Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

so if no one loses ranks… how many rank 1s will there be? Will the SoD have 9999 rank 1 paladins??

Omg This is such an awesome change Decay was never fun So I say thank you blizzard.

And speaking from someone that got to Rank 12 54% to 13 Before my computer died and I lost a week and Finally quit when I was only at 14% I got my computer back.

Yeah d ranking sucks I say good reddens to bad rubbish Honestly who cares if almost everyone has rank 14 Gear I mean we’re still gonna have to grind for it.

You can just do it at your own pace now thank heaven Overall good change thank you blizzard.

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How much honor do you expect they should make R14 now especially with decay being gone? It’s already 4+ million honor required… Which is still weeks of grinding.

so many whinny cry babies here :joy:
I swear to god, wow players will never be happy no matter what :rofl:

Can we even get to R14 at level 25? Or is everyone freaking out about what may or may happen in a year or so?

Is this change going to be retroactive? If my highest rank was rank 14 on classic era, will my title be High Warlord when i login on december 5th?

You have no idea dude

Stop making stuff up out of thin air

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No. They want to you to regrind if you want the title which I wouldn’t recommend doing because the current ranking is less fun than putting your hand in a moving blender.

At least you’ll be more unique by having a lower rank with the rank gear.

Who cares dude? If you didn’t have the time that means you didn’t get it.

Guess what? I can’t do rank 14 in the old system either. I’m not bothered by that. Now I can grind out 8 alts and get r14 on all of them by alt tabbing thru my different accounts in AV. I Don’t need to do any content pre ZG/aq now. Nobody does unless they just “want to”

Just like som, everyone will be in BGs at 60. Good luck finding that brd group


Blizz is internally terrified that SoD is going to flop.

Out of that panic, this no-decay change is their desperate attempt to reduce resistance from the era pvp crowd (many of which are still currently ranking).

good morning sir

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This detaches the difficulty of the r14 grind from pvp population size. I don’t think that is a bad thing. It does take away from the ‘prestige’ (lack of better word) of the r14 grind though. IDK if the tradeoff is worth it, but we’ll see how it plays out.

This response is very two sided, can you make up your mind on what you’re trying to preach here?

My mind was made up based on what the reality of it was.

Not my fault you won’t accept it

I love how this aged. On the WoW cast video just released they confirmed they are in fact gatekeeping R14 stuff until AQ40.

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I didn’t see any proof about this until just a few minutes ago. So I doubt you had any source beforehand

I’m not one who just makes a guess without saying it’s a guess

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This is great… I might push to r14 from r13 now. =)

Edit: Stop crying about raids you will still have access to better gear in raids. And being able to see light at the end of the tunnel and not rely on the rng gods for loot to drop. Running BWL for months and only 1 xbow drops… running AQ40 and not one polearm.

This is a great change.

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preach honor farms

Stop being so dramatic- this isn’t reality TV. You’re acting like T2 equivalent PVP gear is some special endgame achievement when all you or anyone did to get it was PVE your way through AV while semi AFK at objectives.

The real benefit here is for higher ranks- you aren’t forced to do two 40 hour weeks of back to back AV to progress a rank anymore. That’s why I’ve been sitting at R12 on one of my toons- I don’t feel like having to lose two weeks of my life to get R13 doing this mindless crap after work all night. Now you can do 1 week and take a week off. If you want people to be punished with decay for wanting a week off then you’re just a shortsighted child with no responsibilities.

Let’s send out a survey for the amount of people who actually enjoy mindlessly PVE farming AV for 30-40+ hours a week. Do you even know what you’re complaining about?

Also, HWL weps are trash for a lot of classes; they’re outclassed by a lot of BWL weps, let alone AQ40-Naxx.

is this in SOD as well?