Classic Era Patch Updates

Then why do you feel you need it so much? You absolutely gatekeep. Plenty of guilds out there won’t take anyone that isn’t world buffed into raids. Plenty of GDKP runs are the same way. As the population dwindles and it gets harder and harder for other guilds to find players, our raiding options are “Don’t raid” or “Play the world buff meta.” that is absolutely gatekeeping. If you require someone to have something in order to do it with you, that sir, is gatekeeping.


What if ‘world buff meta’ players quit when horde finally runs out of consistent drops.

How do I gatekeep?

I don’t raid lead, I don’t do the raid comp…I’m not even an officer of my guild. Our guild regularly takes players into raids without Rend (many times, with the exception of our Naxx teams, WBs aren’t even required and many/most stay booned) and I can’t speak to GDKPs cause our guild doesn’t run them.

You keep saying, “you” but I think your frustration is better pointed somewhere else considering my guild teases me for being a “casual” most of the time anyways.

InB4: “then why are you fighting for this so much?!”

Answer: Principle and loyalty.

my guild is better than ur guild :clown_face:

Probably if you were in Rise runs.

Wait, what? You think guilds that require world buffs are doing something wrong? I mean yes, you can call it gatekeeping if you want, but then I guess some gatekeeping is good! You want some people to be allowed to show up less prepared than others? In what world is allowing people to come to Naxx (the only raid anyone requires wb) without buffs helping? That’s just passing the buck. Lazy!

I can see that point and respect it. I should phrase it as the group in question, I apologize for taking the direction at you specifically when it’s a generalization.


Let’s hug it out.

Whoa a nice person wtf

i was excited to try the mana regen element of the rend buff and see if it could “fix” some of the meme specs mana issues.

bring back rend


They should have both WCB and Stormrend stack.

Please bring back Might of Stormwind! It hurt no one and only benefitted us with families and lives that make it hard to get buffed!


Hey there sockpuppets, alt accounts, fanbois and 5000 forum post andys!

back on the mankrik cluster in the ACTUAL GAME…

rend is at 8:01 tonight, summons from 7:00 onwards for your convenience!

bring back the buffs!!


Tell me you never played actual vanilla without telling me you never played actual vanilla.

Sockpuppet here asking for Stormrend back! Love you, Meow!

But I’m just another of your alt accounts Sven, Why are you talking to yourself lol

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Whoops! hang on lemme get on Opera

As a totally legit Alliance raider, I really hope Stormrend doesn’t come back! ew!


This guy is trolling.

For those that want Stormrend back (like myself), how do we get this noticed more by blizzard? I don’t think the posts on here are doing anything. The petition going around needs more votes.

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