Classic Era Patch Updates

Please bring back Stormrend

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The people on here saying “no changes” don’t play a game with no changes and so the argument makes zero sense. Ergo some changes should be expected and many people support them. Nobody playing era wants the game to be like retail and most people only want small QOL changes that doesn’t change how the came plays.

Bring back Might of Stormwind


I’m the IMPEA rogue. You can’t hurt me by calling out my parses. I’ve literally been imp EA for 100% of my naxx since cloning over lmao. I am also r14 with 60k kills mostly in open world so I know what I’m talking about when it comes to southern barrens PVP and rend jeopardizing horde side population.

By all means though, call me out for being impea, like anyone who raids naxx doesn’t know about that role kek.

our iea rogue has all pink parses get gud kek


Bring back Stormrend plz

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this guy gets it

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You don’t speak for me or many others I know who have no need for this old 20-yr old game to be made easy because there are no “dumb chores” in a game we love.

If you want the buff it’s still there.
In Orgrimmar and the Barrens.
And loyal warriors of the Horde may try to prevent you from taking what is theirs.
No tears please.


If you’re EA, you’re not parsing. Parsing isn’t everything in this game anyway, but either way, no rogue is going to disagree with what I say. If you want to pretend I’m trash to make you feel better go for it though. Still got BiS gear, gank every day, a binding with thunderfury on the way, and am sitting in barrens getting rend right now while you cry about it on this thread.

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You tell these people to give up and here is where you are going to be really disappointed: These are people that I have witnessed first hand get all 7 or 8 world buffs week in and week out for 5 years. They have spent countless hours in 40 man raids. They go into ZG during DMF weeks and unboon for a 30mins to clear only to click off buffs and get them again before the raid the next day. They have played while being sick, they have played while being on garbage hotel wifi on a work trip, they have even raided using a backup generator and a hotspot during a power outage…they are not going to stop. They are men and women of unyielding dedication to this game who have played at this pace for years…they have literally paid hundreds of dollars to fly a banner over Blizz HQ to ask for MoS back. They are not going to give up. While your clusters are scrambling for 2 night clears of Naxx they are clearing naxx multiple times a week across guilds and classes. They aren’t going to stop lol.

You can make all the appeals to authority you want by claiming you love “this and that” more cause of “this and that reason”. You can even make ad hominem attacks but you position is an untenable one. More changes are coming to Era my brother rogue…MoS is just gonna be the next one. And if it isn’t MoS…you are probably gonna wish it was cause the next changes will likely be worse received.


This guy is literally the Navy Seal copypasta incarnate.

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it took you 6 minutes to type that? sheesh

Nobody was asking for a better way to get Rend’s buff until Blizz randomly added it to Era without communicating about it, and then removed it from era.

It really is just people feeling like their new toy got taken away, but Era is not about pumping out new toys or updates. Era’s game version is supposed to remain unchanged.


Yeah exactly that’s why you want it. You just care about parsing, not the horde population. Especially on your dead server cluster that is 35% the population of whitemane and is only ally side population with any bit of pull.

Blizzard knows this too.

Squad up and form an alliance with the “Bring back clones blizzard!!!11” people.

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Your first statement is unequivocally false. People had been dreaming about some way for Alliance to get a Rend equivalent for years on our cluster.

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If this is true, this is simultaneously the saddest and most hilarious thing I’ve ever read. :melting_face:


Prepare to laugh and cry…

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Why are you so mad about how we play the game? just because you play it differently then we do we’re not allowed to post in favor of MoS? and because our server is smaller we must bow down to all mighty whitemane? thats ridiculous. continue to gank lowbies in barrens and we’ll continue downing KT every week and let us have our little stormrend while we do.

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Woah… I’m sorry it’s taken you this long to find out but uh… For a really long time now it has been possible for Alliance to get the Rend buff by just getting mind controlled from a horde while the buff is dropping.

Not sure how you missed this? See you at crossroads.

Because alliance already have kings and salv and history shows they do better in raids than horde already, can’t believe I need to explain this to you being a PVE server nerd.

#nochanges, especially on this. This is a big one, this isn’t chronoboon. It removes appeal to be horde, even from a competitive standpoint. I don’t need to type it to you, you’ve seen the argument here already because you’re here whining every day.

I don’t have a horde alt, i’m not ganking anyone. I just want them to remain horde so I will have people to PVP with. Can’t do that if horde is a dead faction and they all move over because of changes that didn’t exist in the game before two weeks ago.

You guys are so dense and can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s not about whitemane, wake up.


you literally just said you “gank every day”… this is the kind people that are against stormrend.

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