Classic Era Patch Updates

I really like this post, and especially the quoted part. It explains some things that most people don’t think about including how there are these little interesting sandbox elements to this version of the game that you just don’t find anywhere else, and I also completely agree about the faction balance mattering part on Whitemane/PVP servers.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ll do my best to lay out again why MoS is a better option. I don’t know how to do the quote thing on here so I’ll just copy and paste it :joy:

“Why it is the problem” aka why MoS is important to us:

You say convenience. I say accessibility. MoS makes the game more accessible for people in the same way the PvP update/honor system update did. Blizzard even said it in the pvp update that they wanted to instill a better real life/in-game balance so people weren’t having to essentially lock themselves in a room for two months to access R14 gear. To me this MoS introduction does a similar thing just on a wildly smaller scale, just for the raiding community (thus it is innocuous compared to other changes). MoS could sometimes literally shave HOURS off our daily play time waiting to catch a lucky rend from the horde if a scheduled rend goes awry. Not everything in the game should be accessible with ease…we aren’t asking for a handout. If Blizz wants to put MoS behind a 18 quest chain, then do it. It isn’t like we are asking to do something drastic like making it easier to get the GM/HWL weapons or KT weapons, we are asking for us to be able to get a buff in Stormwind and to have some semblance of control when it drops. (A feature we know is already in the game btw cause they showed it to us!)

It also introduces an equality aspect that keeps the core faction elements the same (horde shamans/alliance paladins as well as racials) but creates equality among the factions as it relates to World Buffs. The differences between the factions are important and we need to keep those but since rend can be obtained by the Alliance (just with an unequal effort) MoS creates better equality between the two factions while keeping a distinctiveness between Horde and Alliance. MoS creates greater equality across factions both in game in IRL (but also not breaking anything in the game since Alliance can currently get the buff-just with unequal effort) by allowing alliance players to put in similar time and get a similar result.

Counter points to some presented arguments:

“Staying as faithful as possible to vanilla is what makes the most sense to me.”:
To many of us, this is a moot point because of how many changes have already been made to the game by Blizzard. It just simply doesn’t matter to move the location of this buff to another location when you compare it to all of the massively substantial changes they have made to the game. MoS is relatively inconsequential to the workings of the game except for one very narrow area. Think about how hugely significant the pvp ranking change was compared to this one. That was a wholesale change to an entire subsection of the game (one that people spend an insane amount of time on) affecting anyone who plays the game and gets even 1hk not just a small part of one element. And again, Blizz did not renege on the PvP changes because no one cared and no one really voiced their opinion en masse…and I don’t understand why this is the make or break for some of you.

“You don’t care about faction balance/no one will play Horde”:
When Blizzard launched TBC many of us stayed and watched almost the entire populace abandon the game to go to TBC. Many of us watched entire factions become almost extinct over night, but I stayed (Blizz devs can check the records and call me out if I’m lying but I didn’t play one second of TBC or any other expansion since Era was re-launched in 2019). We watched Era be essentially wiped off the face of the earth for months until our population came back to a semblance of what it once was. We know what it is like to have no Horde on our cluster. I know what it is like to stand on top of the bank in Orgrimmar and have no one even pay mind to me because there were like 3 people in the whole city on a Saturday evening. We lived without the Horde mains for a long time. Loot the Dog were basically our only Horde companions and even they were compromised of many Alliance players who wanted to raid on Horde side. Where did we get Rend during that time? We didn’t get any unless we leveled a Horde toon or had great communication with a kind Horde team that would drop one (which let’s be honest except for a few seasons like the AQ40 gates is outside the spirit of the game as well). And even then we would sometimes have to deal with the consequences of some griefer that would cause the whole process to restart. So “whats-his-face the Whitemane IEA parses don’t matter” rogue is correct. I care very little about faction imbalances because we have seen the dregs of a Horde side with almost no activity for MONTHS. I literally saw no Horde in open play for about 3 months one time. And giving us MoS gives Alliance raiders control of a buff that in the instance that Blizz does some other thing to wipe out our community, we will at least be able to get regular rends.

TL;DR - MoS adds accessibility, it adds equality, it isn’t a significant change to an ecosystem that has already been changed against our will many times, and it puts control in the hands of Alliance players to some degree.

Annnnnnd its already in the dang game.


