Classic Era Patch Updates

Sorry that was a typo, I’m so used to typing TBCC for TBC Classic but I should have said just TBC (as it was the original), I corrected that and will pay more attention next time.


Was just curious! I didn’t get the reference so wanted to ask

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So… Scourge Event when


This has to be one of the biggest threads about classic in recent memory. Bring back stormrend!


Thank you for fixing classic back to how it was.

Please consider handling season of discovery on a totally separate game client.


I think its interesting though because I tested the PTR to see if we can get Rend turn in on the Era PTR and It was disabled on the Era realms then. I Just think something from PTR to production bricked or wasn’t correctly implemented and caused Stormrend to fall through the crack. While I think It was a good thing to come through the crack. Era has had so many changes like the revamped PVP system (which is a far bigger change than Stormrend) but this just triggered people because this changed an advantage one faction had and while I do Love the inbalance of Era and personally would have preferred Stormrend to neve appear on Era Server, I cant deny the QoL it is and how good of a change it would be, AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LONG TIME AGO IN 2019


There’s a gofundme that’s at $600/$3875… Hopefully, the person who created it refunds the money instead of taking it if the goal isn’t hit.

Bring back Stormrend!


bring back Stormrend please and thank you!

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bring back Stormrend…

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We still here. We still want MOS. We still believe!


We know who created it. She sends guildies delicious cookies at Christmas. She can keep my money.

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It’s cute you are so concerned. Why don’t you donate and see what happens?

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What I see from your posts, is you believe Mankrik cluster is dead, and how wrong you truly are cannot be understated. It’s very telling that you’d put down another ERA server when you have little idea about it.

You seek to tear down others you view as lesser than yourself. What I don’t understand, is why are you so defensive against something that benefits you as well? Saves you time and gives the same result.

Bring back MoS! Blizzard, it’s by far the greatest QoL update you have given ERA in recent memory.

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No thanks, I donate to real causes, but it’s cute that you’re doing it.

Wow you are so virtuous bows down wish I was more like you

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Bring back might of stormwind!


It’s really simple man, I want what I paid for. Which is a museum with no to little changes. If you want to take chronoboon away that is more than fine too, reverse the ranking changes, add back the 2019 spell batching, all of it.

Not my intention to tear anyone down, just stating the facts. The fact is mankrik is 35% the population of whitemane and the horde faction is a minority of that 35%. Which means not only do you not care about faction balance because you don’t PVP in the open world anyway, you also get rend drops at a much slower pace, so I can see why you’d be frustrated to have stormrend taken away from you… that doesn’t mean you should change it.

It would destroy the faction balance, there isn’t one server on era where horde are the dominant faction, all of the fastest clears are alliance side, etc. At some point you have to make horde kind of appealing. They don’t have kings, they don’t have salv, all of their zones are unfinished/rushed/look like doo doo, let the PVErs have easier access to rend and the ability to chase down alliance and hunt them for the buff. It’s a gameplay loop you destroy by adding MoS and it’s a small bonus event you get to do as horde. It’s fun for them. It’s fun for me to protect people and see them get the buff safely and see the salty horde’s efforts thwarted. You take that from us when you add MoS.

I would say I would be cool with them adding MoS to PvE servers only to be honest, but it’s always give an inch and take a mile in these situations and I’m sick of things like this even being something the community has to speak up against, however if they did that I’d be lying if I said I’d really care.


Its not hard. Don’t change era or private servers will grow again. You can start by fixing the guild ui.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind! Here’s to spending less time buffing!