Classic Era PVP Change Suggestions

EZ solution.

Change the honor system back to vanilla’s. It was fine the way it is and wsg/ab was the meta cuz premade groups can easily outfarm an AFK-botter

The only reason why AFK AV is a thing is because of the ez honor gains and RP not being relative to other ppl on ur faction.
since the honor to bracket 1 is only 500K and is permanently fixed at such a low number, ppl will jus afk the whole week in AV


Basically, it took us 140 posts to get to that brilliant solution. GJ team.

I agree lol this new system sucks.

It’s not about wsg jumps, or consumes, it’s about a system that promotes the path of least resistance, which is to afk in AV. Don’t need to respect (you’ll prob not PVP anyway), don’t need to contribute (let the other 39 other ppl do the work), don’t need to premade, don’t need to worry about losing, you’ll get honor anyway.

Just need to bring back the old system instead instead of making ranking and obtaining high rank available to anyone that’s willing to spam AV non-stop with very little effort.


There were a few of us saying that changes to the honor system would have unintended consequences and that Era should not be about changes, but there was so much excitement about these changes that being anything but happy over them led to getting attacked, or at least not really understood.

I do get it as people thought that there would be more interest in PVP, which is kind of true, and the thought was that the fun could be back with WSG and everything else. I really do understand that part. Especially since Blizzard was going to do what they wanted to regardless and it’s better to be happy over something that you can’t even control.

Still, a few of us did speak up about potential problems, and how Era should be #nochanges in the blue post thread, so just be aware of that.

I met tons of really awesome people that I still talk to about non-WoW things by being part of a PVP community that others labeled as just some mafia clique, all while having fun doing BGs, working as a team, and playing the game. That’s peak gaming fun to me.


It definitely brought back participation in pvp!

But not actually pvping. Just participation to afk in av. Lol

Fresh when

Wcyd. Once a pve Andy always a pve andy


I’ll be there :wink:

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I unironically think if they raised the cap to 800k 3/4 of the people ranking rn would stop immediately

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If people wanted to queue WSG this thread wouldn’t have been made?

It is very weird to me how a set group of people are utterly convinced that WSG is perfect the way it is but also they say it is completely dead and people need to be forced to queue it.

In its current form it doesn’t appeal to casuals or competitive players, which is a huge problem.

I said in my first post to you that I understood your point, despite you showing zero desire whatsoever to understand mine. instead, you are just like “Oh dead game” in every post with the level of understanding that a rock would have. :roll_eyes:

You also have yet to explain why it makes sense to have the exact same WSG experience in three versions of the game.

Personally, if I wanted to play Retail WSG and Wrath WSG they are right there, yet I don’t because I don’t find either one of those fun and therefore not worth spending ANY time with. Now if you don’t like Era WSG then cool, don’t play it. You still have two other versions of WSG you can play. You simply wish to strike the option from others. Maybe because someone in your life has taught you that niches and uniquenesses are bad.

Metas change, Era had WSG games going for a year and things may go back to that. My primary concern is keeping what is unique about this version of the game there so that I, and others like me, don’t have to go down the road to the copycat store to get what we want.

Neither of us are devs so the argument is mostly pointless. Blizzard already made the changes they wanted to with Era WSG.

You are straw-manning me so hard it is actually mindboggling.

WSG players are the ones who say it is dead, not me (although obviously I agree.) HENCE WHY THIS THREAD EXISTS.

“WSG meta” only existed for so long because Era itself was completely dead and therefor AV never popped.

Are you actually implying that even if the maps where the same, that Retail, Wrath and Classic don’t dramatically change the enjoyability of the experience?

