main campaign. There are end game campaigns, but that’s not what was said at all.

The War Within campaign is just that: initial main campaign of War Within.

That’s how I interpreted their statement as well. But it seems like others took it differently. I don’t know why or how, but that’s just my observation.

I mean… we’ve got people preemptively upset over a new race they don’t want to see as playable… that isn’t even going to be playable according to a Blizz interview.


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It’s definitely good to share what their current BS excuse is :upside_down_face: They needed a new one since dragon riding kinda ruined their old ones.

I didn’t mean to sound like I was irritated with you (don’t shoot the messenger!). Getting regular flying sooner rather than later is good; treating both types of flying equally would be even better imo. I feel bad for the people who can’t do DR because it makes them ill. I can do it, I just don’t like it lol

And ty for the positive feedback!


I use old flaying all the time. Is much more easier to land of quest area vs dragon riding also old flying is much better for short distance or when you have to land or go up a higher terrian area.

Dragon riding is better to cover large area IE flying through several zones and that’s about it.