Classic Flying in War Within

Dramatic much?

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Not really the same boat but being a touchpad user, it’s a lot more hand intensive than old flying if you’re doing a farming route

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I mean yeah, they could technically mean fully finish the entire campaign that won’t be available until probably 11.2 a year into the expansion. But if that were the case I doubt they’d be showing off the toggle feature in an alpha preview right now.

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With classic flying you can click to move and not have to touch the mouse or keyboard as much. With dynamic flying you are constantly pressing the mouse and keyboard buttons to stay flying. If you have hand problems that repetitive motion can start to hurt.


Isn’t that what I just said?

I did not say you were wrong or disagree, just going into more detail about the type of input.

I was thinking more like the end of the first big chunk of story, like SL was renown 40 and took a few months iirc.

I don’t really see why that’d be a reason to not have a pretty significant functionality change in to test early.


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I didn’t pre-order SL and actually unsubbed after a month until flight was released. I didn’t buy DF until day 3. I probably won’t pre-order TWW. Decision will be based on the handling of real flying and how professions and delves shake out. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Dear Blizzard.

You already gave us regular flight, which most are thankful for. Disregard people still finding something to complain about.

I’m sorry, this 1000% backfires for me. I want to play WoW, not Dragon Gliding Simulator 1.0 (now with flatulence power!). Forcing me to deal with janky controls and micromanaging flatulence (i.e. Vigor) DETRACTS immensely from my engagement. So much so that I skipped all the side-quests, and actually leveled more via dungeon spam, which I had never done before. If they had removed (or ever do remove) real flying I’d be forced to pay real money to play FFXIV, even though WoW is essentially free. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


It’s honestly just to spite the player base at this point. You can’t convince me otherwise.


This week we finally getting the last part of the Dragon Flight Campaign this week…how long has Dragon Flight been out now…almost 2 yrs…it took over a year in Dragon Flight for them to finally allow normal flying in DF…you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll make it at least a year long before we can get it…

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Bookmarked for funzies!

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And yet no one has realized this properly. Everyone who still plays the game and complains about this since WoD… Blizz dont really care, if people are still playing. They are gonna keep making normal flight in the background.


You are a valued member of the WoW community. Thank you.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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They have a right to it being their game and their policy, however this is a product and if you want to make money, especially a lot when it comes to AAA games, you have to consider the customer. This isn’t some little independent game with a specific focus. They took what was usually relegated to special vehicles quests and made it a significant way people had to engage in WoW, whether they liked it or not. That is a lot to ask, even if it’s an amazing product.

They used to factor in people’s different ways of playing WoW, no longer being constantly subscribed, coming back when new content came out. They knew there were other games people were out there playing and acknowledged many players were cyclical. The game has been around long enough to see children now being adults with families. Ultimately it will be whether they see any losses over this. What I’ve seen of the video game community often doesn’t show me much promise, unfortunately. In the grand scheme of things, it’s still a new genre compared to many others. Makes sense we end up acting like children too often. lol

Funny thing is Blizz accepts the drama, openly saying their fans were, think it was passionate when they reacted oh so negatively to the first announcement of the Diablo mobile game. If you’re gonna allow that sort of thing and remain quiet over touchy subjects, when saying something might quell arguments, ya get what ha deserve. If Blizz wants to defend themselves, they are free to do so.

lol Note to myself. Don’t :smoking: and then visit the forums. :sweat_smile:

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How is their perspective for their game a lie? This doesn’t make any sense.

And overwhelming enjoyment of dynamic flying is why it’s moving forward and being expanded.

Flying never even used to be a thing while leveling. And even after that, you had to come up with the gold to buy it. It wasn’t an instant thing.

So really, people are forgetting how things used to be. The only time we had flying from the beginning of an expansion was Cataclysm, because the zones were designed for it.

Kind of like now with dynamic flying.

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Can’t really deny that DR has had overwhelmingly good feedback though. If blizz is listening to the players, there’s not much reason for them to cave at this point, given the relatively small amount of people who don’t like it enough to actually stop playing.

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you’re not this ignorant or at least I hope not.

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