Classic Era Patch Updates

I dont understand the gatekeeping then? If you’re just playing casually or is this some idealization of the way it should be?

Does it honestly impact your gameplay negatively?

ok just a leveling player so you dont even play the endgame where the Wbuffs are being used GOT IT so you have no say in this.



Why is lying on a blizzard forum your friday afternoon wtf is this XD
Ally use Pallies for speed running because of bubble skips, they are not more damage than windfury. Whyyyy liiiieeeeeeee

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Realistically, the way I see WCB as “horde only” is that it provides one of the few benefits to playing horde. In the back of my mind there could be a fresh in the future and I don’t see any major reasons to go Horde now that the secret is out from 2019. If Alliance has “Stormrend” that’s another item on the list where I’d be asking why I would ever go Horde? Windfury go brr? Alliance warriors will end up doing more damage anyways.

Why is it yours?

oh sorry. I’m not lying! I am asking why you are lying! Hope this cleared it up.

:wink: don’t wanna bring up why we’re at the same place on a Friday afternoon.

the lying part

Getting dogged on by one guy while ur guild copes on logs?

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Idc about logs im asking why you use bad faith arguments to troll

Bad faith?

What is bad faith in here.

You have made many bad faith arguments and pointing to one post doesn’t change that

Another day another reminder. Blizzard turn a win into an L.

But what do you expect from Greedy Blizzard. Saw the unsubbing mind control alt accounts. Gotta screw the customer some how.

Lets be realistic the dip was larger than 20 mind control alts.

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My guild alone has 25+ alt accounts for mind control.

Mine has roughly 100

But you are thinking about it like an end game raider (ironic considering you don’t end game raid on era)

Horde has so many cool things Alliance don’t have that 100% of the player base get to experience (as opposed to the 5-10% that do the end game raids to a degree to which Wbuffs affect). Races, racials, classes, zepplins, etc. Cities are different vibes. Horde is awesome and it isn’t just because of WCB.

I mean its common knowledge that Horde are heavily favored throughout all of Vanilla. The guy just ignores arguments he can’t win.


Dude doesnt even play Era in the raiding ecosystem. Stop feeding the troll.

If he wants to whinge about logs he can come here in present day and do better - not that it even matters in the context of this argument.