Classic Flying in War Within

I’d really like to hear from a Blue or Dev why the heck they are going to hold hostage TBC flying while allowing Dragon flying right off…I’d love to hear their strange logic to this…TWW is not about Dragons …so that can’t be it.

And yes TBC flying is being held hostage just like it was in Dragon island…sure we got it finally but it was almost a dang year before it was opened up and then dang thing was locked behind a quest line …just more punishment…


So is a hearthstone. By your logic, why not lock the hearthstone in the same way?

Really reaching to try and justify Blizz and their BS aren’t you. Point is, before dynamic flying, Blizz seem to think flying was bad for the game, so if that is so, then why allow flying from the start in one form, but not another. It just reeks of hypocrisy. Also, why restrict those who have issues with dynamic flying, and don’t say they are trying to make it more accessible, they have an accessibility option already available, but rather just keep trying to develop something that may never be truly accessible to everyone.


What is the hypocrisy? You had dragon flying on day one in DF. You’ll have it on day one in TWW. For the last 10 years we’ve not had joystick flying until at least the first or second patch. In TWW you’ll get it in the first or second patch.

Maybe because one is active and takes a modicum of skill and the other is just air swimming?

A delay would make sense if Blizz is adding more things like the Expedition Flags in DF which would have been trivialized by classic flight. There’s also the issue of Druid farming Bots. Who knows.

Dragon flying didn’t stop the bots at all hardly …maybe a for a day or so but not completely…go down too ZC and see the bots down there mining away using Dragon Flying…


True but if we had Druid Flight form from Day 1 it would have been worse.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, giving dynamic flight on day one while gating static flight is utterly ridiculous. It’s like giving us a Ferrari at the start of the expansion, but if we do everything we’re told and eat all of our vegetables for a year, maybe we can earn back the old Toyota Corolla they keep confiscating from us lol


Wow that idea is awesome. Hire this man blizzard!

LMAO just love your outlook now Virus…its so dang true hun.


WHY are they holding out TBC flying as a carrot, and not the seeming more popular dragon riding? It seems backwards, and it’s a mystery what their REAL intent is for deploying such a tactic. Either way, I’m not buying it.


why does blizzard have to bribe people to do quests?


Dragonriding is garbage. Its only plus is the speed. People really like “interacting” with their taxi? That’s nonsense. Make regular flying as fast as DR and nobody would use DR.


Their metrics are not showing what they want to see.

But TBC flying is still very popular.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


This I can believe, but they still exist.

Just like how they require an authenticator to modify group text, but WTS groups are still there regularly.

You end up just punishing the real players, and at best inconveniencing botters.

Sort of? DR isn’t exactly a tough “skill”. At the end of the day all WoW content happens on the ground. Flight is just a means from getting from A to B.

Frankly the dragon races was just an excuse to justify DRs existence.

The sole benefit of DR is just getting from A to B faster, but I frankly don’t want or care for it to be more “interactive”.

It would be like adding solitaire into the group finder. No. That’s not really the issue. Yes queues suck, but making the group finder more interactive doesn’t inherently make it “better”.


Not sure what metrics you are talking about, but when I am in world and playing the game. Out of every 10 players I see flying only 1 might actually be using TBC flying. This to me wouldn’t be proving to Blizzard that its showing them exactly that TBC is so highly more desired over Dynamic Flying. So I am bit confused by your conclusion or where you are getting this data from.

I see more then 1 out of 10 using old style flying on my realm…its about half and half …I don’t care what anyone says old style flying is easier to use for mining and herbing…there is nothing faster then druid in flight form for herbing, and they are pretty dang quick for mining too even though you shift out of flight form to mine …its instant click to go flight form again…

As for stopping the bots with dragon flying…it didn’t…they went down under ground to do it the easy way…just like in LK same thing…its too bad Blizzard can’t figure a way to stop the bots all together now.


BlizZard thinks they can beat people into submission with DR.

Like I said they are known to do this with anything new they introduce and then back track. Remember Legion PVP templates?

People claimed it was so popular and the pushback remained and all of sudden it was all…gone?

Like I said BlizZard rug pull is coming with DR but people are in denial about it. Look at how they are changing DR in the old world and how they will continue to chip away at DR until it become less fun even for the PRO DR crowd to use.

You have been warned and you all are falling into an elaborate rouse. BlizZard end goal is to remove all forms of flying.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I see people using both still. I can DR a bit better with some of the motion sickness changes, but I still use regular a lot and DR sometimes.


Dragonriding is fun and engaging. Normal flight is autorun and afk. End of story