Classic Era Patch Updates

Link the 55 minute run!

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I did, you canā€™t read.

shamans and windfury is better offensively

Rune of the Guard Captain

1 lich king kill and quit halfway through TBC. based!

HoJ/BHB are better.

Yea itā€™s my alt. My main killed pre-nerf.

Link it or it didnā€™t happen and you are banished from this thread forever for being a troll and a liar.

I have spoken.

Iā€™m just waiting for Encore to do anything that I didnā€™t do better back in 2019ā€¦

What is your era toon? Thatā€™s the forum thread topic

My brother in christ that link doesnā€™t work lmao.


Yea you have to fix it to look at it. Have you ever looked at a url?

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This link just takes you to that warriors page, not any specific run

That is just to your character not to the 55 minute run.

Sheeeeeesh this personā€¦

Itā€™s almost as if they havenā€™t played Era for so long they have forgotten how to use logsā€¦

You can find it in there?

Canā€™t go faster than me canā€™t parse better canā€™t do anything better in 5 yearsā€¦

Man this is a really boring troll lmao.

itā€™s super obvious you didnā€™t run a 55 minute clear on bene as that would be logged 100% and bene doesnā€™t even have a sub hour run in classic.

Have a good friday

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Ok I mean thatā€™s your cope not mine.

So you canā€™t link it after saying you linked it? Have a nice weekend, bud!

imagine being give 2% hit over the other faction and still complaining

Encore on more accounts brigading a thread oh no!

Imagine thinking pallies are better than shamans for anything other than speed running. Non era thoughts I imagine

Are we reverting Might of Stormwind back or what?