Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

ggs brother haha

i cant wait

wohoo awesome

ggs guys rank 9 rn

awesome update

liking the pvp changes.

doing warcraft logs stuff

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big same…liking isn’t working so trying this.

Is anyone on Era getting queues to pop during the week? Folks going from R13 to R14, on non-AV weekends, are you having to just grind AV Fri-Sun?

Also, given that queues are slow or seem to be non-existant right now(I may just be checking at the wrong times), what would you all think about having more breakpoints within the higher ranks? They could even be slightly punitive. For example, instead of having to hit 337500 to make progress through R12 (and make 40% progress), you could make 10% progress w/ 160000. Would this further reduce the “value” of R14?

update update

its a me! Mario!

Instead of changing this, why not make PVP more fair?
97% of the Bgs I go into are a dismal failure.
I play games to have fun and it’s not much fun at all.
Too many either don’t know how, are bots, or just go to get kills. They don’t have any incentives to win the BG.
So many people just keep rezzing and running out to duel in mid or the roads.
When it rarely happens to Horde, I want to feel bad but it feels good to see them have to get owned once in a while.
All and all, PVP in SOD sucks.

As a shammy, I’m sure you are. O_O

This isn’t the SoD forum. You’ll have better luck over there.

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So remove ALL incentives to win a BG. Got it. That explains the 95% loss rate on Ally.

In regards to Alterac Valley: there is no way that either side should be able to down Vann/Drek with 4 towermasters still up. One, maybe, but it’s utterly ridiculous that we have 4-5 minute AVs in Classic. Because back in the day, you got one shot if you tried that.

Fix it.

Thank you!

wow this is so amazing, im excited…