Classic Era Patch Updates

Day 5 of the hunger strike for the return of MOS.


Give me my alliance rend buff back!


It’s a reference to when a South Korean men’s advocacy group that did the same in protest of women’s rights “imagery” in Gacha games. It was a waste of money and didn’t work. lol

What are you even talking about? Are you being intentionally obtuse in this thread or are you really this way in real life?

How can you even pretend to know the connection, reference, or origin of this idea?

And how is this the first connection you made? It’s been done by many groups for a very long time for various reasons but this is the “origin” of it to you?…

Unless you were one of the men in the men’s advocacy group which is why you know it failed…

Like probably every pro sports team has had its fanbase do this at least once in the past 30 years…

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Then go play the accessible equality version?


Or introduce it here?

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Just…no. stop it.

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Ana I was WAITING for you to read that HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Kind of flies in the face of why this game even exists and why the changes were reverted to begin with. You could opt to take the hint that those changes dont belong here.

But if you like it that much you could play the version it was intended for.

As an aside, the former CEO and Blizz founder is on record as saying their accessibility model is what killed the franchise so lets not pretend accessibility is something good. It could work against you too.

Like they said when Classic launched, “Classic isnt for everybody” and I guess that would include people who want QoL changes in Era purely out of entitlement.


“Like they said when Classic launched, “Classic isnt for everybody” and I guess that would include people who want QoL changes in Era purely out of entitlement.”

You’re arguing with the people who have played and continue to play classic more than anyone else.

“Classic isn’t for everyone” says the guy with basically ZERO evidence you even raid and play the facet of the game MoS would affect. Ironic.

Do you even play Classic right now?

Show me your Era main toon /played.

I bet you main retail…

Also can I just say that I loathe your exclusionary language.

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And? Doesn’t mean they know what theyre talking about and deserve what theyre asking for. What about the people who dont want it?

Fun fact you dont need to be a parser to play Classic Era.


You’re looking at him.

You would lose that bet.

Of course you can. Do I have to care?


Same old song and dance from you with no substance.

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There is no corpseknife on warcraftlogs so I guess you just run around barrens trolling? You don’t even have a guild linked.

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hello? :stuck_out_tongue:

Bring back Stormrend

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Who tf cares what was originally intended? This is not Vanilla. It is an amalgam of random parts of different games that ended up on a Vanilla map. Anyone claiming this change hurts the game is being untruthful. What purpose does it serve any of us to “remain truthful to the original game?” You are asking for changes that HURT you. When your side has literally no one left to drop Rend, we can help you.



I agree with this statement. Bring back Stormrend!


You got that backwards.

Was rend intended for alliance? No.

Do alliance need rend? No.

Do alliance deserve rend? No.

What exactly is giving MoS to Allies any substance? Nothing because its all entitlement over a made up player meta.

Good luck with that.

Out of curiosity, what activity do you participate in Era that Stormrend affected or hurt? Because honestly, it looks like you just enjoy arguing.

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I am not saying offering MoS innately provides substance to the game (although I believe that it does).

I’m saying your arguments, positions, and responses to those of us who hold dissenting opinions has no substance.

Well above half of your responses are the epitome of a sarcasm gif.

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