Classic Era Server

Glad era is still going strong

Ive switched back to wrath for now but i reckon that will grow stale eventually and I do want to level my mage on era Whitemane.

I play Horde east coast PVE, and am in the raiding guild there.
More players are always welcome.

So, some differences to Vanilla:
First the bad:
The AH is dead. No bots - which is nice, but no items people need either. You can probably make a fortune by selling dreamfoil, ghost mushrooms, etc, but thereā€™s probably not a ton you want to buy either. If you only have one toon, I STRONGLY advise herbalism to get the mats youā€™ll need (people can craft stuff for you easily and for free). It will largely be on you to farm up the mats you need for the raid consumables, so plan accordingly. If you need more unusual items, they can often be found in the guild bank or by the discord trade channel.

The good and everything else:
The community is small but fairly close knit. There are two 40 man raiding guilds - one raids all content, and the other is currently getting enough people to work their way through MC regularly with some limited cooperation between them. There will be a raid spot for you if you want it (20 mans and MC/BWL), but you will mostly likely not just jump into regular raid spots in AQ40 or Naxx without gearing yourself up first, and being a little patient. The naxx roster is fairly stable, but there are fills and people are willing to cycle out for others if the people are geared. For a naxx spot you will be expected to be decently AQ geared, and have a Frost Resist set (people can make them for you, and runes are provided when youā€™re ready).

One thing to keep in mind, due to Blizzardā€™s inability to make the world buff quests repeatable, dropping a off schedule world buff is kind of a big deal and a big no-no. You are expected to schedule your rend/ony head/nef head/ and heart of hakkar. This applies to both alliance and horde. Off schedule buffs are EXTREMELY frowned upon as there arenā€™t that many to go around to begin with.

40 man raids generally start at 930 (est) in LTD, with the buff train starting around 800 and summons are usually available thanks to some very nice warlocks. The other guild raids around 6 on the weekend.

World bosses like Azuregos and Kazzak are usually killed when discovered (occasionally racing with the other faction), but are not as much of a mad dash as during vanilla (if they spawn in the middle of the night, we often have to wait till morning to have enough people). The dragons of nightmare are sometimes killed, sometimes ignored and pretty much never hotly competed over.

The evenings usually have someone forming a BRD/scholo/UBRS run - but there arenā€™t that many groups.
Boosting is not really a thing. People can run you through RFC/WC if you ask nicely when people are free, and Junsa will take you into his ZG bijou farms if youā€™re on when he does it, but I donā€™t think there are many people doing mara/zf/SM pulls right now, so expect leveling to take a while. Chances are youā€™ll be leveling via questing.

If you have specific questions, just ask and I can probably answer them.

@Forkjustice, just checking back with you. Howā€™s it going so far? Where did you end up? Anything you learned so far youā€™d care to share? Hope things are going well.

Iā€™m an old-time WoW player (started playing in 2005). Iā€™m currently leveling an alt on Wotlk Classic since I didnā€™t raid in that expac but I did enjoy the zones.

Iā€™m enjoying my leveling now. But I donā€™t like the fact that I either need to rush to 70 in 2 weeks or pay for a boost (which makes me sort of cringe). And, even though I want to see the Wotlk end game, Iā€™m kind of dreading the rush-rush-rush and doing dailies and just trying to keep up. I keep thinking of just finding my home again in Classic Era WoWā€¦maybe if I can find a decent guild it would outweigh the empty zones?

@Imirak, how do you add up the total players logged in? I can only ever see a max of 50 people in a specific zone.

@Servius, thanks for this list!

Iā€™m looking for a guild (Horde or Alliance) which isnā€™t too far into progressing, so that I could experience as much progression as possible and eventually raiding. Iā€™m not sure that kind of guild exists? Based on your list, it sounds like most guilds are either social/casual/some leveling or farming Naxx.

Anyone recommend a guild thatā€™s near Phase I or II and progressing and planning on raiding? Thanks.

The Census addon does all of that. It does a who by level ā€œwho 60-60ā€ and if thereā€™s more than 50 in a result it re-runs it by race and, if necessary, race and class

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If youā€™re down for a low pop but tight knit community, come to Grobbulus alliance side and join . Fun group of people who just love vanilla wow, currently clearing MC weekly, and weā€™ve got the first 3 bosses in Bwl down and first boss of AQ40.

Itā€™s been up there with some of the best times in WoW with this crew


How many are in the raid / guild? Sounds like fun

Itā€™s a great time! We usually have id say 25-30 raiders a night (again clearing full MC with this and just starting to progress in BWL with the first 3 bosses down). Donā€™t let the numbers deter you thoughā€¦ itā€™s genuinely been a blast as long as you know itā€™s low pop going into it. The guild coordinates AH days and has a discord for trading and such too. Lots of dungeons being run and super helpful people.

Hard to say how many total in the guild who are active but hopefully the raid numbers help!


@Ido what server you on?

Classic era servers were dead from day one. Itā€™s unfortunate, Iā€™d like to play classic, but thereā€™s simply no one to play with.

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Heā€™s on the Mankrik pve server. Any server in that cluster would work

They may have been dead from day one, but theyā€™re not dead anymore. People have started coming back. The Census addon shows about 100-150 new characters being created on the Mankrik cluster every day. Sometimes over 200. Over 6000 total, currently

Pagle was not dead during Classic Era (or TBC). In fact, it was one of, if not the most, populated PVE servers during the first year of Classic.

Today, while the population is a fraction of what it once once, Pagle is part of the most active Classic Era clusters (East Coast PVE).

Can confirm, thereā€™s plenty of folks looking to do stuff here! Saturday night alone was nuts for me! DPSā€™d in Naxx, then helped kill Hakkar, then tanked AQ20, and finally finished off the night with an Onyxia kill. The following day I did some leveling on my alts with some buddies and did some AQ40, all the while PUG groups are popping off all day long lol.


Iā€™m on the east coast PVE cluster (Mankrik, Windseeker, Pagle, etc)

Do you guys have a discord?

We do! If you make or xfer a character on Grobbulus classic era, whisper anyone in Legacy and they should be able to give you it

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How do I make a classic era character?

Classic Era has its own client apart from retail which is selectable from the bnet launcher

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Think Classic Era will get an influx of SoM vanilla direhards soon?

There will be no other way to play Classic WoW after that. And then people will start to get bored of Wrathā€¦

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