But you don’t even have what you paid for. You never did at least not since 1.13 was implemented. They have already changed so much. So you never got what you paid for yet you are now taking the moral high ground here. It seems inconsistent to the nth degree to now make that kind of demand on this thing.

Also RE: faction imbalance…you are presenting what-if scenarios, not what is actually going to happen. It as if all of these Horde players are all of a sudden going to roll Alliance cause they have MoS. It’s not based in reality. It’s based in your speculative understanding of the future in Era. If Alliance is wholesale better as you have presented it then why have thousands/millions of people rolled Horde through the years? It’s because Horde have an innate attraction for some people that will never go away even if Alliance get MoS.
The issues you presented about zones, cities, spells etc are part of that museum you want to preserve. It’s part of the game. And guess what? People STILL are rolling Horde to this day DESPITE all the disadvantages because the Horde is awesome in its own right.


I protested just about every change, even the removal of batching. You just don’t see that because my character was on herod and then server transferred to grobbulus after the server died from that gamewide mass exodus to benediction, thus I have no posts anymore.

None of the other changes were as detrimental to faction balance as this, but you have already said yourself you don’t care so it’s a moot point.

Alright man, you’re going to continue to ignore all the points that I made even though a horde from my server that I’ve seen in the open world many times chimed in and agreed with me. You can’t even experience what I’m talking about because you’re on a PVE server.

Just advocate for stormrend on PVE servers, have your cake and eat it too. I’ll stay out of your way on that one. Specify PVE.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind. Everyone loved it. No one was hurt. All it does is make our schedule easier, and create more opportunities for both sides to get buffed.


All the #NoChanges purists and the like have all since moved on.

Revert guild UI.

Bring back Might of Stormwind. :earth_americas: Yes or No - Vote here. 268 signatures. Donate if you wish


You could always read the blue post. Tells you right there.


Dear Devs,

Please bring back SW Rend. Makes the game less toxic and helps players from both sides without ANY negative aspect to it (akin to Chronoboon).


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Could you able to tell me what is your game name and server? Please let me know, I won’t bully you.

Bring back the Stormrend please.

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Please bring back Might of Stormwind.

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Please bring back MoS to ERA servers! It truly was one of the best QoL changes the classic team has made in a long while!

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Please bring back Stormrend. It was a valueable buff that ALL enjoyed (minus horde) :slight_smile:

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Please Blizzard listen to the community and bring back Might of Stormwind. It was a huge QoL update without hurting the overall intent of era.

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I would like to request to bring back Might of Stormwind. Please listen to the community.

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So you speak for me?

Factions had differences in Vanilla, this removes some of that. Next y’all will be crying for Alliance shamans and Horde Pallies.


If Blizzard pushed out a patch that added these classes to the opposing faction and made a blue post on how Classic servers now have access to them it would be the same issue as we have with Stormrend. They pushed features to both SOD and Classic made official statements within a Blue Post about how Classic now has Might of Stormwind, Druids access to pole arms, and the cool downs on dropping Nef/Ony heads are now 1min…then they back peddle saying “Ohh we hear you community we will take your voice into account next time.” We all know this was based on players un-subscribing kicking off alerts to leadership and then they having a meeting telling the Devs to revert the changes they just made to Classic.

If they pushed these changes to Classic (Stormrend, Druid Polearms, Head CDs) and they saw no change in subs or an increase in subs you damn right they would have just left it alone and gone with “Congratz we made a QoL change for yall.”


That’s no where near an apples-to-apples comparison. Rend/MoS is a buff that alliance can already acquire. Adding classes to the factions isn’t even remotely comparable.

You clearly are reaching here…

Asking for a purposed change that is already in game in that you can MC for Rend, is far different than asking for classes and races that aren’t currently in game for certain factions. Nobody asked for Alliance to have shaman and for horde to have pallies, that’s what you brought up.

Your argument isn’t adding up!

The differences are in racials and classes, not in a buff that both factions can already get. This only changes the ease of 1 of them to get. The differences are Paladins (Kings/Salv) vs Shamans (Easy mode healing/Totems). Racials obviously play a difference but not as big imho.

Either way…I don’t think anyone would be asking for this other than it is several years into Classic Era and Horde themselves have limited Rend drops available. Many Horde on our cluster were leveling Alliance just to be able to drop Stormrend and/or Mind Control