Classic Era Patch Updates

The majority of players that were in favor of keeping SW Rend are the players that are pushing the limits with parses and competitive completion times. Yes, it is indeed a drastic change to Classic Era but the QoL is so massive for people that actually engage in that type of gameplay.

To the people happy about Stormwind Rend going away, are they actually going to The Barrens for hours and potentially paying hundreds of gold for a world buff to push the limits? I think I know the answer to that question…

So disappointing. (Reposted from my Era account)



The SOD BG matchmaking algorithm is still in era. All it does is make wait times worse for solo players and premades alike.

Better off reverting this for healthier BGs

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How about instead of making changes to the game without input, you guys make polls and really get a sense of what the players want. Instead of taking random shots in the dark.


No, Either they are trash horde players not getting paid or lower tier folks that will be farming ZG and MC for the rest of their life. Ask them about Warcraft logs and they be like “Whats that? o.O”


You already have a massive pve gap over Horde, cry about it.


You have continually given or fixed things that we did not want done. The ONE thing you did correctly, by making rend easier to get for alliance esp. when Horde is a dwindling population, you take away because some people complained. Start paying attention to the majority of your player base on Classic Era, instead the most vocal complainers.

“Stormrend” was a great addition that didn’t impact the performance of players in anyway as we all would get Rend regardless. The impact it did have was allowing alliance players not to sit on cope hill for hours at a time, and ACTUALLY play your game.


Right. Don’t let them distract us from the real changes with druid polearms!

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Be honest about why you changed it. I can promise you that the VAST MAJORITY of raiders were in favor of this change. The majority of people asking for it to be reverted are either people who pretend they play era and just sit on the forums, or “influencers”. Give us back stormrend.


Don’t you see how hypocritical this is?


#nochanges expect boons those are ok, oh and the pvp system.


nope, because it’s not

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Absolutely brutal to cave to a few boomers and revert alliance rend. Who exactly are you listening to?


Do you think its dwindling because there’s 0 reason to play Horde? Alliance players are such babies lmao.

If you like these changes go play sod. Its called era for a reason. It should remain as close as possible to the og game.


I’ve stated before, but I only play ally. Jarl is my main and only toon I play. This is the only game I play, and the only version of wow I play. I play on a server with about 30 total raiders ally side. We had recent KT wipes with our guild at 8%…| this buff would have been the difference.

Despite it actively helping us, I did not and do not want the buff in Era. I just don’t want any changes (ship sailed, I know). So I continue to advocate against Stormrend despite it only helping me and my guild.

Truthfully, we don’t need it, we’ll be fine without it, and we’ll kill KT again soon without it as well. Would it help us? For sure. But I don’t want help or changes to Era.


The difference though is that Alliance is able to get Horde’s Rend, its just super inconvenient. If the argument was something like, “Allow Alliance to have Shaman totems” then I would agree with that sentiment.


I don’t think it’s hard to understand. Game hadn’t been touched since 2020. Why randomly change it now.

Plus the changes in 2020 weren’t changes that were hated, but made some sense.


How is it possible for a company worth so much to be completely useless when it comes to patches? Just give alliance rend, and remove the other garbage. That’s all you have to do.


You are so full of it. The Alliance are very much less PvP oriented. I was there when the Horde farmed Alliance in the world to the point Blizzard was begged to give Horde BGs early so they could quest they were so overwhelmed. I was there in TBC when Alliance PvP so little the Horde was on here raging and demanding mercenary mode their queue times were so high due to lack of Alliance.

The issue here has zero to do with “Cause Alliance have salv” the issue is created by players such as yourself creating this sick “Gotta be best” meta you’ve created for yourselves on content we proved we could do as either faction with any class over two freaking decades ago.

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Utilizing the complaints from a forum is a poor business decision. Changes cause the unhappy individuals to post complaints while those who enjoyed the changes were too busy being excited about Blizzard implementing a good change.

The Alliance rend was a massive QoL improvement and didn’t put Horde at any sort of disadvantage since half of the raiders were attempting to get it regardless via a mind control. Just because this is a 20 year old game doesn’t mean it’s perfect. If people have such a problem with the buff, then they can just not get the buff to begin with.