Classic Era PVP Change Suggestions

There is only 1 argument needed to defend the terrain exploits:

WoW ‘PvP’ is a memesport. It does not matter, at all.

Perhaps the only thing more pathetic than trying to legitimize this candycrush minigame with non-abuseable terrain would be the loser trying to convince others that this is some serious, competitive environment.

It’s pretty obvious you’ve run out of reasoning and argument here. Saying the word “cheating” over and over isnt going to accomplish nor change anything. These jumps are in the game. You can either pipe down and dodge the bg, or learn the bg and get to the point where these jumps do not phase you. Majority of pvp enjoyers know these jumps exist and it doesn’t change their effectiveness in game.

Nope. The topic is jumps, not cheating. By the way, 90% of the games i played in som i didnt have to use a single consumable. So your assumption is completely moot and idiotic and shows you dont know WTF you’re talking about. There were like 2-3 teams in total where I ever had to start using consumables because they were putting up resistance.

I have already explained to you why that is not the case. You’re just repeating the same claims over and over now. The only thing that changes is movement being 100% predictable, which is even worse for pugs running flags. I’d argue a complete death sentence

I love how you wrote out a big long winded gotcha novel and got wrecked by a single football analogy and the fact that enclosing the map further only worsens the chances for everyone as they are now 100% predictable travel pathing

You simply don’t know enough about the bg, nor do I even really think you care to get better at it.

And no, resorting to obtuse tos claims and name calling me isnt helping you any. You flipped the switch quickly from your counterargument novel into insults and straw mans. This tells me I won and you’re out of ammo/logic

Same thing as despitebeing here. One of the biggest trolls on the forums, who sanded to rank 14 with 4k hks and believes he has merit to talk about pvp when he isn’t even honored in any bg except AV

And you where rebutted by me pointing out that ZERO druids ever go any way other than GY side, straight to the jump. This was obvious on the ptr you claimed to have been playing. They go GY side because it’s a sizable advantage running both to the team’s respawn point, and because the jumps help filter off players unable to make the jump.

The jump was not intentionally designed into the map, and abusing the EXPLOIT does constitute cheating, no matter how many times you try and justify it, or deny it. YOU ARE CHEATING at the game. I don’t give a single care if blizzard is actually banning for it or not, there’s PLENTY of other rampant cheating and exploiting that goes on in this game that goes unpunished.

It’s not name calling you. I’m pointing out that your actions, are in fact, cheating. And should in fact, be bannable if this pathetic shell of a company had any damn integrity left in it. I was merely curious to see whether you actually had self awareness to perhaps recognize your behaviors. You CLEARLY don’t.

Laughable attempt at a rebuttal when you STILL haven’t been able to say anything beyond blizz doesn’t ban for it. You still can’t even admit that you are exploiting.

You literally have brought NOTHING to the conversation as of yet. Bad faith attempts at an argument, and not so witty attempts to excuse your behavior aren’t valid. When YOU want to actually join the conversation, and justify why YOU ARE ENTITLED CHEAT AND EXPLOIT at the game, we begin to have an honest conversation. Until, then you’re just deflecting.

“They go gy side” How you gonna prove they ALL go gy side? I played a ton of games where they went ally zerk up ramp, directly into their tunnel or tot jumped to avoid E team. If they all went up GY jump that means your team was either

  1. not in midfield or near the efc in any way shape or form or

  2. was dogpiled in front of E tunnel --in which case had that jump been removed the druid would have to run right into that blob of enemies because a map with no jumps only allows tunnel and ramp–

  3. Were behind the druid and being peeled, as the druid likely will not try that jump if your team is ahead of him at the gy and not peeled (as this jump is very risky under pressure and alot of druids fail it when pressed)

You can cover your ears and violently scream “NUH UH!!!” all you want to. They are in the game and you will either learn them or dodge forever. Nobody calls this cheating but flat out noobs and bads.

“NUH UH!!! CHEAT! CHEATER! CHEATING!” Hate that you feel that way but jumps are still there. Get good or go back to the snow

Not laughable in the slightest. Your only reasoning for removing jumps was “id argue its better for pugs!” which is claim you followed up with zero explanation on why you think that is

Why don’t you take center stage here and explain to the audience exactly how enclosing the map further is going to benefit pugs. Do you have any proof that would be the case? Do you even have a single scenario you can describe to us where limiting flag carrier movement will benefit the flag carrier?

