It actually isn’t human nature. We aren’t hive mind, If that were the case everyone would be trying to be at the top whether in their career or personal time. PvP is for competition yet still cooperative. Raids are content meant for you as a team to come together and defeat challenges for loot. It isn’t a competition. Again, this game is over 20 years old, we didn’t have WCL back in the day. Players created the WCL meta, not the devs.
Where were you providing feedback on any of the changes that you didn’t like before now? Hopefully posting on another toon or using another platform.
Where were you asking for an easier way to get rend as an ally before now?
What it looks like is that you’re mad because you had your toy taken away, but you never really cared about the motions that set the stage for the toy being put in and then taken out. Had you cared maybe you would have seen this coming.
That’s only raiding.
Once again there are many people doing other things.
Era is fine and will be without MoS.
We can agree to disagree there. If there was no raiding Classic Era population would decrease to the point that Blizzard shuts down.
Yeah I don’t see Blizzard shutting down if they abolished Classic raids. Retail is still a massive cash cow. If Classic being abandoned for TBC and Wrath didn’t cause them to toss aside Era, losing the WCL raiding crowd wouldn’t cause them to do it either.
And the so called “death” of Era that’s been prognosticated many times since 2019 hasn’t actually happened yet.
Maybe don’t let your pique with the denial of MoS cause you to sow your own fields with salt.
You are so toxic it’s sickening. 10,000 posts of toxic waste. Move on already, troll. You can’t even be bothered to properly respond to what is being said to you. Just taking everything out of context and spouting off garbage.
Like I said, agree to disagree. You can have your opinions as can I.
Hate to break it to you but endgame classic era wow is raiding. If there wasn’t raiding and people leveling alts to raid, farming/buying consumes to support raiding, or doing any other activity that otherwise supports raiding, there would be so few people left that the servers would not continue to be on. It’s in Blizzard’s best interest to do whatever keeps people interested and playing.
It’s not in their best interest to appease people like you who just post on the forums and don’t actually play classic era with any significance.
I never denied you that.
“Maybe” was simply a suggestion.
A paying customer is a paying customer no matter what mouse-wiggling you do in game.
I’m not sure I follow your “hive mind” comment or what it has to do with MoS. Raiding in WoW is like bowling leagues for nerds. WCL is just a way of keeping score (and figuring out what you can do better). Speed running Naxx absolutely requires cooperation. Why are you opposed to tools that can be used to analyze and measure that progress?
You’re only saying that because we have a different outlook on things. Guaranteed if we agreed on this you wouldn’t be saying that.
Almost all of my posts are here because I care about the game, and seeing people who claim to care about the game too but who have only come here to complain because they are angry about getting something that was never part of the game before removed, is head scratching.
Maybe try explaining what I was reading wrong instead of just calling me a troll and saying that I don’t bother to read properly. Your post there was more toxic than the majority of mine have been.
Hive mind is the idea or concept that everyone thinks and acts like you as a collective. Your assertion that everyone is competitive like you is stating something similar to us having a hive mind. We are all different in how we think and feel. And what you’re saying doesn’t change the fact only some of you worship the almighty WCL. It wasn’t in Blizzard’s design for raids to be something to “keep score” in. WoW in it’s inception was to be a more laid back and more player friendly and inclusive MMO than EQ was. Raids are for you as a group to cooperate, kill bosses and share loot with. Not go in keeping score of who does more DPS than that because you have high parses you carry everyone else that isn’t a warrior. That is a player created initiative.
Blizz please bring back MoS
I made no such assertion. I clearly stated that there are different types of players with different playstyles and said that it was OK.
You’ve become victim to the “false clause” fallacy and have completely missed the point of tools like WCL. Athletes strive to become better athletes. They set goals and leverage tools to become better; e.g. they’ll watch video replays of games. WCL is the same thing.
The Rend buff has always been available to the Alliance. MoS just alleviates the stress and complication getting mind controlled out in the barrens.
There are fundamentally two different types of “play” - Structured play (goal oriented) and Unstructured play (e.g. children chasing each other on the playground or exploring). You are clearing in the camp of valuing Unstructured play and you are not recognizing that other people enjoy goal oriented play. MoS in no way negatively impacts your experience. You simply don’t like that other people are goal oriented and don’t want any type of changes that provide any positive impact to goal oriented players.
“It’s human nature to be competitive and to challenge yourself to perform better.”
Your exact quote. It’s a blanket statement all humans are competitive by nature and we are not. We are not hive mind. Not all human beings are coachable, nor do they take accountability to make themselves better either.
Rend buff has only been available to Alliance after players found an exploit to make themselves appear to be Horde for the sake of the buff. It wasn’t some secret Konami code that was cracked as Blizzard hid it, players exploited something that was an oversight to obtain it.
It’s not an exploit. It’s game mechanics and it’s been there since day 1. Are you suggesting that a change should be made to prevent the Alliance from acquiring Rend?
No, it is an exploit. Blizzard didn’t sit down and intentionally place it in the game so you could do it that way. It was an oversight in development. To say it’s game mechanics would be Blizzard stating it was meant to be this way all along. And if that were the case, they’d just let Alliance have an equal buff.
Blizzard fixes exploits. They never “fixed” the Alliance being able to get rend because it’s not an exploit.
And if that were the case, they’d just let Alliance have an equal buff.
They did. It was called Might of Stormwind and people like you cried on the forums until they removed it.