Classic Era PvP Update - December 5

if you dont like pvp, just dont pvp. Who likes pvp more to push r14, get r14 rewards. Now, what about just make personal loot for raids? Its the same thing, who dont like pve, just go to nax and get all tier. This change is irracional

No its not irrational. Queues for PvP BG’s are going to plummet because alot of people will be playing Hardcore and SoD.

Having decay would make the R14 grind near impossible unless you want to commit more time to grinding PvP as queues take 45 mins+.


Jesus christ. How you dont realize that remove decay is a bad thing for the game. And you will see the pvp bg’s after people see how bad SoD is. Classis is about legendary items that are rare do get, they are just retailing it, patch after patch.


I am now fully incentivized to grind to grand marshal. <3

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I doubt that, SoD is looking great. And it’s essentially Fresh Servers. It is a alpha/beta test for Classic+ but alot of people are going to be playing it and likely will stick with it.

R14 wasn’t rare at all in Classic prior to TBC Classic. There is nothing skillful about it, to get R14 all you needed was alot of time. The system was horrible and could be gatekept as well.


As an Era-only enjoyer, this change made me cancel my sub <3

Sorry Blizzard but this ain’t it~

(not the only reason, just the straw)


ofcourse is looking great. They just show it on blizzcon, everybody say: wtf is this? and people start copium. They dont even let people play on ptr to have some chance that this bull### will live longer than SoM. And there is no problem dont having any skillful about it. You just need to play, you dont need to be the best of the best to get gear. Now you kinda dont even have to play to get it.

People ask classic plus and they give retail classic, wtffff


Isn’t it actually nice going into an MMO have no data on it? Ya we will have everything uncovered and datamined by December 7th but its going to be fun.

You still need to play to get it, your still going to go for the honor caps and spend the same amount of time (or more if there is a massive drop off in PvP queues on Era). It’s still going to take 8 weeks minimum.

Ya, the thing is they need to see what works and what doesn’t for Classic+. SoM was torn to shreds for no changes aside from no world buffs and harder bosses.

SoD is being bashed for to many changes. The thing is people like you will always be angry at the game and will rage at any chance you get on throw away characters.

The goal of SoD seems to be quite clear, see what changes should go into a Classic+ (like making meme specs viable) and what shouldn’t go into Classic+ (like maybe tank rogues and healer mages).

It’s best to throw alot of stuff and see what sticks then the SoM approach of 2 changes.


You are out of your mind. I’m not anwser more.


As is such with throw away troll characters.

It was torn to shreds because they released the best pvp gear way to early and invalidated raid gear until AQ. Somewhat similar to this pvp update.

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they dont see it. Its not worth the time trying to explain.


It was primarily torn to shreds for the reasons I listed. Also it was, for the PvP crowd, torn to shreds to a lesser extent for that and having the crappy R14 system.

But Era is already fully progressed there is nothing stopping a fresh 60 from going into a Naxx GDKP and buying full T3.

SoD will probably gatekeep the epic GM/HWL items until a later raid phase like AQ40.

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Also it was torn to shreds because they didn’t just do a proper 2 year vanilla cycle. SOM would’ve been a success if they would’ve just copy pasted 2019 classic servers. Eras thriving environment is proof of that.


Doubtful, people didn’t like not having World Buffs in SoM. There was a drastic drop off at the start and SoM didn’t really recover because people would rather stick to Era or TBC.

Era is a thriving environment right now because people aren’t happy with the state of WotLK (and likely won’t play Cata either). I went back to Era because WotLK just wasn’t fun.

You call crappy r14, but when it comes about the things you like, you say something that you dont even know, “sod will problably blá blá blá”, how if you have 100% sure. No words more is needed to see what kinda of player you are. In the end this game is like real life, hard time make strong people, strong people make easy times, easy times make weak people, weak people make hard times. This is a analogy for the classic hard items to get and hard ambience that classic have, and what it became xpac after xpac.

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I called the old R14 system crappy. It was stupid that you needed to compete with your own faction to gain ranking. The R14 grind was detrimental to players requiring 12+ hours of non stop pvp a day.


And I highly doubt it. People went from classic to tbc, thats why it was stayed dead for some time. Now people realize how unfun is wotlk is compared to classic, and came back to era, and are staying on it. The vanilla is the way to go brother, and you will see it. Just make other classes viable by making it have a little more mana regen and stuff. People love world buffs, what people don’t love it the world buff making it impossible to play because of timer. Now with chronoboom, this issue is resolved. Vanilla is the way, vanilla. If you don’t like vanilla, go play another game, but the best version of wow is the vanilla one, no fly mounts. The true rpg. There is no more game like these in the market. You can be saturated with wow, but it doesn’t change the fact that vanilla is the wayyyyyy.


So a copy paste of classic 2019 philosophy would’ve been better since world buffs were in classic2019.

Era is thriving because people want vanilla and are willing to play on a fully progressed servers with no future updates coming because vanilla is the best version of the game by far. If they would just give us fresh servers that progress exactly like era then people would do it all over again.

The one year lifespan of SOM was a huge turn off for a lot of people. This is vanilla, not a season of Diablo but Blizz can only treat the game like its a comp shooter with the season concept. It didn’t give enough time for people to get really set in into the server. Also, it took incentive out of longterm grinds because the server was going to end soon anyway. Making successful vanilla servers is real simple. Blizz has already done it. They just need to copy them to fresh servers.


Players like you are obsessed with fixing things that aren’t broken.