Classic Era Patch Updates

The fresh purists want Fresh left alone…

if you want changes, go play SoM.


Appreciate the communication, however I don’t believe the vocal community against Might of Stormwind actually represents the majority.
MoS was praised by many but may not have been as noticeable as the voices against the change which tends to be human nature.
We love classic for classic but that doesn’t mean most arnt open to some change, especially such a beneficial change.
Please reconsider keeping Might of Stormwind in the game.


i am not an era purist, i’m a person who wants good changes in era and bad changes not in era.


Once again, you let the vocal minority win. You guys just removed good changes to the game for the sake of purism when that argument went out the window the moment chronoboon was added and the honor system was changed. Why not revert these while you’re at it.

Alliance having rend changed nothing. The only people complaining were washed up horde players clinging onto whatever purist arguments they could when it doesn’t even apply to the current version of vanilla wow we have.

The game was lively again, and the MAJORITY appreciated these changes.

-1 sub


Then go play a game where they make changes… Like SoM or Retail.


Its not the worst thing that you rolled back these changes for C-Era specifically.
I’d imagine that SoD retains the changes.

I liked these changes in SoD. For things regarding menu UI, I understand a pocket of the community doesn’t want these changes but a toggle option in the menu for those using 4K monitors where the game menus are literally super tiny and ineffectively use the space would be good. This is probably not a wall that most people are hitting yet but eventually it will come as a problem for them as well.

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Poster with 1 post.

NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Nothing suspicious going on

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And how is stormrend bad? is it cutting into your rend selling profits or what?


So if your point of removing a chance most players really appreciated, then give us back the other changes from this hotfix.

For instance, put back being able to logoff/reset an instance. "For everything it does perfectly, Classic Era is also beloved for its wonderful imperfections. " Give us back that imperfection or do you only listen to streamers?


Does this mean you won’t f*** with era next time you make an update to your seasonal gamemodes? No doubt this incompetent company probably still will.


Probably because most of us simply dont care much about what happens so we dont forum post. However, when you take something nice away, ofc we’re upset.

Also, if you are reverting changes… I want my log out skips back that you took away…

Stop picking and choosing what you leave and don’t…


Why is this even close to relevant? They are here because it matters to us. We don’t have to be a mouth breathing forum poster to know when Blizzard messed up. Pipe down.


Why is a forum troll like you that clearly spends more time posting than playing think you’re opinion counts more than someone who posted just once?

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They’re parse chasing addicts that don’t care about purity but getting mediocre speedrun times that pale in comparison to 2019-2020.


hi alodar. that has nothing to do with what i said. you are talking to one of the very few people who plays vanilla more than you. yearly invasions, boons, and repeatable buff quests are the only changes i want. i do not want any QoL other than those three or changes other than those three unless someone brings one up i haven’t thought of.

Sure… on that 70 human paladin. You 're probably not even playing Era.

People are posting on things that matter to them, the fact that this change is getting people who’ve never posted on the forums shows era has a community with a voice.


That’s a completely different game. This was a buff that already exists, given a new place to drop for quality of life for ally players.

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Might of Stormwind did not impact raid clear times whatsoever. It was a major quality of life update where the Alliance player base no longer had to spend exorbitant amounts of time and collusion to get a world buff they could only otherwise get through colluding.

The removal of this buff promotes an unhealthy amount of play time to retrieve Warchief’s blessing. It also promotes the nasty few buff griefers and sellers and puts all the power back into their hands further dividing the community.

Might of Stormwind’s return to the game is conducive to a healthier gaming environment in terms of both time management and reduction of toxicity among the base.

The PvP system was altered to make the game healthier for the average player and so was the Might of Stormwind buff.

Bring back Might of Stormwind!