Classic Era PVP Change Suggestions

Currently no wsg going. You judge Meta not but what holiday weekend it is but by what everybody is doing during the week. You keep up that positive attitude though. Now 4 AV’s going at 9:44 am est. on a Wednesday! That is actually an improvement from when I finished ranking.

It’s 8 in the morning dude.

Of course there’s no wsg going. I know you finished ranking. You’ll never q another bg on the toon again.

As long as wsgs pop in the evening I’ll log on and q a few.

Ranking on era is a lost cause anyways with fresh right around the corner. There are also a lot of talk from decent sources that rated BGs might be included. If so, that’s a win win for me

Actually just q’d for AV for kicks. Shows what you know. Actually did a few wsg’s this past weekend just to see. It is still garbage.

Garbage because you don’t know how to play wsg

There are also scheduled games for this Saturday evening. Meaning I’ll get to play pre v pre.

That’s all I care about, that I get some decent games.

And if the rateds push thru on the next seasonal, I’m going to have the time of my life

Why don’t you come to run some games Saturday? I’ll get you a discord link and we’ll see if you’re any decent at all. You play a priest don’t yu?


You do that. I’m happy for you. I’m even happier though that Wsg is dead for raking meta. The funny thing is I ran WSG Pre-mades in Vanilla as I’ve told you many times. It was the most boring way to rank. At least AV raises my blood pressure slightly.

You were one of those premades that instantly folded vs other premades im sure. Or were just 1 cap andys.

AV raising your blood pressure really makes me question what sort of gamer you really are.

You going to game w us this weekend or not?

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If it allows you to sleep better thinking that I am happy for you!

I don’t have to think it.

I know it. And you know that I know

Just finished up that AV I supposedly would never go into again. The same battleground I repeatedly told you would be the ranking Meta indefinitely. At least you’re consistent. Consistently wrong but consistent none the less.

You’re a neutral wsg/ab av ranker.

Imagine queing av at all at r14.

Are you declining my invitation to some pre v pre this Saturday?

I know av rankers abhor the thought of having to put in effort to win anything.

You aren’t a pvper. You’re a gear collector.

If rated gets pushed thru next fresh, your demographic will not be able to get whatever reward they provide for the top bracket

You’ll be asking for it to be normalized, just like low rated arena players do

I have a few simple rules in wow on who I will and won’t play with whether it is pvp, or pve. I have similar standards for day to day life including who I will and won’t do business with. A benefit of being good at what you do. If I get that, I’m back on the playground in Junior High feeling, I’ll show you the door. If I was more specific than that I’d get another ban from the forums. Lets just say you’re not my type. The equip I have in my bank is my current PVE set, wands, and some nature resist equip I’m saving up for AQ40. Definitely not a collector of anything, by nature I’m the opposite of a hoarder, I love throwing stuff away.

So it’s a dodge. You wouldn’t be playing with me. You’d be on the other faction. You are alliance aren’t you?

Getting banned on the forums, what would we ever do with ourselves

Did you really just necro a thread from a month and a half ago to say “I told you so?”. All that shows is how often you think about this.

Yes, there have been more WSG games than when this thread was made and there are also people who are just not playing Era now, such as myself because bland AV games and running Naxx for the 100th time in GDKP form isn’t really that fun to me. I know that you wouldn’t get that though as you don’t don’t play for fun at all but instead out of some sort of addiction.

Ganking lowbies who can’t fight back is never why I personally played. I got bored of that in 2005.

The people who don’t like the AV meta just seem to be the people who like good games and good competition, and that comes through in their forum posts. Showing that you don’t understand peoples motivations at all, only what you make up.

That sounds about right especially when you think about the alliance on Pagle. With early classic games those from the Pagle servers would AFK 90% of the time before the first cap or any clash, hiding by the portal or more memorably making an arrow by laying down as a group that pointed at the flag before not rezzing again.

I like how you offered Jazzy a challenge but let’s be real. They are happy as they just wanted another bland, retail-style, rep grind for gear so they could farm twilight texts solo or whatever. They don’t like PVP at all and don’t play for it at all.

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He’s just playing out of addiction as you said.

He doesn’t want any friction, doesn’t care about improving, any of that.

You’re spot on with players just flat out not playing era, waiting on fresh. And you’re right, there are far more WSG popping since the creation of this thread

You and I both said that would happen

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Another example of you being wrong about most everything. I’m a min/max kind of guy and have been in both Retail and Classic since Legion. I expect nothing less from myself than no deaths, the most decurses, and purple/pink parses. I thrive in the business like atmosphere of streamer guilds. But I can also be in a semi-casual guild, like the one I’m in now, without being a d-bag to people who are still learning. Current guild is pure progression with no Naxx geared players carrying us. With a dozen or so who until recently had never even been in bwl.

You said you were getting r14 to farm twilight texts. Nothing about your persona screams to me you’re a minmaxer

Go ahead and link me those logs. Prove your claim

Oh this explains everything. You’re an orbiter. You ever seen the absolute henious capabilities of most streamer guild players? Actually I don’t even know why I asked that. Of course you can’t tell the difference

Anyways why don’t you link me your mains era logs and prove your claim sir

My sense of humor eludes some. I do farm Twilight Text for 2-3 hours a week for raid consumes but not exactly my favorite thing to do. I’ll link you some of my logs if you’d like. The Streamer guild I was in during Legion Mythic raiding / m+ was a very positive experience. The same with the streamer guild I was in classic. If there was somebody who wasn’t pulling their weight they were taught. And as long as they were willing to learn there wasn’t an issue. Both had Human Resources officer :), which kept the d-bags on the other side of the fence.

I want your classic logs on your classic character. That’s how I can verify it’s you.

I don’t play retail

What “streamer guild” were you in in classic? Because I likely will know what guild it is

That explains all I needed to know about you. Classic is essentially my retirement home from being sweaty for so long.

So just claims you know I wouldn’t be able to verify. I’m not looking for your deflection with retail. This is a classic wow forum not a legion forum.

I want your classic logs and your “streamer classic guild” name