Classic Flying in War Within

BlizZard is still shell shocked that people didn’t praise DR in DF beta.

TWO threads pushing back against DR and how it was designed.

And there was another thread talking about how DR was throttled to justify the glyphs.

All in a very short DF beta with low participation I might add. I was one of the very few in DF beta and it was a small pool of testers and a short window of time.

The fact that the pushback was so prominent in the beta forum shows that this is a hot topic issue that will be bigger in TWW beta. Why? More people are going to be invited to the TWW beta this time around.

No one can accuse me of starting those threads in the Dragonflight beta because I did not. But I have to say that BlizZard under estimated the resistance to dragon riding in beta and which is why they have tried so many ways to “compromise” with accessibility options.

But players are done with compromises.

Long live the fighters for normal TBC flying.

A storm is brewing.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Oh sure, i got it as soon as i explored the emerald dream. thankfully they decided to walk back on the reputation requirement, or id probably still be without static flight.
But gating flight behind these requirements after we can already fly?
kinda seems petty.


Holy crap you have some pent up anger!

I don’t know why I reply to game forums/discords they’re just echo chambers of people who want to find something to be angry about on a given day. Good luck with your crusade

I hope you all have a good day, Imma head out.


Not anger.

Common sense.

The anger is coming from BlizZard when they are being petty toward those that are disabled or refuse to use DR.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


This did work to get credit in Legion. A friend carried me around on their back until I got all the explorer achievements, towards getting pathfinder.

Didn’t try it in SL or DF.

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Yeah like I said more then likely not …they are he// bent on not allowing normal flying in game anymore…which is sad for many of us that really need to use normal flying …without getting sick or in pain …hard to use if disabled some how…Dragon Flying is their new itch they want us to keep scratching at …


for me its frustrating because i dont have dexterity in my hands and experience slow reaction time. i often overshoot the landing and end up smacking into walls, trees, tents, etc. i still dont have normal flying unlocked because the rep grind requires dr, and dr just isnt fun for me.


Lightspeed I can understand more then you think now…I know all about hand issues from the damage I got from my job as a Sheet Metal Mech in the US Navy…I also had two strokes too and a heart attack…the strokes weaken my left arm quite a bit and I never got back full use of it along with issues with my left hand more then my right hand…


i’m way behind on the patches, too, so i’m missing content. it wasnt too bad when my daughter and her boyfriend played, cause i could use the fly along feature, but they arent playing now. so i’m stuck at paying for a product i love but struggle to play. hopefully they nerf bfa raids, so i can at least do older content.


Well, he’s succeeded with this devoted 18 year customer. I won’t tolerate the disrespect any longer.


Oh, they never intended to do anything with it in the first place. It was just an excuse to remove water walking from the water strider (so stupid!). And too many players fell for it.

They should have done what was suggested earlier and assign each mount type a special characteristic that made sense for it. This would have given people who were too lazy to just switch mounts a bigger variety to choose from without nerfing the striders.



But this time around we can see righ through their devious scheming players.

Schemers that spend more time on taking away instead of making the game more enjoyable.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Except that they did.

You’re still doing this thing where you think your static flying opinion is the majority when it’s been demonstrablty shown most people love DR?

Look, I don’t think they should be holding back on releasing static flying, but stop pretending you’re a majority or your on some sort of “holy crusade”


Same. I fly by dragon most of the time, but if I’m investigating, say, the side of a cliff or going down into one of those lava pits to pick herbs or mine, then I switch over to TBC flying.


You know if they removed lazy flying now, I wouldn’t shed a single tear. Dragon flying is so great. I just realized earlier I can do it almost anywhere now, just did a tour of Outland, cause the weekly reminded me of it. Any suggestion where I should dragon fly my rear next?

I still use both. Sometimes being able to hover and move slowly is useful, sometimes I want to zoom and get somewhere quickly.


I us both also. DR when I want to get there NOW, which is only about 40% of the time. The remainder I want to harvest all the nodes/boxes/chests/dirt/etc. while I’m moving along. The toons that use DR the most are my LW/skinners because no gathering. Which is why any mention of Pathfinder means I won’t buy TWW right away if there is any timegating on the campaign portion of Pathfinder. I’m a slow leveler so that part will be bad enough. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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Stopped reading this troll post here.


So much love that people are being forced to use DR meanwhile normal flying is being gated.

At this point I can’t take you people seriously if you are okay with disabled players being treated like trash.

If you are not part of the solution then you all are clearly part of the problem.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


I literally said I think both should be open at the same time.

I just think your claim that DR is “not well recieved” to be ridiculous.