Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

It’s still gonna take weeks and numerous hours of playing to get honor and ultimately R14, Is that not a monumental task in itself?


Right but people don’t engage in monumental tasks solely to get to the end. Not everyone engages in triathlons through the Sahara to win them or even finish them. The end should have great reward. But, like I said, that doesn’t mean the entire point of it is the reward.

That’s the difference. For you it’s only about the reward. So you can’t accept a monumental task to get it. It seems to me in your mind that if a reward exists, then it needs to be accessible to all. And that’s fine for how you want to play games. But saying classic should be changed to appeal to you makes no sense.


I agree with your entire post. You’re one of the most thoughtful and understanding of how things should be posters on here.

This change does nothing to address the real issues and the system was already changed enough to where it didn’t take a lot to get R14. This is just the newest tweak and it is obvious that this goes too far for even a lot of people who supported the previous rank change.

How does this help encourage more WSG and AB play even? Oh… it doesn’t.

The gripes from 95% of the PVP player base aren’t even being addressed.

Absolutely. Taking something unique away from the game and turning it into another unmemorable and bland rep grind, something that is already found in a thousand other places in WoW, is pretty sad. The new devs seem to want to just totally throw any authenticity out the window in Era - where the game should be preserved. It really is a shame for any person who loves "Vanilla’.

For those who wanted things not so grindy there are two other versions of WoW sitting there to play. Why certain people deserve to have three/four with SoD versions of WoW tailor-made for them, while others have their only game ripped away to give even more to the overly spoiled group, I’ll never understand.


To be fair, the only way for people not to grind AV would be to remove it or not have it give honor. Anything else people will still play AV because its more fun than WSG and AB.

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Going to a pserver to play an authentic version of the game when the classic one is on official servers shouldn’t be a real suggestion by anyone.

I’ve been reading all your stuff without responding but that suggestion really should be only given in backward land because logically something like what you said should never be the case.

However, Blizzard has a thing for the self-obsessed player base these days who don’t even like or want to play the real game. It must be nice to constantly be handed everything you could ever want.

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Hit the nail on the head.

My classic experience is over because of this. I don’t raid. This decision was made only to appeal to PVE people so they could rank 14 in their downtime between raids.

I’m not really interested in testing how far I can go in this current system because the answer is already 14. It’s easy. Just 8 weeks and I’m done. There’s nothing interesting about that. There’s no mirage carrot on a stick that I could set a goal for and imagine obtaining. I’ll get it. Everyone will. It’s not interesting or unique anymore. No drive to even attempt an effort.

I won’t meet people interested in trying to grind together. There’s no need. They will get it in 8 weeks regardless of me. Everyone will. At which point they can camp BGs and prevent anybody from being competitive who didn’t start at the same time they did 8 weeks ago.

There’s nothing good about this other than just appealing to PvE players that like retail. It’s just such a bad decision I can’t even wrap my mind around it.

But my time with classic is over. The only salvation is SoD and HC challenges if they implement them. Hopefully SoD’s really good. Seems really promising. But it’s unfortunate that I have to put classic behind me now.


Because nobody plays WSG and AB due to little to no queues, which means no honor, which means… decay. With decay being gone I’m almost sure WSG and AB pops will be more often. Now if they added a timer to WSG in classic it would 100% compete with AV.


This nothing worse than getting into a WSG and being stomped my a premade and them refusing to cap the 3rd flag so they can spawn camp you to their hearts content.

I mean… we have had the honor system change for nearly 5 months now and people aren’t preventing others from completing their grind.

This change seems purely to limit the impact that SoD will have on the era population. Because if alot of people are on SoD and queues for any BG takes 45+ mins decay will eat away any progress you make that week.


WSG was popping before the rank changes.

The first rank changes made WSG not really pop anymore, and a lot of people have been posting about that here and elsewhere, so something, ANYTHING, to help WSG and AB pop more, would really be better but we got this thing that only two PVE-focused players asked for. :person_shrugging:

Someone asked at a Blizzcon discussion and they were told pretty much flat out, to just play cata RBGs. :face_vomiting:

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An attempt that requires you to abandon your life strictly for WoW? Lol?


A fresh server with a fresh launch will absolutely have this dynamic though. I think we both know that. A much larger player base comes with enticement for that kind of thing. It’s exactly what will happen.

But I digress. This shouldn’t be something that needs to be discussed. Classic is here for people that want to play classic. The problem is that the developers have disregarded the part of the player base that plays for the PVP side of classic. Simply to make it more appealing to PVE players. That’s their prerogative, but I think it’s a very sad situation.


I’d bet real money that won’t happen.

There’s a 0.000000001% chance.

When they hype for SoD dies down and people go back to era… and the queue times are cut significantly, I will come back and reply to this reply.

For WSG/AB to pop more you simply would need them to give double the honor that AV would, and that still might not make them pop.

People hate AB/WSG because of premades spawn camping them for honor. I haven’t touched AB/WSG since AV came out in Classic because I was sick and tired of being spawn camped by premades.

And when I do play those BG’s its because im grinding Rated BG’s in Retail.

It’s because of how the old system worked. If we had the old system prior to both changes it would likely be near impossible for anyone to hit R14 once SoD comes out.

The changes are to futureproof Era so that it is still possible to hit R14 (also you have to admit it’s nice not losing your R14 title now once you receive it).


I’m okay with future proofing era. My concern is for the next fresh era server. It should have the original system.

I mean if they never do one, then no harm no foul I guess. But I think it’s been implied that they will be doing that sometime next year.

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If we do get fresh era servers, yes it should have the original system (or maybe a tweak where you cant drop below the rank you got unless u have 0 honor and get a dishonorable kill). But still have decay because in theory there should be enough people doing PvP.

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Your doing the lords work!

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I mean I wouldn’t even fight hard against the decay change remaining even for a fresh. Would prefer the full original, but even I will admit the decay was never really the best idea.


Oh, I will too if I’m still having anything to do with WoW at that point, which I’m not really into the direction Blizzard has been taking things in any version of WoW so I might move on to other games totally (NOT WoW pservers)

Doubt you will be back to post though. That 0.000000001% probably applies to you coming back to reply later in the same way.

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Yeah, I think a lot of people are just done thanks to all these changes.

There are only so many times you can be cut before you bleed out.

There are some happy people but they’d be subbed for Retail or Wrath/cata regardless.

The niche market, the players who just wanted “Vanilla” are the ones who will be gone, possibly for good.

I have a year left on Wrath tokens but 9 months are sitting unused so I’m not sure. I don’t ever plan to pay again and I really can just walk away whenever.

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