Classic Era Patch Updates

There you go again joining the team of the intellectually dishonest. You know exactly what I meant yet you are choosing to ignore the implication of what I said so you can grandstand even further for your position.

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People on PVP servers? I just got rend 5 minutes ago, If I can do it why can’t you?

Oh wait, it’s cause you’re on a dead realm. Nvm.

It’s interesting how you post things like this, where you call people out for their posting toon and tell people they are wrong with zero reasons given, but yet you call OTHERS toxic.


They sincerely seem to be under the delusion that parsers matter more to game health than faction balance. I’m unsure exactly how this flawed ideology could’ve caught on.

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people that cant keep their story straight you said one thing and immediately contradicted yourself. Your whole goal is just to be contradictory to the majority of people who actual did like this change

So, let me get this straight, I contradict myself because I like ganking people in the open world?

How does this have anything to do with rend drop exactly? Especially when I’m alliance and have no horde alts?

Are you sure you’re a gnome and not an orc?

Oh so you do know how to get the Rend buff and have been getting it all this time for years? Ah, I see. So what’s the problem again?

“I don’t have a horde alt, i’m not ganking anyone.” - Burp

“I like ganking people in the open world” - Burp

And that matters and is relevant to the conversation how? I’m a rogue on a PVP server… you can’t shame me for my parse so you try to hit me for ganking…

We don’t all play on mankik! LMFAO

See this is what most of you guys do ITT. We present an argument or a make a statement that completely disarms your position and so many of you have to result to sarcasm and misrepresentation in order to make yourself feel better.

It is unhelpful and doesn’t move this conversation along.

This is how the conversation is moved along:

Go to SoD.

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Bring back Might of Stormwind!

We have petitions, polls, a gofundme, and more as a measure of getting MoS back! Find me in-game at Frankdux-Mankrik to get the details of how to join our growing efforts!

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my point is you can’t keep your story straight and you just wanna stick it to the PVE guys by advocating to not let them have a great change to the game because of im guessing your elitism seeing as you pride yourself on being a pvp chad, we dont all play on whitemane bruh

Frank- you’ll like this. One of the first rogue spreadsheet SIMs from 2006 (but based on EJ forums data) has all the WBs and WCB in it…but ofc no one used it. People like putting random things in spreadsheets that no one uses.

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Seems like you’re insecure and are projecting how you feel onto me. You must really think highly of whitemane.

No, I am saying the exact same thing I’ve been saying this whole time but you don’t want to accept it because it’s a way more valid argument than what you’re trying to portray so you try to bruteforce your own narrative.

Weird take but okay.

Uh oh…

Sounds like proof to me of a World Buff meta even in 2006…

I’m sorry you’re taking it that way, but from my perspective it seems like you’re the one dodging the point.

Sincerely what is the problem with the current form of Era if you’ve been able to get the Rend buff all this time already?

Are you just upset that it’s not as convenient as might of stormrend?

Staying as faithful as possible to vanilla is what makes the most sense to me.


People did care about all of this - but you probably didn’t look to see it because you didn’t care to. It would be nice to see this sort of thing acknowledged by someone who keeps claiming that no one cared about the other changes.

No there wasn’t the same amount of pushback on the other changes, but there was some.

I think the 5 announced changes after a few days of them being there unannounced in the Era were just too much finally. After changes kept coming over from the seasons etc. There was a lot of outrage over the guild ui as well, on here it was more than MoS. I don’t know people as a group would have pushed back as hard if it were just MoS.

As for the world buffs and raiding, my Vanilla guild did ok for our medium pop server, not top. 2 day a week and 12/15 in Naxx (and we bled people because of TBC coming soon) but I remember that we did use world buffs for progression in Naxx sometimes. They were only WCB and head drops as horde. It’s possible that some of the top ally guilds got creative and had rend. That’s off topic to the rest of the conversation though.


And EJ forums were full of it. But like you said…all the forums from them are long gone and there were not crawled and indexed.


Not trolling, why do you refer to it as TBCC versus TBC? You’ve done that on a few posts and alt toons