Classic Flying in War Within

Just another reminder of the Guild and Website Ion used to run before joining Blizzard.

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BlizZard is terrified that people are not embracing DR and their metrics show this.

Bottom line is BlizZard is going to receive a major shock when beta opens up.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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normal flight has distinct advantages over soaring. Soaring will get you from A to B very fast but your ability to zero in on a node or avoid a group of mobs is really tough. (as i am sure you are aware). That is likely the reason the normal flight restriction remains.


i absolutely prefer soaring for traveling. Soaring is its own mini game. If normal flight went away i probably wouldn’t miss it. (for most things)

Maybe YOUR ability is - I can hit a target just fine.

I like that idea.

The problem is our Water Walking Striders use to have water walking abilities they took it away and add the new mount thing you add to your mount…this is how silly Blizzard is now…they claimed that Water Walking Striders forgot how to water walk…not kidding either …that is what was said.

See back in the days many players used water walking strider to around new areas faster …so they removed water walking from them cause also many many players complained it was too hard to do all the work to get one of the two water walking striders we had in game…one from MoP and another from WoD…they were just too lazy to do the work…so Blizzard punished all the players that worked to get theirs be removing it …and adding that thing you add different stones too do like not getting stunned and water walking…and so on.


They completely abandoned that mount system.

Like I said the rug pull is coming.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


No mystery at all. It’s simply spite from Daddy Blizz that we aren’t all fawning over his new shiny “Dragon Glide Simulator 2.1”. The delay is to both show that 1) DR is super popular because everyone is using it since launch
2) punish and drive away the players who truly prefer real flying. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


I found only two specific uses for Static Flying over Dynamic Flying:

If you need to thread the needle and land somewhere precise (such as a few of the Emerald Dream treasures), static flight is better.

And in the Caldera in Zaralek where you get the Seething Cache, the Zaqali do not aggro on Static flight. This is moot for many purposes now that the Seething Cache has been removed from the meta-achieve, but may see uses this week with Zaralek being Awakened.

It’s a case of “scalpel or sledgehammer”, as it were.

You mean noclip? Its super not flying its just having no clip. Good or bad dragon riding is infinitely more like flying than old flying.

The pathfinder achieve already has a placeholder in the alpha if it wasn’t coming until the .2 path again there wouldn’t even need to be a placeholder yet.

There are also tons of settings for people who get motion sick, and for quest that require flight there is generally (at least so far) an npc mount there that will let you mount it and complete the quest for you.

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Damn Dragon Flying is NOT disability friendly. That is for sure.


LMAO bro. Get a life.

Their goal is to slow content consumption, they don’t care if you get motion sickness.

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Amen too that…

They removed them because many players felt required to use only that mount when doing content that required a ground mount. Moving that to mount equipment allowed people to use any mount for that purpose. They didnt hurt people who got the water walker (which was just the anglers rep or garrison things that were cheesed before it was hotfixed, it wasnt hard) they allowed people to use more than the same 2 mounts.


Outside of people who have hand/wrist issues or motion sickness issues. The only use TBC outside of Dynamic flight is just personal preference. As stated when I play almost 8 hours per day, 7 days a week across 3 different realms and on 3 different accounts even. The ratio that I am seeing physically when seeing player flying is one out of every 10 might be using TBC fight. How ever those who are using it are either farming nodes, or doing quest that require very short hoping flight to knock out the quest the most proficiently.

This is from just leveling toons or doing world quest alone, in major hubs, specially like in the current xpac, I seldom see anyone on a mount that is not a dynamic flying mount standing around these hubs. That is not counting people just being on ground mount only mounts.

This is why I say, show me the data or the so called data that such a huge amount of players are using TBC over Dynamic flight. Because in world I just don’t physically see it happening. Because what I am seeing, TBC is being only used when its really just simply the easiest to complete a task efficiently. Outside of that, people are using Dynamic Flying to actually get around from point A to B.

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I just see it when someone wants to AFK. Everyone else is Dragon Riding and why wouldn’t they?


There is NO legit reason not to have both flying abilities in TWW at all…TWW isn’t about Dragons…they had their expansion and its almost over now…


100% this, Ion “Has Cost Us” will never let the flying thing die because he got swatted with the newspaper in WoD for chasing off more than half the player base by lying about adding flight to WoD later only to turn around and say “SIKE!” when everyone had already bought the expansion.

Narcissists never EVER let a ego wound heal “MuH ViSiOn!” “MuH IMmUrShun!” dunno what happened to the “look at all the pretty trees, how will you enjoy wow if you don’t look at the pretty tree I drew!?!?” argument when they made dragonflying. Just shows the man is willing to lie to get what he wants.