Classic Era Patch Updates

This change makes Rend accessible to casual alliance raiders. A small change that improves their enjoyment is a huge win and is far from a selfish request.

We love the game and want to see changes that inspire longevity and stability in the community. MoS is one of those changes that can achieve that goal.

Please do not disparage others for enjoying the game in ways that you do not. It is sad and selfish.


We have to be getting the bottom-of-the-barrel players here thinking we don’t or haven’t played the absolute daylights out of this game for years… Many of the people who are on here defending MoS don’t even actively participate in GDKPs even weekly… Including myself! Crazy!

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Let the hardcore ally raiders continue to get the buff the hardcore way.

The freeloaders can take notes, and aspire.

But don’t trivialize the game and/or others hard work for your selfishness.
You should be ashamed.


Casuals dont care about rend. Its the definition of casual.


I need my QoL to up my parses.
Era be damned.

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Okay? If they don’t care about rend, that’s fine! They shouldn’t care about whether or not it’s there then either.

Why do you care is the better question?

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Please bring back Might of Stormwind. Might of Stormwind encourages gameplay and community interaction.

I was looking forward to finding UBRS groups with my fresh-almost-level-60 character. There was a huge uptick in people running that dungeon during the week that we had MoS.


Are Alliance seriously crying over a horde specific buff, that they can actually get by backdoor means even tho it is likely unintended.

Because Blizz won’t just give it to them outright?


People have explained this dozens or even hundreds of times dude.

You’ve made the active decision to not understand because you don’t care.


Bring back MoS to ERA!

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Sorry Elron, it’s fixed now.

ITT 6 horde characters posting on alts


Sure is something, isn’t it Vn? Sounds like horde want to gatekeep a buff that can already be received by everybody in the game.

We want to keep our game as - is, per the whole concept that is Era.

Chowder head


The petition isnt moving for days now (200ish) hahahahaha come on, have some selfrespect and stop posting this. The kargoz petition had 10 times more by now and was a general movement. This is not.
I respected u (a bit) for trying at the start even tho i disagreed with u, but this is now getting embarrassing.


We have a much bigger petition going around also.


Keep up the name calling! We won’t be deterred by people who use insults to try and get their over-tired opinion out! Thanks! Move along!

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Your parses are nothing without this buff.

Good thing we don’t give a flying f about your opinion or respect considering you don’t even play this game.

InB4: “I do play this game I’m just posting on an alt”

That’s the difference! Most of the people posting here have been playing ERA for years and years… I see a lot of these people that don’t even play ERA actively.

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