Classic Era Patch Updates

Nope most of you are just arguing or trolling or both.


raider io lol

I had a runescape account 10 years ago lols

We can agree to disagree, imo its valid pvp, just like controlling the entrance to BRD or DMF.
Its pvp just like the death squads of 60s that used to roam STV and kos everyone from the opposite faction.

Is it fair? No. But thats pvp servers for you.

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Iā€™m guessing you mean by this phrase you keep spamming that I am also an alt of Eyevou?
I agree with the ideas they have expressed but we are not the same individual.

ā€œSkin in the gameā€? Of course we do. We play the game too. Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s difficult to hear or somehow incomprehensible to you. Players all can weigh in and be heard by the Classic team and I thank them for that.

i was replying to him?

now you are just trolling for an argument

ā€œPvP HaPpEnEd oN a PvP SeRvErā€ - Asma

Meanwhile the rest of us normal players donā€™t get the dopamine hit from ā€œgriefingā€ and just want to play the game.

Streamer mobs arent a real thing. We shouldnā€™t pretend that sending a twitch chat to a petition is a real indication of what the server wants.

This is a forum and once the thought leaves your fingers and you hit Reply itā€™s fair game for anyone to respond.

Thatā€™s not trolling. Itā€™s literally how communication works.


Thats like saying I canā€™t have an opinion on OS Runescape because I play WoW. I can definitely have an opinion on Runescape - what I cant do is vote on RS game changes from my WoW UI.

Thatā€™s how bad your analogy is.


You can have an opinion. If you have a sub your opinion matters a lot more. (to blizzard)

Your original analogy about the US is because you are in another country.

Weā€™re both playing the same exact game though - which is why your analogy doesnā€™t work. It would need to be two different games.

What youā€™re really driving at is an appeal to authority which, of course, is a logical fallacy and thus negated. Raiders dont design raid content or its buffs or buff systems. You have zero claim to any kind of authority.


My current two accounts are set to expire next month so still have a paid for right to contribute.


Corpseknife has provided me an avenue of amusement that I might be persuaded to continue my subscribing ways.


Itā€™s for losers. Plain and simple.

The entitlement doesnā€™t end at wanting a buff. They want to control who can speak about them too. Pretty typical stuff when you have zero argument.

Its the whole control freak thing straight outta the meta hive mind.

You know Im not gonna stand for it.


Iā€™m not pretending anything. Iā€™m just stating how it is. I donā€™t tend to even watch WoW streamers and I have posts calling out listening to them.

A lot of the feedback on here and on Reddit wasnā€™t streamer-related.

Pulling the number ā€œ10ā€ and stating things like ā€œvocal minorityā€ is pretty bad.

Also trying to gatekeep who should be able to post opinions is poor form too. It doesnā€™t matter though and wonā€™t work.

Plus, be real, your guild is basically brigading right now. Iā€™d love to see your Discord. Thatā€™s no better than a streamer doing it.


you seriously thought these changes were ok for classic era??? :expressionless:


Yup! Totally ok for Classic Era.

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All good changes besides the ui bring them back!!!

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I could argue that itā€™s a RAID buff but that would be a little disingenuous :slight_smile: My US analogy is from blizzards perspective. Iā€™m not saying that nobody is entitled to an opinion, Iā€™m just reminding you that if you remove the community manager veneer Blizzard makes decisions primarily on revenue. Now more than ever.

We can kid ourselves that they read all of our posts and take our best interests to heart but this is the same company that awarded Bobby $200m while blizzard released their worst games and expansions on record.

Blizzard measure the DAUā€™s / MAUā€™s and brown cows of all their games intimately. Daily, weekly, monthly and reports on it to their shareholder quarterly. They know who the paying customers are and which of the flavours of Wow they play. They know that some of the people here are the same person on 5 characters or 5 accounts.

Iā€™m not gatekeeping or anything of the sort.

Iā€™m pro buffs. Some of you are not. If you are a paying customer, and an ERA DAU - your opinion matters more (to blizzard) than someone who only plays retail or someone without a sub.

Now this will sound a little counter intuitive but bear with meā€¦ I actually think the blizzard revenue angle may count against the BRING BACK THE BUFF side of this argumentā€¦

Anecdotally, Iā€™ve heard that there have been a spate of account cancellations from the NOCHANGES side that lead to blizzard reversing the buffs in the first place. Iā€™m not aware of any cancellations from the BRINGBACKTHEBUFF side of the fence.

I wonā€™t cancel my accounts to try and effect some change - I enjoy the game too much for that, and lets be honest, I was never going to have 300 pole arm skill for very long lols.

Iā€™ll just go back to summoning C.20-30 people to rend every day, same as I always have.

TLDR; post, wanted to clear up my country analogy after some people mistook it for gatekeeping or trying to stifle opinions in the first place.

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no might of stormwind :expressionless: and certainly no polearms for druids. I just canā€™t believe they thought this was okay. Shows a total lack of respect for classic era.