Classic Era Patch Updates

There is much more benefit in some of these changes than there were negatives. The vocal minority dictating what they believe to be the best course of action through #nochanges were pretty emphatic in their displeasure. Now you’re trying to put pandora back in the box.

What will be done about all of the additional world buff heads dropped in the last week due to the lack of cooldown? Regardless of how anyone feels about the change/reversion the metric tonnes of heads dropped in the name of convenience/no cd in the last week is substantial.

The biggest difference was stormrend, for some an abomination but for the majority was a significant improvement to their weekly chores in the game. You could feel the collective sigh of relief as an alliance player. At long last we could buff in our major city just as the horde always have. No longer being griefed, financially manipulated, or made to wait unknown periods of time to receive the buff. At best stormrend was a quality of life increase which invigorated the alliance player base while improving raid performance across a much larger population, and at worse was a change that reduced world pvp opportunities once every 3 hours for the horde impassioned enough to hunt alliance trying to obtain the buff.

The laundry list of changes that were fought against, screamed about, and ultimately not reversed is so much more than what we saw in this one release. When will those items be addressed? Are we to celebrate you ‘listening to the community’ when it’s a single instance of this two-way communication and the issues this poses on the longevity of the game in the world buff meta is even more tenuous post reversion?

Like anything else the naysayers are emboldened and vocal which is what this feedback section will be. Bring back Might of Stormwind


There should be NO changes… because as soon as Blizzard starts making some… they’ll keep making more. And even if you like these changes, the next changes you might not, and the ones after those etc and it goes on and on… until we have a game that is nothing like true Vanilla.

THAT is the problem.

What we need is FRESH.


Thank you for listening to the feedback from the classic community and returning important parts of the gameplay changes back to how they are supposed to be in CLASSIC WoW.

A large and important part is having these “imbalances” like only horde having easy WCB and not being completely streamlined like Retail where everyone has everything.


You played without it for 5 years. You aight gang


Can confirm, lots of Alliance players enjoyed this change. Wish it was communicated more. However from the post it gave off the intention that it was intended, they had the perfect opportunity to literally ask how people liked this unexpected change as they work on a fix– but they didnt


Ty Blizz to lisen people, also i see many people not understand why stormrend sux, era its not casual version of the game, do something to have good parses, many people just want stay in town and loot rend, its saying about your game lvl guys, only noobs cant loot horde rend, no rend for noobs and no changes to Era!

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Don’t worry guys, these changes are going to be huge for the crowd in deviate delight. When we are all still playing Era next year and they’re onto the next thing it’ll all be worth it. GG blizzard!


Just Wow! We are given one incredibly amazing quality of life update with the addition of Might of Stormwind; only to have it ripped away by the only people that go straight to the forums to express their option. Complainers! Now I join all the other people in complaining on how much I dislike this change in hopes that you realize that you were helping more people with your original decision to add Might of Stormwind to the Alliance.
Thank you to all the complainers for added another hour of mindless buff recollection to my daily routine.


i agree, but that’s a slippery slope fallacy. i think some changes are good. but only when they’re in the spirit of the game. you cannot call good changes bad because they might make bad changes

3 post alt. Played without ally buff for 5 years. You ok king


Might of Stormwind was just a nerf to already easy Era raids.

No need to change things. If people want big pump, go get rend, otherwise just enjoy the game as is.


The only people who are happy about this are horde players who enjoy griefing alliance players getting rend in the barrens


Alliance already had an advantage over horde with buffs in PVE. Paladins > Shamans… FACT.

Having the rend buff is literally the only thing that comes close to evening it out and encourage PVE’ers to still play horde… otherwise everyone just plays alliance and we have a 100% solo faction server.

Sounds terrible.

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I agree with communicating changes before they’re applied.

I dislike the reversing of this update, for me it only made the game more playable without having to do jank stuff like capping my alliance guild mates with a lvl 20 horde character whos only purpose is MC’ing during horde rend drop.

i play alliance on hardcore for reference.

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I realize reverting the changes again (putting SW Rend BACK in the game) would be a difficult decision. Quickly changing things back and forth is never a great look, because it admits faulty decision making; perhaps some sort of community poll for Era players could provide you with accurate insight to realistic data for these Era changes.

I’m afraid the loud minority was listened to too closely. People that were in agreement with the QoL changes to Era stayed relatively quiet, which I think negatively influenced the rapid decision making to revert the changes.


Go play sod if you want changes


No sh*t people playing on alliance will like it when they are tryharding and not actually appreciating Classic WoW but just something vaguely in the same world. Surely those people would also advocate shamans throwing around pally buffs and paladins dropping wf totem, right?

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Not to mention people thinking they might cancel their MC cap account(s)!!


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Your opinion is not perfection

Era players are so insufferable its insane, all the cope about how there isnt a large horde population. When in classic almost every server was horde dominated and for a reason because it had every advantage against alliance.

You didnt even revert the biggest change they were complaining about which was the guild ui. These changes should have been put in at the beginning. I cant even express into words how cancer it was to get rends.

Also if there is almost no horde why would you not be in favor of the alliance rend so you could actually get your buff. :unamused:

Theres a reason the era community is so small because you are all petty af.