Really? So when did they fix the bomb pet glitch? Or people wall hopping in WSG? Most of this stuff wasn’t found until 10 years after we had moved on after the Private server community dissected the game.
I don’t know what you’re talking about or what that has to do with MoS. If blizzard considered Alliance getting Rend an exploit, they would fix it. End of story.
You’re just against WCL and world buffs in general because you believe they lead to goal oriented play and you don’t like that.
Again, we have wall hoppers in WSG exploiting, it hasn’t been fixed. We have people who have a script spamming bombling pets, it isn’t fixed. Just because it isn’t fixed or hasn’t been doesn’t mean it isn’t an exploit. If you were meant to have Rend, you wouldn’t have to do gymnastics to get it. If you were meant to have a rend buff as Alliance you’d have been given a quest for it.
These buffs were added to the game as flavor, not for your sick WCL buff meta fetish.
These buffs were added to the game as flavor, not for your sick WCL buff meta fetish.
LOL. You need help buddy. Why are you against people having goals and leveraging game mechanics to achieve them? Are you against using potions and enchants and food buffs?
I have no problem with them doing it. I have a problem with people twisting them like they are some major necessity. I did this content over 20 years ago without world buffs. It’s people who require them and treat them like they are mandatory to play the game that is the issue.
No one is requiring anything from you. Why are you trying to restrict what others can do?
To do higher end content plenty of guilds gatekeep. The more accessible you make something, the more it becomes required. If your guild only takes people who have WBs to Naxx or any content, you are forcing those who want to do that content to use the buffs or you’ll not take them. You segregate the community that already isn’t very strong.
So why don’t you find other people who share your philosophy around how to clear content?
I want to clear Naxxramas in less than one hour. I have found other players who share that philosophy. I’m not forcing you to participate in my playstyle. Why are you trying to impose your playstyle on me?
The community self segregates between Hardcore and Casual players. Assigning blame on those that wish to associate with like minded players simply because they hold higher standards is ignorant.
Day 5 of asking blizzard to bring back the might of the stormwind buff
Bring Back Stormrend
The Grasslands are not safe! We can’t steal the sun forever! Might of Stormwind may be our only hope upon Gul’Dan’s return!
Leave Era alone.
There are THREE other versions of WoW (SoD (Seasonal Classic), Cata (Progressive Classic) and modern Retail) which have have changes like these -and thousands more - which people have demanded be made to WoW.
Enjoy the changes over there.
bring back stormrend!
give the nochanges crowd a no changes server.
no chrono, no pvp overhaul, nothing
If stormrend comes back then I want spirit tap to work on honor targets (like it does in tbc) thanks.
So that is very untrue. We got Rend on Mal’Ganis back in Vanilla. Most of the competitive guilds did at the time.
Original developers also said it was an intention mechanic and not an exploit. Give a read of the WoW Diary. It gives a lot of cool insight into the game
And I’m not saying the masses did, very few saw Naxx let alone clear it
It’s easy enough to come out and say you did it, it’s another thing to prove it. I could say I was in the first guild to down KT but it isn’t true. Just as people throw around the crap that GDKP always existed in WoW starting at Vanilla. If anyone found it out, it was very accidental and I’d love to see some footage of any of the US first ally guilds using rend buff. Even Horde first guilds have plenty of videos on youtube still where their first clears and how to guides didn’t have or mention world buffs to any degree.
The grasslands are not safe brother. 草原不是安全的兄弟 patrols have increased. 巡逻增加了stealing the chieftain’s blessing is ill advised. 不推荐酋长的祝福 Bring back Might of Stormwind
I saw you post that in chat earlier, got a chuckle out of me. Was creative. Make sure to keep that petition passed around.