Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

Thank you Blizz, Now I have an incentive to grind for R14. Glad to see you supporting people that might not have alot of time to grind. <3


I did not say anywhere that I don’t love Vanilla/Classic. The only thing I hate about Classic is the old R14 system being the same and GDKPs.

The turn off was there was nothing new or different than Era servers, why do harder content for the same gear in Era.

The old R14 system was broken, it was hated by the vast majority of players. IMO, aside from spellbatching and some old terrain glitches that have you fall through the floor in Sunken Temple, Classic is an excellent game.

What I hope for Classic+ is finishing old content and quests that were planned for Vanilla and making meme specs viable to try and avoid the Warrior/Mage meta.


Hahaha totally agree. Idk how people is hyped about SoD. Even the text box of skills is in the retail size. Jesus christ!!! What a bulls###

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And? The retail UI is far superior where you don’t need UI addons to actually play the game now.

At least 90% of Classic players do not use the Classic UI (or even the text as there are addons for that). They use UI Addons like Bartender and ElvUI etc.

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I said that, not because the size of skill text is a problem, but because they just ctrl + c / ctrl + v retail to classic

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Classic originally ran on a modified Legion Engine. The more modern engines are more stable and in theory should allow WoW dev’s to more easily swap between Classic and Retail projects if need be.

Also idk why people would be raging against something so minor which might not even be changed in the final project.


Every decision you’ve made recently has been great, but the honor one has been bad. Not everyone has to get rank 14. It was about the journey and that whole community has been dissolved in favor of a retail mindset. Classic should be a place where you can come to play the classic honor system that many people love.

Do what you will with SOD, but it makes no sense to ruin classic era PvP. Login to Whitemane. Half the room is a warlord. It’s just silly.

And when it’s all rank 14s, they’re just going to gatekeep anybody on the battlefield who didn’t start ranking at the same time they did. Every pug will face off against full rank 14 teams. This is bad news all around. A high degree of lacking foresight. Just to impress some dads who prefer PvE.


I don’t see how it “Ruins classic era PvP” it simply makes people want to PvP more especially people that don’t have time to play the game like its a full-time job.


Well it ruins it because it’s not the classic PVP system. You may like a more casualized version of it where everybody gets a trophy, but that’s more of a retail mentality. The classic PVP system should be there for players who want to play the classic PvP system. Not a retailized version of it.


This! It sounds like ranking will still a long time–longer if you are not capping or if queue times are extraordinary. That are a lot of casual players who don’t finish rep grinds. Those players won’t finish the honor grind to rank 14 either. There are players, though, who will happily put in rank 14 time–they just need to parse into chunks around working full time, raising a family, etc.

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It makes the game less like Pre-TBC WoW which is the opposite of what I think Classic Era’s purpose is (or used to be?): to imitate pre-TBC WoW, warts and all.


This isn’t 2007. REAL people don’t have time to grind 18 hours a day for a PvP title.


All ranks now have an asterix. I feel blizzard doesn’t understand the carrot on a stick that drives a lot of why classic PvP was so enjoyable. And I never even got rank 14 – I’m not gatekeeping anything. That’s not the point. It was about the journey. It was about the people you met in the trenches grinding alongside of you; seeing how far they’d go; how far you’d go. If someone dinged rank 14 on your server, it was a big celebration.

That’s all gone now because it’s just about getting the reward at the end and making sure everyone has easy access to it. It’s not the classic experience.

It’s a big mistake.


So don’t grind it…nobody is forcing you…

The game didn’t care about your individual expendable time in vanilla then, and it shouldn’t care now.

It should be shamelessly vanilla, in all of its flaws, and any change to bring it further away from that is the wrong change.


I find it bizarre how Blizzard acts like they’re sticklers about keeping classic classic and not instituting things like 41 yards for name plates because of this, yet go ahead and completely retailize the honor system. Which is an entire dedicated player base of classic.

I’ve just been waiting years at this point for another refresh so I could do the honor grind again and see how far I could take it. I figured it was going to be a year after season of mastery ended. That came and went, but I’ve just been waiting. And now I just see that potential completely dissolved before my eyes.

All so some dads who prefer PVE over PVP can get rank 14 gear in their downtime. It’s just sad.


Vanilla honor is a flawed system that’s why it was changed in TBC. I want to grind but with already not treating WoW as a fulltime job, and long queue times. There is barely an ability to grind. Again this is not 2007.


The disingenuous nature of your comment is wildly obvious.

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What the heck? This isn’t even an argument about what PvP system is “better”.

What’s better or worse is completely irrelevant. You’ve lost the plot.

Whenever looking at a change to Era, please execute this flow chart to easily determine if it is a good idea or not:

Is it like it was in vanilla?




Bad change.

Simple. “Good” and “bad” are relative in this case to what is a good or bad move for Classic Era’s purpose.

If you want to reap the benefits of years of carefully thought out improvements to all of the systems, that’s what retail is for.

We play classic/private servers/era to experience all the old jank and bad design of that time because we liked it that way. This isn’t hard to understand.


I was excited to see the announcement of classic coming out because I loved the honor system so much. I quit during TBC because the changes were so awful. Classic has a very unique honor system that you can’t find anywhere else – which is why it’s so important to preserve it. You don’t like it, that’s fine. But classic is here for people that want to play classic.

This is the crux of the dispute. You only play to get the reward. This is a very normal frame of mind for games now. The journey is not why you play. And playing because of the journey is a trait of classic. And it needs to be preserved.

Not every game needs to have the same design philosophy and appeal to those who must have immediate gratification of reward. Not everyone should get a monumental reward.

Monumental tasks should exist with great reward – especially if the game already has it and it’s supposed to be a rendition of that game. It’s like lobbying to shut down Mount Everest climbing because it’s it takes a toll on the body and not everyone can get there. Bad bad bad.


This is a new era of classic, There’s private servers still open so I hate to tell ya, but you can always go relive your fantasies over there. This PvP update is beneficial for everybody, plus its not a permanent change, I wish we all had the same amount of time to play the game as you do.