Classic Flying in War Within

It has to do with game balance. It’s sort of like asking “Why can’t fullbacks in the NFL use bulldozers?” Well if they did it would change the balance of the game. Then you would need to give linebackers M1 Abrams tanks.

Yeah it’s real oppressive for the game developers to want us to experience the game in the way they’ve created it to be experienced.

Have they made a statement on it? Is it possible crippling old flying makes it harder for gathering bots to work?

Hovering afk and slightly more convenient gathering is hardly as unbalanced as bulldozers vs linebackers.


They got hurt.


In my opinion, dynamic flying is the best new feature added to WoW in the last 10 years.

It’s awesome!!!

I’m looking forward to flying with it out of the gate in TWW. Old-style flight feels like swimming through molasses. It feels awful after having mastered dynamic flight.

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Unless flying is mandatory, they can just stay on the ground. Like every single previous expansions. :man_shrugging:

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Blizzard likes to create things so they can quietly take old stuff away. We catch most times.

I with they would keep some mounts standard and some dragonriding, so we could just choose a mount. But 5 seconds isn’t that bad. It just seems like too much work to make the old one seem like dragon riding in my opinion.

I love dragon riding by the way.

I’m other words, someone’s perspective can’t be a lie.

It’s fine to not like it and it’s fine to think it’s a bad perspective. But it’s not lying.

They clearly STILL don’t realize that not everyone plays the game the same way. I engage more with the world with regular flying, personally, since I will stop and check things out frequently. With dragon riding, I got sick of overshooting everything by a mile and just stopped trying - I just used it (sometimes) to get from point A to point B when there weren’t flight points close to where I was going.

They may be right about the content if they put in more races or other things specifically for dragon riding.

They really need to stop saying “play your way” though. It’s just obnoxious at this point since they obviously don’t mean it.


What is this stuff about AFK? If I get interrupted in the middle of a quest I just move off to the side and log out or exit the game. WoW has a pretty short login time so it’s not that big a deal.

If you’re comparing the two for balance, old flight offers hovering (generally mentioned when people want to AFK for whatever reason) and vigor less gathering over DR.

Neither of which is a huge difference considering vigor is easy to manage and, as you said, getting out of the way for a minute is easy enough.

If anything, DRs speed is significantly more unbalanced given it’s ease if use.

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When the time comes it will be, what it will be. I for one will not sweat it. I will use either way to my best advantage to achieve my goals in the game as quickly as I can on as many toons of mine as I can.

After all to me, WoW is just a game.

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It isn’t tiny though because they caved on patchfinder nonsense.

The amount of people that pushed back on locking away TBC normal flying was a large portion of the beta testers in DF beta.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

no reason to hold classic flying back. Should have both flying options right from the get go. All blizzard need a push of a button. Is blizzard being blizzard. Remember in SL when you can’t use your mount in the The Maw the community backlash so bad blizzard change it after.


The funny thing is that BlizZard doesn’t even play their own game.

Like how many times can be moved to another shard while trying to do any world quests?

Funny thing is that we reported this in beta of DF!


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:



by taking away something that’s been carrying us around since vanilla.
Games getting more theme park by the year. Lots of mount drops but I guess… guess what, you’ll have to wait until they get over their ‘unique’ idea of riding a dragon.

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“Flying never even used to be a thing while leveling”