Classic Era Patch Updates

That’s something you should take up with Blizzard, not me.

I don’t play SoD either because I’m not remotely interested in it.

Nevertheless, Blizzard has stated clearly that SoD is their place to implement creative changes and test ideas in a new game mode, while Era is the place to preserve vanilla wow.

When you advocate for changes to Era, you’re in direct contradiction from what classic era’s stated goal is.


Again, you’re wrong. Era’s stated goal is not “no changes”. There have been plenty of changes. I won’t keep explaining it to you though.

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Since I’m here, bring back Might of Stormwind!


It kind of is though, here’s the first thing I found when looking.

From Getting Started on your Free Trial (


That’s the problem though. Changes are cool when you want them, but when is it enough? Right now this change is fine and dandy to you. What about the next change? The next change? The next change? Retail wasn’t created overnight, it was a death of a thousand cuts. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I agree with none of the changes, so when is enough, enough? When do we stop before it’s too late?


Yes put MoS back in!



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I have been playing Classic ERA since the start, and have been here to hear all of the supposed changes that people have brought up over the years.

MoS was not only a great change, it was a complete time saver for those who use the buff. While the changes did come on randomly, and it could’ve been handled a little better, you will find that most Alliance players who actually play the game, saw this as a positive change.

No more sitting waiting for a buff that may never drop, no more sitting there hoping an MC cap will land. IT WAS SUCH A TIME SAVER. And now that I’ve seen how it actually can be, and gotten a taste of not having to waste my life for a buff, I was MoS BACK IN OUR HANDS! It really does take away my motivation to continue going to XRs to get Rend. Please change this one thing back, is all we are asking!

Blizzard, respectfully, the changes we didn’t want you kept, and the changes we wanted to keep you took away. Do not let a few of the ERA players ruin it for those who thought this was an extremely positive change in MoS.


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Yeah they’ve made like 50 changes, this is just one more. Let us have an actual good change for once. Bring back Stormrend!

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Everyone in here just repeats the same argument over and over. You just don’t want people playing with your toys. It’s very transparent. Bring back Might of Stormwind!

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And that’s how the others started. It’s always just “one more” until it’s something you don’t like and then you’ll be right here like the rest of us voicing opinion against it. But by then they’ve already let 50 other changes through so your voiced concerns mean nothing because they approved yours. That’s how you get something like retail. It’s always “one more thing can’t hurt.” only because it’s something you like or doesn’t impact you directly.


With “our toy”? Excuse me but we all signed up for the same toy. Blizzard didn’t launch the game as “WoW Classic, Stormrend buff edition”, nor was it ever even thought about when we received the game. You’ve played all this time without it just fine and suddenly “The world is ending” because you now have to play the game the way you always have, just like the rest of us have all these years.


I see you have been on a lot of these posts too, likely trolling, I dont know for sure.

Here’s is a fact: The game we are currently playing in ERA now is not 2004 ERA, and it is not 2019 ERA anymore either. Some of the changes implemented were strange, I’ll admit, but the MoS buff was a positive change for the game whether you agree or not.
It no longer makes sense to sit in XRs for hours when we could be actually PLAYING the game out in the world. Imagine that?!

I like how it’s always trolling when someone doesn’t agree with you. You use anecdotal evidence of “Trust me bro” because you like that change. Your opinion makes nothing fact. You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled mine. My opinion is no less valuable than yours.

What is fact is it was billed without this, and your opinion on what year it is doesn’t matter. Someone literally posted a clip where Blizzard states “As close to Classic WoW as possible.” Some of those changes while I was against them also could be seen as technical limitations or oversight. Stormrend was a creation out of nowhere that the devs could have implemented if they originally wanted it to be in, and they said, “Nah dog, this is something solely for the Horde.”


And yet, Alliance have continually gotten REND buff for over 5 years. The end result is the same. So why argue about it? It literally makes your life easier getting the buff with minimal effort needed.

You voted with your wallet on “no changes” when you didn’t unsub. That’s the reality. You have accepted countless changes and been fine with it, you just want to control something here.

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Right, through exploits. I’m willing to bet a paycheck on it Blizzard didn’t sit down and make it a super secret stealthy way by using mind control to trick the game into thinking you’re Horde.

If that were the case… Why aren’t you voting with your wallet? I don’t see your Stormrend buff yet. You aren’t going anywhere.

Agree 100%. Anyone against this has to be trolling. Especially if they are Alliance! Wanting to sit in one location that has no benefit to you, keeping you from playing the game, is a legitimate troll stance.

Again, just because I don’t agree with you, doesn’t make me a troll. I respect your right to be heard in this, and I request you respect mine as well.