Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

Nope, stupid idea for Era, just stop messing with Era ffs.

Is just me who got serious laught attack? Dude, “sacrifices for it”, its just a video game, its funny who ppl take it serious as toke on early 2000’0 back to teens age.

Fast pace changes seem to be a good thing

You should have done this stuff up front with classic’s rehost. I told you so. It’s too little too late now, don’t you think?

You’re welcome!

im sure its still an intense grind, and you cant just mosey your way to r14.


very nice!

<3 testing for warcraft logs

Neat! I really like all of the changes!

testtesting for wcl

doing this for the log of the clasic

i don’t have a strong opinion either way on this issue

just nerf hunters!


Thank you!

Nice this is nice

read my mind

im only here so i can post warcraftlogs

im only here to post something


Oh thats pretty cool