The reality is this:

Premades need pugs queuing wsg, so they can get their farm on honor/hour wise. Most of them have zero interest in fighting another premade and will actively dodge games rather than be stuck inside a stalemate for an hour+

However, what incentive is there for a pug or lower tier player to queu wsg? The only people running WSG for honor (read the tryhards) are in premades. WSG is atrocious honor/hour pugging. Now you have more premades than average and weaker pugs on average. Whole lot of fun getting absolutely stomped by a premade, or spending 1.5hrs trying to convince the window lickers on your team that you can’t actually return a flag solo against 5 defenders while they 9man defend (or more often: 3 man defend and 6man mid and still somehow DON’T get any kills)… Honestly, pug WSG has been pretty insufferable since the xrealm bgs patch back in OG vanilla… and that’s before other things like pugs not knowing jumps, not having FAPs to reach the roof that the E-hunters have frost trapped to hell, etc.

And all of that above has a snowball effect… the less talented and fewer the number of pugs queuing wsg, the more likely the few that do queu have brain dead teamates or are matched constantly against premades, which just makes the problem worse and worse.

My presumption here, is that you are a more dedicated (read less casual) player. Maybe you’re one of the guys rolling 10 deep in those 6min games with a good group. I’ve run in plenty of those groups in my time, but I also spend a fairly inordinate amount of time just solo queuing, mostly because r14 is pretty meaningless to a warlock, when even BWL gear is literally better in 99% of the situations. The point is, I’ve seen the meta from both ends, and I’m not at all shocked that wsg participation sucks. The only reason I’m even able to tolerate it at all is literally because I always have at least 3x lvl 60s, and can just immediately /afk out of any game that is against a premade (which the bad ones CAN be beaten, but it’s not really worth the effort and especially not worth the time if in WSG), or any games with gigantic talent mismatch (pointless to stay in an AB where your team is barely holding farm as their only base). I just don’t care to waste my time on outright bad games, and you get a TON of those pugging (and I’m fully aware that then leaving people to backfill into already bad games also causes their experience to suck, which only further deflates participation, but wcyd? The premades themselves don’t want to give up pubstomping, even though they’re pretty universally also bored out of their damn minds since half the time pugs won’t even accept the gy rez when getting stomped against a decent premade. It just is what it is. Can’t really blame them for jumping into AV and avoiding all the mess…

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I’ve asked you one question and you’d rather repeat your tired “dead game” comment.

You’ll never understand what I’m saying because you do not want to. Metas change all the time and WSG will probably be back. There are still games sometimes as it is but yeah I support what the OP asked for here.

It does not need the changes that you suggest. I find it gross that people want to turn Era, a game that really shouldn’t be touched at all, into another bland and boring Retail so badly which is exactly what you are asking for. Wrath was already ruined with this mentality.

There’s no point in having a “conversation” with someone who refuses to do anything but repeat themselves from their first post on so I’m done.

Fair enough and i get it. So no changes. No honor changes … nothing. Fair enough then?

Replying to this first:

No changes at all is 2000x better than destroying WSG going into other seasons and fresh versions. Yes. I get your point.

Yes because then it just comes down to classes and abilities and things like that. I thought about that when I wrote what I did but I’ll still stand by exactly what I said.

I will tell you that I DO NOT like changes in Era. This game should be mostly static. Changes take things away from the people who want to play Classic, a game that had changes but Blizzard did not try to change very much at the time, and changes often have unintended consequences.

A change here would imo, maybe not yours, drive the “wrong group” away because the other group can get what they want elsewhere already on the same sub. Wrath is similar enough but has the changes already that you want, outside of Death Knights/shammies and pallies both sides and the FvF anyway. So people can go to Wrath for something similar right now.

Also as a note, I don’t agree with some of the comments made in this thread to you and I found those awkward. I do think people are just trying to be protective.

People weren’t really premading WSG when this new system came out. It was like a handful of people grouped up.

There’s a horde premade group queue syncing AV right now that rushes to the end and gets 594 honor a game plus the tokens. I think this is totally stupid because they could spend an extra minute and quadruple that number, especially as a premade. However, that’s actually more of a premade because that’s four groups of 5 joining AVs.

True story I found an old post I wrote from one month after WSG was released (from July 2005), before cross-realm BGs, where I wouldn’t play WSG anymore because it was so frustrating to play in pugs where people ran around doing whatever they wanted while getting farmed by as I put it an “organized alliance team”. The solution was to run with a group talking on vent. Once I did that it was quite a bit more fun than pugging. Just like I raid with guilds/static groups or don’t bother.

