Classic Era Patch Updates

Just because you existed in a game where a change happened doesn’t mean you were effected. its kind of ridiculous to say so when you have clearly stated you don’t participate in the things being effected. Why do you keep trying to use your emotions as evidence? You just want to grief because that’s the game to you.

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And you are representative of everything that is wrong with most gaming communities these days.

Toxic just to be toxic.

Antagonistic just to be antagonistic.

Unhelpful just to be unhelpful.

do the 39 other people you used to raid with know you’re claiming their work?

Hey, it’s their sandbox, and if they cant have the toys, no one can.

How is it not toxic to brigade a forum with false “community displeasure” with a change that hurts my experience? We’re the same you and me.

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Uh yes? I performed well in those runs, I expect them to do the same.

link logs!

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tag them? all 39 of them

I’ll wait

If it was up to me, I would vote 100/100 times to allow Might of Stormwind back in the game with essentially no cooldown. However, I’m trying to take in all the perspectives/concerns that people have regarding MoS and changes to Era servers in general.

What if a compromise was to allow all world buffs (except DMT obviously) be repeatable quest turn ins with a very short cooldown? Now, the worry about the scarcity of the buffs wouldn’t be an issue since there will always be active/dedicated players that are running the content to push the world buffs out on a scheduled basis without having to rely on alts or newer players.

This would also accommodate unscheduled drops for players that are wanting their first quest turn in reward without fear of toxic remarks from other players.

Rend would still be inconvenient for Alliance, but it would be much more accessible because there would be more consistent drops throughout the day. I can’t imagine there would be much pushback on this?

Youre not an alliance player. You’re not playing on a PvP server. You’re not raiding naxx. So who even cares about your opinion on a buff that doesnt even impact you.

You have thousands of posts on a wow forum, on issues that dont even impact you, yet im the tool? Ok bro.


Yeah because Im tired of watching innocent players minding their own business get all kinds of threats because they didnt talk to the discord boss to tell them how to play the game right.

They dont get to enforce their playstyle on everyone. Shouldnt be too hard to grasp. Parsers are clowns in my book and I dont share their vision or ideals. If they cant figure out a way to live with it thats on them.

There are other ways to play, like not caring about parses. This game wasnt rereleased for parsers. They can do whatever they want with that info but they dont count as much as they think they do.

QQ. Wasnt intended for ally.

Cry me a river.

“If the game could just be easier for us…”

The lack of intelligible responses in this thread.


classic . warcraftlogs . com/character/us/benediction/bakabtw?zone=1005#zone=1006

Feel free to check any tier.


If I dont want the game to change I am negatively impacted when it does - the specifics dont matter. Parsers dont get to tell everyone else how it should be. Sorry.

Man, you guys sure do wanna talk about me instead of the matter at hand. I wonder why that is.

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It just got quiet in here what happened…

Bring back stormrend! We want MoS!

oh look a rend buff

funny how you’re fine having your own toys but don’t want others to get them so easily

We’ve seen quite a few faction balance changes that have negatively affected the alliance, why can’t the horde eat one? or does no changes only effect one side

Yeah I wish Alliance had access to that. Shoot.

You know what Horde doesn’t have access to? Paladins and light of elune.


If this is you on Bene, there are only 3 Bene guilds that made it top 3 for speed in Naxx in the US.

You’re not in any of these runs, and none of them crack sub hour.

Let me know where that 55 minute one is, surely that’d be logged as that would crack top 3 US.

The Bakabtw on horde has zero naxx logs.


Imagine the arrogance of posting a Warcraft logs link (a very good but not great one) and then thinking because no one responded within 2 minutes you have somehow silenced the crowd…

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? I don’t think you know how to read logs. Also, you have slower boss kills despite 2x as many weeks and no pinks. That’s embarassing.