Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

Lots of people do the content for…fun. Not endlessly chasing the next best piece of gear. Gear will come, the experience is what matters.


Multi-glad, here I come!

Sorry but this is not what is being advertised with Era. It’s fine to play pretend on your own time but we’re speaking in empirical terms here.

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Could you all please buff Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin honor gains, some of us enjoy Warsong and don’t want to afk in Alterac Valley until rank 14.

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Now’s your chance.

Can’t wait until they add XP gains to running BGs.

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It’s just a dull rep grind now. Not too interested.


Well, there’s always Retail.

Retail came here


Pretty convenient then.

Have you missed what has happened over the past month? Lol.

If you’re going to adulterate ERA this way, then make killing players with a grey level indicator count as a dishonorable kill. Think about it; if rank 14 players don’t have to be in the BGs earning their rank, they should be threatened with losing rank if they grief lowbies.

The spirit of Classic demands that there be no freebies.

That said, it’s always—ALWAYS—best to just leave ERA the way it is.

EDIT: My post doesn’t communicate well how upsetting this change is. It is highly maddening. Just STOP messing with ERA!!!


Whoever is against this already got what they wanted.

Nope, hence why I cancelled my sub :slight_smile:

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this si actually a very welcome surprise, i can play the damn game and even have fun. hurray

nah, its time for games to stop rewarding literal vagabonds.

Oh no, people will have the chance to sleep, eat and bathe while ranking above rank 8.


What does this mean for honor gained the week of November 28th to December 5th? Honor isn’t updated until reset which is when this change will drop, so will no decay affect honor gained this week or just honor gained on December 5th and beyond?

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Hey man i,m just s finding my toons

This is a mistake. Rank 14 never was meant for everyone, I personally grinded rank 14 twice with the old system and I think it was horrible. I was pro august changes, it made it more reachable but it’s still been a fun grind that you had to make time for. Due to the absence of transmog in classic era wearing certain gear gave somewhat of a prestige. It’s a huge part of what made classic era the best version of the game. Now that you’re turning it into a rep grind it makes me don’t even wanna wear it anymore. Actually it makes me dont even wanna play your game anymore.
What happened to no changes? You won’t put a barber shop in classic era and you do this?!?!!?!
And I’m not alone on this, but most ppl from the pvp community just dont post on the forums and complain a lot.

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Its becoming too easy to reach R14 and I’m not in favor of this. If you want to remove decay then increase the honor required for ranking since people can now stop along the way as many times as they need.