Classic Era Patch Updates

I can rattle off about 40 different names in here just from Mankrik cluster. How many names can you recognize? Your argument is now moot and won’t be heard henceforth.

lvl 1 + hunter pet boosting
Mob tag boosting
PVP Revamp
offline instance reset nerf
Lost and Found Vendor

You found one blue post alluding to an intent to not have changes in classic and think you can “Prove” that means Blizzard isn’t supposed to be making changes to classic.
I assure you they make changes to classic and will continue to make changes to classic.

Guys as a proud Alliance player on Classic Era please don’t ever bring Stormrend back it’s a terrible decision.

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So let’s check the scoreboard:

Two people posting on here with regularity neither of which use World Buffs on Era regularly who think MoS shouldn’t be in the game.

Bakalmao who doesn’t play Era and finds satisfaction “living rent free” aka a self admitted troll

Corpseknife who minutes ago just admitted to being a griefer who finds it satisfying to harm other players on his faction and wants to now harm the players on the other faction.

Then at least 20-30 players consistently posting on here (at least the ones I know in game or whom I can verify in some way) who want the MoS buff in game and are voicing their opinions here.

Kaivax, Aggrend, Artemishowl etc. you have a chance to prove that you are going to follow through with what you said and listen to the ACTUAL PLAYERS OF ERA not the pretenders who keep popping up in here. (Corpseknife possibly not a pretender but none have been able to verify.)

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You sir, have sent me to the gallows with this one! HAHAHAHAHA

where’s your 60?

I do play era, but I’m not posting on that character like many people here.

Also I put up faster times than your guild back in 2019 better pick up the pace.

Loud incorrect buzzer noise

Uh oh caught you swapping characters Frankdux :joy:

The forums wont let people post more than 3 replies. We dont come here that often. Idk if we should post less or you but its prob both, right?

You are doing nothing but proving my point with these insubstantial responses.

i found the hypocrite, shocking

Like twice as a joke.

Sorry officer! I won’t do it again!


I’m not pretending to be a voice of dozens of people by farming character swaps.

You gonna cite some examples or just keep talking smack with nothing to back your play?

The change got reversed. How much more evidence do you need?

I did. Im still against further changes especially ones intended for SoD. Looks like Blizz agreed.

You think the opposite. Burden of proof is on you. Oh shucks you dont have any, keep trolling me I guess.

Im a part of the Era community. I have a say. You dont get to decide that, get off your lame high horse because not enough oxygen is making it to your two brain cells.

I was affected. I didnt want SoD changes in Era. Then that happened.

Now theyre gone.

Hope you made the most of those 7 days.

Keep rolling with this totally debunked and irrelevant narrative.

I heard it everyday from the day TBC launched until it ended. Dual specs were gonna happen tomorrow because #somechanges. It didnt work then and it aint gonna work now.

Maybe swap to another alt and try again?

What’s your fastest time? 1:24? I was doing 55’s back in 2019 without 5 years of gear and on Horde.

You are not the representative of classic that you think you are.

oh, and where is my other character’s I’m swapping to on here?

How many post complaining did it take for blizz to decide “its what the community wants” when they took away MoS?

And how many will it take for them to realize most of the community was happy with the changes and is now just being vocal that MoS been taken away.

Do you think blizz is wiliing to double-double-back on their choices or is there to much pride on the line.


Wait do you think I am Maersk?

Plot twist: I’m not.

Frankdux, Chongli, Frankthetank. Those are my toons. Find the posts. You are gonna be real disappointed.

You’re right, I am disappointed.