Typing in caps, slamming your keyboard and calling me a cheater doesn’t change the fact that jumps are in the game and you’re bad at wsg. Go watch the guide and practice. You’re just a noob screaming “nuh uh” and name calling. You started off decently, and devolved into a caveman

Q AB/WSG and break your frozen tundra shackles!

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Terrain exploitation. Man where do your retail players come from? You are so disassociated from the Vanilla scene it’s wild. Learn to press spacebar and use consumes (it’s classic wow).

I have to agree -

  1. Jumps - it’s part of the game, call it a “mechanic”, literally anyone that takes the time to learn can do it. It’s space bar not rocket science. It’s hardly cheating, (lol @ horde cart is a safespot). I agree that the jumps make the game more fun, more complex. Also, both sides have some more “challenging” jumps, it’s not like one side is favoured, both factions have it. Besides, if it was really cheating, why don’t people get banned for it? why is it still in the game to this day (rip horde gy jump)? It’s not a safespot, everyone can do it, and many people can counter it using ABILITIES (wooahh!!!) or position or better yet, learn it and do it.
  2. Consumables - all countered by players with a brain, Free action potions, restorative potions, etc. are all dispellable (unlike in Wrath), can CC someone using speed etc. again assuming players can use abilities (and some braincells).

Regardless, the motivation for this post is to address the lack of diversity in BG, where the only BG that’s actually popping is AV, even on non-AV weekends. This weekend is AB weekend - 5+ AV, 1 AB. The honor rewards in AV are so high relative to effort, it’s fair that it’s the only BG someone ranking would queue, just needs to be nerfed, or the other BG’s buffed. Even the greater turn-ins don’t make queuing for any other BG worth it (also because the other BGs never pop). It’s also very counter intuitive that in this current meta, the greater honour gains come from the least amount of PVP lol. WSG and AB force you to use your abilities, in AV, 90% of the time you don’t have to encounter a single individual from the other faction and the other 10% you PVE them like you would any other NPC lol it’s a joke of a BG and rewarding players that much honour to rush boss points to an obvious flaw in the system.


It is very sad that retail/WOTLK token enjoyers are commenting here and not actual vanilla players. Surely we get APES and the actual vanilla enjoyers in here rather than captain i make excuses for every single time i am not as talented as the enemy. It is vanilla wow, where WSG is the only competitve aspect left besides PVE.

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He pressed space bar!!! HES CHEATING 1111

This post is fantastic. I 100% back this. Thanks Hitoki. It adds an entire element to the game to learn jumps/counter others doing them. Same with consumables and dispels.


WHAT IS THAT SHINNY WATER THING BENEATH HIS FEET, I CANT STUN HIM?? woooahhh cheating (or he must be buying gold, because who farms oily black mouth right???)

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Do people know free action potions can be dispelled?

Surely if you “PVP” you do

Apparently not.

Should we make a youtube channel strictly for noobs

Maybe an updated Warsong guide is necessary. For noobs and retail players? - I take that back, it would have to be a bible of how to use your abilities for every class at this point if we’re down to “how to dispel a fap”

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Everyone with even a shred of intellectual honesty or common sense considers it cheating.

In OG vanilla, there was an exploit, where upon a warlock could soul link to an enslaved demon, and the soul link buff would stack. Repeat this enough times, and eventually you take less damage than the amount of health you passively regen and gain functional immortality.

By your logic, not an exploit, not cheating.

Taking the flag out of the map? Also not cheating, LEARN THE JUMPS NOOBS!!111

Do you see how stupid you sound, yet?

If you where intended to be running up the GY side, there’d be an obvious ramp on the GY side…

Hell I remember a patch in OG vanilla where they even attempted to fix a GY side wall climb for alliance along the far west wall (similar to teh current horde one) by installing a giant pit over one of the required jumps that would trap players… It was actually possible to jump back out with a fairly intensive sequence of jumps, but for most players, if they fell in that pit, they stayed in that pit. My guild spent something like 9 hours mind controlling or otherwise luring people to jump/fall into that pit and at one point we had 9 of the 10 alliance in there (people kept afking out of the game, and a rogue just sat in stealth somewhere). The point of t hat delightful anecdote is that yeah, blizzard was actually actively fixing the exact kind of garbage you so proudly defend.

