Classic Flying in War Within

You psychopath.

More a Sociopath, but I appreciate the similarities. :smile:

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You have captured the heart of the matter. Indeed, the problem is that the mentality these days is to punish past design decisions by trying to force in new design decisions. But in the process what is lost is a true compromise.

Real compromise involves dialogue. And that dialogue is conveyed through communicaton.

Communication that is lacking is the core problem with what is wrong with retail WoW. And more specifically what is wrong with how they are putting in place these restrictions.

Failure to communicate the why is going to result another spicy beta. I can guarantee that.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


They communicate a lot on what they are planning to do. Just because some players don’t agree with it and want it changed and Blizzard chooses not to change something. Doesn’t mean they are not communicating. Because the player base doesn’t like something in the game and Blizzard refuses to take the knee on it, doesn’t make it a lack of communication, it makes it that Blizzard doesn’t agree that they need to change something. A company doesn’t always have to give into each an every demand that is presented to them by every single group that plays their game, nor should they.

Communication is a lot worse than ever in the history of the game.

In fact they have a hard time communicating what they are doing with the TWW alpha.

Having to go to class discords to find out what is happening is not cool.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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what reject version what? make sense please

little surfer boy

I love TBC normal flying.

Don’t need to play the mini game energy bar when my class aka Rogue is the OG with the energy bar.

Lets holy flying wars commence!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


I’m sure those variety of reasons have been addressed if people tried the settings to combat motion sickness. I turned off the features because they were a distraction during dragon racing. It’s almost like flying a regular mount now.

No, the primary reason is because tbc style flying enables a lot of botting and dragon riding is much harder for bots to do.

I am blind in one eye. It doesn’t help.


Says who? It is movement. A computer can outfly you.


It’s moderately more difficult to code up a vigor-aware autopilot, but far from impossible.

Trusting dragon riding as an anti-bot measure was like trusting the Atlantic Wall to thwart an invasion. Sure, it made it more difficult, but once the Wall was breached anywhere the whole thing became useless.

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Not saying it wouldn’t have a minor challenge to it… but you can bet that the high end bot software developers had it beat in no time.


I’d put the over/under at four weeks, myself. (I don’t know bots, but I do know autopilots.)


I ithink they just dont want druids and monks to complete quests in the air

Again I’ll say there is no reason I can find why we can’t have classic flying if they are allowing Dragon Flying on the first day of the new Expansion …DF won’t stop the bots they already beat that system long ago when Dragon Flight went live.

Using classic flying doesn’t help me quest faster either…so can’t use that excuse either…

Want me to see the content well your allowing DF which see’s less content then me going putt putt on my Love Rocket …can’t use that excuse…

So Blizzard what is reason you won’t allow classic flying in “War Within” now? other then to piss off players that like old style flying like those of us that still have issues with dragon flying …


But do they need to give a reason for every single design choice. My answer as a forever player of WoW play is. No, they do not need to justify every single design choice they make in the game.
Because no matter what choice they make in the game, there will always be a group of players that do not like it. Even if they put out a reason for every single choice, those who are unhappy wouldn’t accept it anyways. So why bother?

At least the requirements for TBC flying aren’t as egregious as previous expansions.

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I remember reading all the praises that people were making that dynamic flying had effectively killed bots…those were some funny people.


Botting was worse in DF than any expansion I have experienced.



BlizZard wants to promote inclusion but it seems they are excluding a large segment of players.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: