Classic Era servers are ruined, we need FRESH

Are you worried about not being able to afford your rent in WoW?

What about healthcare costs? Do those repair bills keep rising out of control?

Oh, dang.

This is some delicious irony.

Whitemane Era server is a joke. Bots / Hacks / Boost all day.

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Could have a tax on gold. Won’t feel good, but it would do something for the economy. Percentage-based flight paths, repairs, vendor prices, etc. Tax materials for crafting. Could help a little. Just make it all percentage-based. This would encourage new characters/not keeping a lot of gold on your character.

I don’t know if this would work very well. inb4 called names

It’s ridiculous the notion that GDKPs will somehow go away on a fresh server. Bots will farm it up, people will buy gold, you will see massively inflated economies right from the get go, with botted gold immediately being distributed across the community through GDKPs.

It’s a fantasy. GDKP is here to stay. If it frustrates you because youre now priced out of things…then go to GDKP and get big cuts and now all the sudden your problem is solved. Simple as. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.

The frustrating part is Blizzard is not moderating the game by banner neither the gold buyers nor the gold seller bots.


IMO I don’t really blame blizzard for the rampant gold buying. They tried to ressurect a 15 year old game on the same patches from the original. Since classic era has no expansions or further progression, inflation should be assumed to be a normal occurance. At the same time it seems like a severe amount of players participate in a pay to win method of buying gear for gold from joining Gdkps. You can blame blizzard for not banning enough bots, but the fact of the matter remains that there is a huge demand for buying gold. This is definitely a case of hating the player instead of the game.

Also, a special message for those who pay for in game gold… Find a better investment for your life. You only live for so long and paying for in game power in a 15 year old game is definitely not a great investment. Be better.

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They don’t, but games have cycles, and it’s easier to find groups with other loot systems when people aren’t running around with BiS gear or tens of thousands of gold. Which is good for people who prefer those other systems. Say right now 80% of Era raids are GDKP and in fresh that’s 10%. That’s a lot more choice for people.

GDKPs increased tremendously by Naxx 40 in Classic, so of course they’re so popular in Era.

I personally don’t want fresh for this and I’m not hating on GDKPs, on the other hand, GDKPs being so prevalent in Era and Wrath does not make me want to log in and run them over doing other more entertaining things in life. I don’t play WoW for fake, self-centered, business transactions - or gear or gold for that matter.


Why would I listen to those idiots?

11k for edgemasters ifo nly its 24k for horde

Cata Classic. Thats why I just unsubbed like 30 minutes ago. I wanted to keep playing Wrath. Cata still existed for many years. Just dont buy next expac up after Cata and you are still playing the game.

Ban the sellers, not the buyers. IP ban them. Cut it off from the source.

Because you’re one.

what if they just delete all the gold on the server?

would that be a fix?

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Dude, I’m down; make I surprise attack so no prep is possible.

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Name a big media corporate news source that isn’t trying to sell something. Hell even the larger privateer news outlets eventually sell out.

So, why would anyone consider corporate media as a source of reliable and fully honest information?

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580g flasks
38 gold elixir of mongoose
100g for a stack of nightfin soup



Yep the servers are completely ruined. We need FRESH.

  • cap gold trades between players at 1000g TOTAL per day.

  • cap AH buyout prices at like 10x vendor price.

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Scarcity is not a reality for in-game currency as there is limitless currency. In real life, there are only so many paper dollars being circulated, but even that is less of an issue as digital transactions (not talking about bitcoin) are almost the exclusive means of debt trade now.

The in-game inflation is due to people playing for 4 years and building up wealth. Crafters know this, gear farmers know this, and so they assume it is okay to over-price items. That’s the issue with in-game economies. They are not directly comparable to real-life given how easy it is to attain and retain wealth.

you must be on the carebear cluster… edgies on the pvp cluster are 25k but you can’t even get leveled high enough to use them due to the 24/7 camping