as an enjoyer of Vanilla PVP, it saddens me to see the system favor a PVE game mode (Alterac Valley). The honor per honor for doing close to nothing except hitting Vann/Drek is crazy. Can we please show some love to true vanilla PVP, and buff honor in Warsong Gulch? It would make the gameplay far more enjoyable/competitive compared to the current meta.
Agreed, optimal HPH coming from base racing AV and avoiding all PVP is bad for the game.
It’s even worse when some of the pure PVE-focused players go on about how you are “griefing them” because you want to actually PVP and not follow their brainless, unfun, meta in a way that that even a bot could easily do.
Nerf AV, even adding the SoM AV would help a little. Then buff WSG and and AB.
I dont think it would make much of a difference, they would still sit in AV because it requires very few people to even complete it. Most dont participate in anything meaningful in av so even a loss is no big deal when u can just chill in av do nothing and watch a movie then requeue. I dont believe tripling the hph in the other bgs would make a huge difference. Players today want the most for doing the least. If sitting in av doing nothing for a few mins gives fair HPH they will do it regardless if you get more in wsg or ab for a win. Its simply faster and they require no effort.
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I think you have a point here, however, if players were given the option of higher hph for a PVP-focused game mode like Warsong Gulch, a big portion of those players currently queueing Alterac Valley would be playing Warsong Gulch.
If players want to afk in AV and watch a movie/do nothing, sure. But if that’s literally the BEST hph, it just kills the entire system.
Perhaps, but does it change on wsg or ab weekends? do you double or triple the games ? iF not that it stands.
Wtf is this abomination I’m seeing?
Maybe, maybe not. AV was desolate for over a year but now the shoe is on the other foot. Why would you want people (who don’t want to be in WSG) in your WSG anyways?
I agree that AV meta is pretty bad but a WSG meta would be even worse. WSG is the lowest form of PvP in Classic. I would much rather see a renewed focus on AB being the meta.
Why do you say this? Actually curious.
The way I see it, WSG / AB are BiS, but for different reasons.
WSG would be playable if they put in the RBG version from retail.
WSG on vanilla is:
- People buying gold and spending 1000g per match on consuming
- People abusing terrain exploits to attack you through what should be LoS
- People abusing broken terrain to jump up walls and extend the game indefinitely
Overall a very terrible and skill-less game mode that is dead for a reason.
You get better PvP in AV, which is crazy.
You sound like a player who isn’t good crying about being bad. Get good or queue av i guess
Have you tried just getting good
Nobody spends 1000g on a match. You making stuff up and your cope is noted. Go back to afking in av
Actually, I have never lost a WSG in vanilla. It is just too boring and the meta is insanely stale thanks to players abusing bugs. At least in AV you get to fight other players. WSG is a contest to see who can exploit the best. I feel sad for anyone who wants to win that contest.
Proof you’ve never lost a wsg in vanilla?
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That’s so incredibly rare that its not worth mentioning.
That’s true, but this is not unique to “Vanilla” it happens in Retail also.
Also not unique to Vanilla… Also a problem in retail.
Just because you are personally see it that way does not mean its true. Its easy to have a bias because you have never experienced any different.
Depends on the match, I have had matches that were purely PVE and others that were the glorious double turtle.
Sure, here you go. Stop attacking me instead of the valid points I make.
i.imgur .com/hNdJf1n.png
You clearly haven’t played enough retail if you think these problems weren’t fixed in the new WSG.
sir, I am here on my hands and knees BEGGING YOU to chase. my. cat!
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You haven’t made a valid point.
So far your statement was:
Pvp happens in AV
Is your idea of pvp: the blue Zerg stands opposite of the red Zerg. Blue and red Zerg proceed to blizzard eAchother and multishot
From range. Zergs move back and forward aoeing continuously
Wow. So profound! So pvp!