LOL. I was just thinking of doing the same. Although if the meta changes they are probably going to ghost.
Imagine the boredom of running “alts and alts” through AV “until SOM2” to get them to R13.
LOL. I was just thinking of doing the same. Although if the meta changes they are probably going to ghost.
Imagine the boredom of running “alts and alts” through AV “until SOM2” to get them to R13.
My buddy just got done makesg 28k hph in wsg last night lol. Wait till it inches over
rofl literally impossible
Discord tag?
I’ll link the proof
So he did what 20 wsg in one hour? Considering there are almost no wsg running at all I think this is just a butt hurt post because the pugs aren’t there to farm anymore are they?
There were premades queing last night homie.
it looks like blizzard might try to buff FGH turn ins
I don’t care what they buff. Keep coping!
I know you don’t.
You’re a random passerby like 90% of everyone else ranking and disappearing
Hopefully the gear improves your capability as a player
There are a few pieces I will use in pve. When I move onto my Shadow Priest the rank 13 set will definitely improve her farming capabilities. More Twilight Text per hour for sure! Keep Coping!
I’m glad you can finally farm on your SP.
Nobody was ever mad about you farming and being solo your entire time playing wow
if getting r13 to farm twilight texts is the height of your game good for you
You should seek emotional support for whatever is bothering you. Something real life obviously. I’m just going to let you be now. I don’t want to be even partially responsible for your impending mental break down.
You care enough to keep responding to me
You’re scarred from classic.
you couldnt hack it
You returned to the forums after the mark nerf out of scorn
8 min WSG wins = 3400 honor per game + x3 turn in of 800 honor. 4200 honor in 8 minutes. Assume I play 6 games an hour, I am banking in 25.2 HPH. GG have fun in AV, ill cap in half the time.
Then even LESS WSGs will be firing off because the only reason people join a BG in the first place is to hit caps, right??
Lol. I capped and swaped to my Alliance toon to have more fun.
So it’s about fun then and Honor/hr is meaningless!
The only way you’re playing 6 games of wsg in an hour is if they’re all very fast 3 caps and wait times are very very short. Which means you’re not actually interested in having fun or pvping.
Or hes going to cap faster than you and you are mad about it and reply to cope.
if you didnt care you wouldnthave even responded
You are an overtly cynical human being
Wednesday Morning at 9:30 AM and there are 3 AV’s going. So much for the wishful thinking of the pug farmers. AV Meta is here to stay. You can always go to Redridge and gank level 20s to get that warm fuzzy feeling that you used to get from farming pugs in wsg. Maybe form a raid make it a social thing.
There have been more wsg popping. Idk what you’re on about. I was literally queing last weekend and there was just an era wsg tournament last weekend as well
I don’t play to farm pugs. I play to fight competitive premades and I have provided proof in the past that this is what I play for