Classic Era Patch Updates

There is no downside, except insulting like 10 “purists.” You all want to smash the toys before anyone else gets to play with them.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind. We all want to spend more playing, and less time chasing down buffs in the game we love!


Might of Stormrend was a healthy change for Era raiding (just as chronoboons once were). Please don’t let a vocal minority that do not spend that much time on era or raid influence the decisions behind your change. As a long time Era player, I fully support adding the Might of Stormwind to Classic Era.


You totally miss the intent of Classic Era no changes if you compare it to 2005 Classic. It’s no changes 2019 Phase 6 naxx patch. That’s how it was advertised, that’s why boons aren’t shunned by the purists.

Maybe if you actually played Era you’d know this.


you were hardstuck aq40

You seem to be under the impression that I didn’t make my peace with the insanity more than a week ago.

Would I prefer to not have the changes? Absolutely. Am I attacking others opinions because I feel like it’s my RIGHT to have equality of faction in Era? Not like you currently are.

So you’re just gonna dismiss me as a “vocal minority”? How disingenuous of you.

AQ40 was the current raid when I quit in phase 5. Your assertion of “hardstuck” makes no sense. Anything to try and discredit me, eh?


It’s not 10 people. You made that up as did the people saying the “vocal minority” thing.

There was outrage shown on here, on Reddit, and all over streams when the five changes were put in.

There’s a petition with over 3700 signatures asking for Era changes to be rolled back. Now granted I almost didn’t sign that because it’s from a streamer, and I’m sure some of the numbers are based on that - but the petition is there - and it got traction.

If Blizzard reverses this and puts MoS back they are going to upset the 3000+ people who don’t want Era changes again.

Blizzard is not in a great spot but their misstep was putting MoS into the game in the first place. My hope is that Blizzard doesn’t thoughtlessly change Era again and this pushback from both sides makes them think twice. Maybe this outcome is exactly what needed to happen for the future health of the game.

How many people who are upset at the MoS reversal now would have just kept happily playing if this debacle had never happened? Two weeks ago was this even thought of as something to complain about because I never saw anyone whining about allies having to be creative to get rend, it was just an expected part of the game.


If they kept stormrend nothing changes for me personally other than I go from 2 b.nets to 1. I dont think it’s something we should want to open tho, the leaked changes so far have been annoying to say the least. No Changes, at least in era.

Maybe Mankirk is somewhere that having a stormrend makes more sense. It’s a PvE server anyways and getting rend is as easy as (I’m guessing I don’t play on PvE) running over to org right now? Granted low horde pop = rare rends which is why i think it could make more sense on a PvE server. We from pre Whitemane free xfers and even later only had 1 rend a week (sometimes alli where the only drop on our horde toons) So I feel your pain there.

PS: The thought of horde running to SW to get stormrend because they don’t have real rends due to low pop or no new toons on a PVE server is hilarious to me.


When asked about your characters, you linked Raider IO (??). You didn’t play classic all the way through, and you don’t raid on era, even moreso relevant since it’s a hc server. You don’t have meaningful interaction with the topic of this post.

I don’t think there’s any common ground between us other than I do respect advocating for no changes; however, classic was never no changes (we didn’t even have a form of progressive itemization). It started as changed, and it will continue to change. I will continue to advocate for no changes as well unless I see something that is beneficial for the health of era servers and does not affect gameplay in a meaningful way, which I view MoS, chronoboons, etc. I will agree to disagree with you on this and voice my support for MoS.


BRING BACK STORMREND :earth_americas:

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yeah you nailed it.

We are for the buffs because they affect us in the game we play.

You are arguing for the sake of arguing?and linking raider io profiles and don’t really seem to play ERA from what I can gather.

I don’t live in the US, yet I’m still interested in the upcoming Elections there. Do my opinions on the candidates and how broken i think the Electoral College system is matter?

Not really. I could argue about them on the internet all day long but that would be pointless. I don’t live or vote in the US. The opinions of US voters matter more than mine do.

Blizzard can we please get STORMREND back in place on Classic Era servers?



DO IT. The alliance has spoken.

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Yes but we all play on the NA Classic servers.
Playstyles vary and one is not more entitled to be catered to than another.

The Classic team, per the announcement/OP, has reaffirmed their commitment to keeping these types of impactful changes out of Era. It’s not all I’d want out but I’m thankful they seem to care about keeping Era the way it has been since phase 6. MoS just doesn’t belong here.

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Go back on your horde character to grief more world buffs in the Barrens bud.

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wpvp =/= griefing


Move to a pve server if pvp is too hard for you.

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It’s not hard bud. Griefing world buffs isnt even PvP, it’s just making life miserable for other players.

People who enjoy ruining others day for no benefit of their own need to get their brain evaluated.


All of you?

raider io troll lols

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I mean everyone posting here has a stake in the matter.