Classic Flying in War Within

It shouldnt take a year to complete the campaign and explore the zones. A couple weeks maybe?

Campaigns are spread out over weeks or months now…they come out in segments…

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It depends on how they define ‘campaign’- presumably, it’s still just the initial leveling campaign (completing each zone’s story) but frankly I just can’t bring myself to trust them further than I can throw them anymore.

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Not everyone. Still waiting on that account wide riding training over on the Neutral faction side. Dragon style or Classic style.

This actually did upset me. If anything it should be the other way around. I despise the feeling of “being rushed” and dynamic flight caters to that feeling. It really does “seem like” Blizzard is flipping off the crowd of people who want a chill pace.

I have not purchased the next expansion and I won’t until I fully understand what it’s going to be like via Youtube videos once it’s released. This will be the first time I have ever done this since I’ve been playing WoW (back in Vanilla).


How will my vision issues be solved by motion sickness settings that only seem to work for some people with motion sickness?

The primary reason is because they wanted players to be more “engaged” while traveling. They don’t want them to be able to stop and hover while looking at the map and ordering pizza. That is degenerate behavior. Real gamers have their moms order the pizza and bring it down to them in the basement on a plate.

They apparently put absolutely zero thought into whether this would affect any of the playerbase negatively. If they did, they may have just tossed it off as an “attitude problem” that people could get over if they were given no choice. And now they’re upset that disabled people refused to get over their disability. That’s why the special return to pathfinder for people who are unwilling to just get over their disabilities or impairments. Because they don’t like having to roll back unilateral decisions or let players opt out of something they intended 100% of the playerbase to do.

We really won’t know what it’s going to be like until sometime after release of the expansion.

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It really is your own darn fault with this not liking Dragon Riding hell a whole expansion over 2 years and still a bad attitude regarding it. People need to get over it and realize that it is what it is and they are not going to change it cause a few people have trauma over Dragons.

As it should.

They should change the old flying by putting a timer on how long can you keep flying without your “mount” resting.

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Players: We want to fly from the start!
Blizzard: Okay here you go
Players: No we specifically want the kind that enables us to helicopter afk and skip all the content


They are obviously referring to the leveling campaign which is by all current accounts shorter than the one in dragonflight which itself was completable within 8 hours.

You’re going to wait a year to unlock flying because there is an 8 hour content barrier?

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you really hate druids, don’t you?

The relationship between blizzard and flying is like the relationship between a lion and a hyena.

Actually the relationship between players and Ion is the whole issue…it came too a head back before WoD went live and Ion wanted to remove flying completely with the up coming of WoD…later on it was worked out to bring in Pathfinder to appease Ion to a degree.

And as I have said I see no issue we can’t have classic with DF too…let the players choice how they want to proceed though next expansion …seeing you can Dragon Fly day 1 of War Within…so why not classic flying…if I want to putt putt around slowly on my Love Rocket.