Can’t stop won’t stop!
Here I was thinking you weren’t a troll but turns out you were. You just can’t accept if other people did things you never did.
See a post from 2006 where a player discusses. It was a thing. Just because you didn’t do it doesn’t mean anything. Or wait is this a big conspiracy and timestamps are being altered too?
So you find a small piece of anecdotal evidence and suddenly it’s the wide spread mainstream everyone did it. Do I need to start searching Youtube now for old raid video footage of top guilds to post on first clears, how to guides and such where world buffs are clearly not on their buff bars and such. Can you show me anything other than a “player discussing it” that shows it wasn’t an accidental one off or something done regularly?
He never said it was mainstream lol. He even stated it was rare for anyone to even see the inside of Naxx (the implication being even rarer for people to clear it with Rend on Alliance). He just said WBuffs were a known part of the end-game meta.
You are being intentionally obtuse and putting words in his mouth. Zessy doesn’t need me to fight his battles but I’d like for the dissenters to at least demonstrate some intellectual honesty in this process.
Where did anyone say it was mainstream. I said it was done by top guilds. By definition the masses are not top guilds. We also didn’t stream on YouTube then. No one cared about how to guides either then. We also died a LOT then. It didn’t last long but we had it.
You said most of the competitive guilds did. Which at that time would be “mainstream” in the gaming meta. I apologize I could have phrased that better. I’m wanting something other than a discussion it was done. World first guilds showing their kills didn’t have it on their buff list as Horde, let alone the Alliance have it.
You keep using the word “mainstream” and I don’t think you know what that word means. The Naxx clearing competitive guilds in that time were anything but mainstream. They were the exception, not the rule. Mainstream literally means the dominant trend. Those end-game, world-first guilds were anything but mainstream. They were the antithesis of being the “dominant trend”. Most guilds back then were like my guild which were fumbling around in the dark for 2 years trying to kill Ragnaros before he submerged…
Well then I’m sure you can provide something substantial that still proves any of those garbage tier to high end guilds were using it. He goes searching for “proof” and finds a WoWhead post and says it was common place. If it were common enough to prove it, you’d have more than a post on WoWhead. We have hundreds of videos on youtube still up of plenty of guilds not being the hardcore world firsts not using it.
If it was even common place the big guilds would have used it as they used any advantage they could get and the world first still weren’t using them.
I already gave you proof it was happening. I didn’t stream or record then. Most didn’t. Troll elsewhere please you are not adding any value to the conversations.
bring back stormrend
You posted a discussion on WoWhead when there are literally hundreds of videos of raid and dungeon footage from the Alliance where you should “easily” snipe a video or two and “I showed a small discussion on WoWhead, it was known.” So then why if it was known did absolutely none of the world first guilds on Alliance use it? Why can’t I find dungeon how to videos or just random videos of any alliance who posted a dungeon run using rend while they have other world buffs?
If it’s so isolated a WoWhead comment and your testimony is all we have on it, it’s isolated enough it wasn’t well known enough to make a difference to anyone. It only actually became well known on the private server circuit and was popularized there.
Thank you for listening to the community response and reverting these changes.
I couldn’t agree more. That went against the spirit of Classic Era and it’s admirable that the devs had the integrity to correct this.
I definitely feel that reverting the guild UI changes for Era realms is an important step toward correcting these ‘jarring changes’. Even if the code for the original guild UI has to be re-written from scratch, that is the right thing to do- as preserving the vanilla experience is a primary purpose of Classic to begin with.
What exactly is the official channel for development-related updates these days? I know years ago when twitter was publicly accessible, everyone was being directed to follow @BlizzardCS for routine updates, but that account seems to inactive now, and also is only visible to those with an account on new twitter.
There should be even less than ‘very little’ desire to change it honestly. Era only needs routine maintenance to keep things running as they are, no new updates/features/ui are appropriate.
I only hope after this experience that the developers more formally recognize Season of Discovery as their programming playground for spicing in new changes, and will allow Era to remain preserving its era…
Oh now who is brigading? These are basically all the same posts repeated every 12 hrs by these “new” non-descript, non-era, players…
Man the “no-changes” people are just so dishonest here…
None of these guilds exist anymore, barely any of the websites are live, many of their YouTube are wiped/dead, most of the websites where any of this data would have rested has long been put out to pasture and you want him to conjure up some source material on something that was pretty much extinct for like 10 years? What you are asking is not only unfair to a large degree, but it’s nearly impossible…a “prove a tree made a noise when it fell in the woods” kind of scenario. You are not asking him to disprove a negative, but with the dearth of source material from that time, it’s pretty close.
Also this whole discussion moves the goal post off of the original point of most of those who want MoS. Their point this entire time is: these servers are no longer “no changes” ecospheres. Blizzard has already opened up Pandora’s box. MoS was already let out of the box and now it’s too late to put it back in without disrupting the community as a whole.
They aren’t getting rid of boons, pvp rankings, changes to certain mechanics, etc, and no one caused as much of a stink about any of those as this…so why is this the watershed moment for all of the “no changes” people to dig their heels in and entrench themselves into a position like this over this thing now? It is intriguing to me…
Head on back to retail will you? You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.
Post on your era toon or don’t bother
dont listen to the retail players, bring back stormrend
“Some of us love classic era too much for that” Yet you’re trying to change it and using other changes no one asked for or wanted as a prologue to your argument. Guarantee I love era more than you. I play every bit of the game, not just PVE. You are on a dead PVE server that barely gets rend drops that’s why you’re so desperate because all you care about on this game is parsing and the dry spell of rend on your server prevents you from that. You don’t even gank, a rogue on a PVE server is like a pair of chopsticks at an american dinner plate. Wtf are you even doing?
Well guess what? My server cluster has a pretty healthy pop, and rend would jeopardize that. If you loved era you’d know that but you love half of the game.
We’ve already been through this though because you post the same song and dance every day as if blizzard doesn’t know it’s all one small vocal minority of mankrik players that just won’t shut up.
Take a look at the “Bring back clones blizzard” guys. That’s who you’re being right now, and that’s what’s in store for you in the future.
Just give up dude lol. Say it like it is, you don’t think this would be good for the health of the game, especially horde side: You just want to parse. Lmao
sp game breaking it took you 6 days to notice they changed it back?
I’m going to use this time to again point out that this wasn’t something they did intentionally nor did they listen to us. This was a bled through feature from SoD using the same client and files. They bled through as Blizzard rushed and didn’t check their homework with the files, the forums blew up, and in response Blizzard lied to us all saying it was “intentional”. The forums pushed back while they found a fix as they had any idea how bad they screwed up. They then told us all that they “heard us” when all they were doing was trying to buy time because we didn’t just accept it as it was.
It’s a typical PR move with a company, they never admit to mistakes. They make a big mistake not giving us our own client like we requested to avoid all this, they keep making boneheaded mistakes like this as it wasn’t the first SoD change to bleed through to Era, so they then pit us against each other. It takes the heat off of them, if we’re attacking each other over a buff, they aren’t being focused on for lying to us.
lol no wonder you hate parsers yours are blue and green silly little gnome rend is for pumping you should try it sometime