Classic Era Patch Updates

Yeah which is one of the benefits of being Horde. I would never ever go Horde if there was Alliance WCB, because its a pain in the a s s to get as Alliance otherwise but the gameplay is 10x better with paladins.

Now the next step would be to unlock xfers to deviate delight and stop treating people like second class wow players that donā€™t want to level.

My 15$ is equal to their 15$.

As an era raider in a guild clearing all the content, Might of Stormwind was a huge QOL improvement. Please reinstate that buff. The Mankrik cluster is so heavily alliance skewed, this buff is a pain in the a$$ to get reliably.


You do realize that Rend is not factored in balance at all right? In 2004 the devs just put world buffs in the game because they thought it was neatā€¦

Anyway, whereā€™s classic fresh?

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So you play a toon that does not even need to acquire rend each weekā€¦? I feel like actively advocating against a quality of life change is doing a disservice to the melee in your guild who do put in the hours to get rend. Alliance will still get rend, but now we get griefed again and it takes considerably more effort. I assure you, if you had been playing a class that had to get MCā€™d in the barrens for years while being at risk of griefing as well, youā€™d have a different opinion.


This was stupid to change back. These were genuine improvements that made the game better. Without taking away from what makes classic good.


What about logout skips? Their removal was another change to the snapshotted version of classic and i dont see any mention of it. Was it intended to remove logout skips? Is there any consideration to bringing them back?


Hypocrisy is the practice of feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not.
ā€œIā€™m a era purist, bring back scourge event!ā€ Seems to fit.


Or Blizzard could just leave things as they were. Regardless of whether you are pro buff or anti buff is irrelevant. We all joined the game on an "As isā€™ basis with this never being discussed as a possibility to begin with. The game was founded, and should have been maintained on this common belief and this conversation wouldnā€™t even be happening if they stayed out of it.


Why does that matter? Itā€™s the meta now and ignoring world buffs thereā€™s no reason to go Horde at all. WCB is the only thing keeping world pvp at the table at all.

When you complain you only get the nice things changed. Sorry.

You guys added a bunch of stuff during classic Wrath without notice, most infamously the WoW token. Please stop messing around and actually follow through with asking before changing anything.


The inconsistency in understanding and responding to player feedback is very frustrating, because why be quick to fix this but never consider other suggestions that players have been wanting for a while: yearly scourge invasions, removing buff cap, and polling interest for TBC classic servers. All three that reside in the spirit of classic and are safer QoL changes/suggestions than Stormrend.


Terrible news, but honestly not surprising. The QoL changes were good, just like adding boons was a good.

Iā€™d rather have just read that the changes were unintentional, and you were working on a fix to revert it, which we all know was the case. Letā€™s not pretend the 25 people who were upset about it are the reason it got reverted.


Or they can put these changes in SoM and you can go play that.


The exact opposite of the heartbeat of the community lol

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absolutely cooking my dude

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Thatā€™s fair, I just wouldnā€™t go get rend buff. I actively am against world buff, parsing, and meta culture too and think itā€™s silly people would expect any melee to go get rend buff outside of electively decided you wanted it.

And while it doesnā€™t help my precious parses, it still benefits me having my raids melee with MoS. It would have been the difference of our last Kt wipe versus a kill.


EVERY poster complaining about this stuff reverted is posting on a cata toon with less than 5 posts per toon.