Just an updated WSG map, and updated rule enforcement is all that is required. Guides are largely meaningless… 20 years later and you still have pug wsgs that can’t grasp sending more than 1-2 people on offense, despite a defending team of 4+, and plenty of window lickers ramboing around midfield NOT getting KBs.

the average player (read: not relative neck beards like us) doesn’t know or outright hasn’t even seen the jumps. Are you really dense enough to pretend that it doesn’t impact their game when they see people cheating in front of them. Do you really think telling them to tab out and watch a guide is the appropriate answer to YOU cheating?

Your character is lvl 62. Where do YOU retail players come from?

Or better yet, explain how it’s not a terrain exploit? You can jump out of the map pressing space bar as well. It’s literally the same thing mechanically. Where exactly are you delusional people finding this magical distinction between the two?

You missed the point with both of your points.

  1. Regarding jumps. You can jump the flag outside the map as well, or to numerous safe spots… Are those not exploits and/or cheating?

You also defaulted to the “blizz doesn’t ban for it” rational… to which I point out they also don’t ban for flyhacking bots running up trees in EPL, teleport + flyhack bots picking black lotus,… but surely you’d agree those things constitute cheating?

As for why it’s still in the game, as noted above, blizz did make efforts to reduce or even eleminate such spots. Players just spent thousands of hours finding more, or newer ones created by attempts to fix others.

  1. Regarding consumables… Man you missed the hell out of the point there. I wasn’t complaining about his claimed usage of consumables, I was pointing out how his story doesn’t make any damn sense because he constantly gave himself the benefit of using consumables in his nonsensical hypotheticals, but never the same courtesy to the opposing team…
    Your buddy: “Their FC would never make it across because we’d drop 10 sappers on them”

Me “Ok, so you’re 10 man zerging EFC with your FC and sapper bombing him, why can’t they do the same to you?”

Your buddy: “Our team will have GFPP”

Me: “Why doesn’t the other team also have GFPP if that’s a hard counter to your strategy?” Literally just me trying to follow the drunken ramblings of your friend.

Your buddy: *crickets

Me: “Ok since you brought up consumables…The math on sappers, grenades, fap (or lip), a flask, and flash bombs isn’t cheap. I literally sold all of those things for the entirety of classic and the phases of SoM I played. Even botted to hell double spawn rate materials in SoM and the amount of consumeable spam we’re talking about here is going to exceed 50gold per hour… which is the rate most classes even are capable of farming at… So where are you getting the gold to pay for all these consumeables” (btw we know the answer, and it goes right back to the “cheating but not being banned so it must be ok” part)

Your buddy: *made up bull-manure about selling rocket boots at an incredibly questionable markup, and still at an incredibly questionable rate even if the incredibly questionable markup was to be believed (it wasn’t)


Look up son, the point is flying over your head.

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Wheres the proof of that?

Remember, you are straw manning and comparing this to pressing space bar onto a rock

Trolls safespotting is not tactical wsg jumps. Know the difference

false. If the E team is east, you’re gonna run west. This is more proof that enclosing the map is stupid, as the flag carry will have to run right 100% of the time. Also more proof that you have zero understanding of positioning dynamics in wsg. FC stays away from E team running gy side instead of east E side. common sense

Who cares. This is classic not OG vanilla

Updated map will never happen. Cope

Nobody is like that dude. The game is 20+ years old. Everyone knew about the wsg jumps before the game even launched, if you even did so much as 5 seconds of research

Jumping out of the map is not comparable to jumping on a rock

you made no point. Youre crying, are a complete pile, and trash and are just crying cause you cant press space bar

I spent WAY more on conmsumables in classic than I did in som. As i stated before, most of the som teams were bad and I only needed consumables for 2-3 teams. I spend 10x as much on cons in classic. How did I afford that? I was in the devilsaur game making an easy 500g an hour. You will probably find a way to complain about that too. But guess what? we were all over youtube videos, streams, and got an infinite fountain of content and world pvp and gold from it and it was so fun we still talk about it to this day. It’s called making memories, you have never been apart of something huge and cool like that. I feel sorry for you

Give it up. You lost. We all recognize you are a total pile and cant press space bar.


Yo guys I’m new to WSG here. Anyone care to help me practice some jumps and give me a general idea of what I should be doing? I’m tired of queueing AV 6 days a week to reach my honor cap :frowning: I just want to get my R14 gear already so I can do more damage in my guilds molten core run and increase my parses. Please help!


Ya! Just look up WSG jumps on youtube or look up WSG jumps discord. Plenty of available research! Or you can cry like the dude above who was never once invited to a premade