Classic Era Patch Updates

didn’t you just tell someone a hundred posts ago that his opinion didn’t count because he didn’t have sub 55 minute clears?

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ahh the pivot has been achieved! guys, he’s just worried about horde pop growth!

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that makes no sense we are just asking for STORMREND here nothing else. No flying mounts, no xmogs, not whatever you just suggested with that comment. Its just plain and simple Might of the stormwind

You are gatekeeping a portion of the game you don’t interact with that you admitted yourself. That you don’t plan to interact with at all unless they release Classic Fresh. That you admitted yourself.
Yes, your opinion is useless. Enjoy the block.

So? what magic fix is there.
People play multiple characters a large percentage of current era players enjoy raiding. You can say you don’t need it which is true but a lot of people want it.

yeah just so we’re clear, I can gatekeep if they can.

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Gatekeeping is keeping Classic as close to the original Vanilla release as possible apparently.

You can’t use the whole “Doesn’t use world buffs regularly” as a counterpoint. If we used them regularly we’d be part of your crowd. That’s the point, we aren’t part of the world buff meta disease others subscribe to. So of course we don’t use them regularly, we enjoy the game as the devs intended, with them being flavor and fun. They were never intended to be something you force on others to conform to if they want to do the content.

I’d have no problems with it if they were something people just shrugged off and enjoyed, but gatekeeping people so it makes it harder for them to enjoy the content despite the fact we downed it without them is going too far and changes the flow of the game.

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and there we have it

thank you everyone, now let her do our work for us and keep bumping the post because she’s soooooo mad!

Yo imagine if Blizz just gave us back mos

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Blizzard! Please bring back MoS buff! Give the people what they want!

If I can’t have an opinion on raiding I can at least tell them they aren’t using them correctly in the first place so they’re irrelevant :joy:

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blizzard please! BRING BACK STORMREND!

EXCEPT there is literally no aspect of the game you can’t engage in without World Buffs. You can literally clear Naxx without any buffs so it isn’t gatekeeping to want a world buff to drop in Stormwind instead of at XR via a Horde MC.

If you don’t like the culture surrounding WBs thats fine, but it shouldn’t mean you get to control the fortune of the players who do.


Encore swapping characters to brigade again… On a Friday Afternoon…


I dunno what’s more boring, waiting on Rend hill or Baka’s trolling.


Probably how slow your raids are.

girl i am a boomkin raiding Naxx, do you think optimization is something this sever is worried about.

you are that shallow and short sighted and keep proving it over and over

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I don’t wanna go to school
Just wanna play video games
Just wanna be a fool
Just wanna play video games
Everything else is really lame

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We want it back. Don’t cater to horde players who dont even raid on era.