Classic Era Patch Updates

The problem is that this thread was made to bring light to a community that was let down and now he’s here to troll on it.


In what world? Every renown guild from pservers went Alliance in Classic for a reason.

Sorry your guild likes to talk to me and I can’t reply to all of you at once!

Because of… wait for it… bubble skips.

its not even like we don’t get the buff anyone playing era and likes to compete in the endgame for the past 2 years already gets the buff no matter what. the problem here is that we are just adults enjoying playing ERA we understand its not vanilla it has been changed already. this is just a QoL change because sitting on xroads for sometimes even hours with a friend to get MC capped is not fun especially when some of us (myself) work 12 hours shifts and just want to spend our free time PVPing or doing something else instead, because it allows to have a more active world overall instead of waiting for a drop to happen.

So my opinion doesn’t matter because I’m not raiding Era currently? The game can just become worse overall because I’m not one of the few thousand actively playing Era?

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It’s not worse in any way. You just want to troll.



Even when I would play a fresh when it would be released and these changes would be tied to it?

so let the people playing era enjoy it if you don’t play it. The problem here is that too many people that don’t even play era currently try to voice their opinion when they are not even a part of it BRING STORMREND BACK

a 5% stat buff to everyone? or a 10 extra point to the top dps main attacking stat and extra melee hits against to the top two classes?

thank you for admitting it gives and unfair advantage

Yes, actually trying to hinder the gameplay for the people actually still playing is an insane take.


Just redic how they say they listened to community.

Isn’t that just gatekeeping? I’m not up to date on 5 year old servers so I can’t have a voice on how the “era” product is maintained?

Yeah this is just someone trolling. Let it die off. No way this person is real.

You aren’t playing the game, yet you want no changes to it.
That is some insane crazy levels of gatekeeping.


Right so where does this convenience end? They could add an npc that just gives you every world buff when you talk to them in a capital city, or you just get the buffs by default when you zone into a raid. That’s convenience right? Just era things?

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how dare the current playerbase, whom is just here to have fun, do so in a way she doesn’t approve of

I am playing it though, I’m not raiding Naxx phase servers that have been out for 5 years and somehow that means my opinion doesn’t count?

During classic re-release rend was dropped across multiple layers practically on cd.
In the current state of era 95% of rends are bought by alliance players.

Because nobody is playing Horde, which somehow isn’t connecting for the people here. There’s barely any reasons to play Horde already.