So anyway my solution to people not liking being pug stomped has always been to find a premade team because it’s a more fun experience anyway for most people who are social and even like to try hard. So yes your assumptions of me are correct. When I play I want to play hard and be around others who want the same thing.

I do get your point and the point that some others have made. I just don’t really agree with your solution. I think it’s fun that “Vanilla” had all these wonky things, to me it’s part of the magic.

For whatever it’s worth I’m another one of those weirdos who like premade vs premade games especially when evenly matched. That to me is like peak play. Pug stomping is kind of boring but it’s still better to at least be able to chill with fun people even though as someone has put it to me before “You are having fun laughing it up while those pugs are miserable”. So yes I do get your point and the point with people doing AV because they don’t want that but a lot of those guys don’t enjoy AV either and they are JUST doing it for the gear.

So anyway that’s my perspective and I know you like long posts so I hope you got through it. Again, I do get your point but I still don’t think that changes with consumes and jumps are the right call, even with AV being so popular.


I cannot believe you have written no less than 50 paragraphs arguing against things that no one even said.

To be clear, I am perfectly fine with there being no changes. WSG will continue to be a dead game mode, as deserved, and life will go on.

You don’t get to say “Oh I am against changes…but buff the honor so that the meta is changed!!”

No, Blizzard should not change the game to make less than 50 people happy.

If you want to play “competitive” battlegrounds Cataclysm RBGs will be out soon. There you will find your “good even matchups.”

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That’s fine because I like to type. Really I was just trying to get you to answer something but you are hard stuck on repeating “dead game”. So it’s all good.


I’m actually all for players changing the meta too and I’ve suggested how to in another thread. The PVP honor system change that just happened was a change and I didn’t want that either but some people are happy about that so that’s just how it is. This would be a very minor thing on top of that, unlike WSG changes which would be major.

Well, Blizzard doesn’t read these threads anyway so it doesn’t even matter. I’ll post what I want just as you do.

NOT interested.

  1. Cata RBG WSG is still not the same as the “VanIlla” one, so your recommendation just means you haven’t understood most of what I’ve typed outside of liking competitive games. Which is not surprising.
  2. Wrath is so incredibly terrible that I won’t go back there. Ever. When it progresses to Cata included. I listed 20 reasons for myself to quit and that was easy. Wrath Classic is a solid 0.01/10 game. Cata Classic will also be a solid 0.01/10 game because it will have the same trashy 30k one-sided servers with that awful non-community.
  3. I did everything I wanted to in Cata when it got released and ran a RBG/raiding guild. I don’t want a repeat of that.

Massive wall of cope.

Av will last a month.

It never lasts forever. On any server. Because actual pvp players don’t play av, and you’ll see those “dead” BGs come back when the only people who want to q BGs are pvpers.

I have evidence. You just have an emotional opinion

So, “dead bg as it deserves” will come back and you’ll cope more and seethe I guess. Something about it hurt your feelings in some way. What makes you so mad?


WSG is broken, there is no point in defending it.

  • Put in a 30 minute game timer.
  • Patch up the unintended terrain bugs/holes/jumps etc.

I get that some people think it is “skill” that their FC knows all the ways to completely evade the other team but it is super lame. PVP does not stand for “Parkour vs Parkour” folks.

30 minute game timer needs to be there because its WSG, and geared teams are going to roll undergeared teams that can’t do anything but take the L due to power difference. No point in that game going on for hours with a stream of suckers filling spots as people nope out.

Are we just going to ignore the fact the OP of this literally use to groom kids and underaged minors in the ranking discord in original classic release and would have them “earn their bracket” by exposing themselves on cam???

Your dreaming. I’ve got alts and alts of my alts that will be grinding to rank 13 once my main is finished her run. AV will be popping till SOM2 comes out.

I’ll bookmark this post for reference in time