Classic Era Patch Updates

Once upon a time in the expansive world of Azeroth, where legends were forged and battles raged, there existed a realm untouched by the relentless march of time. This realm, known as the Classic Era, was a place of nostalgia and wonder for adventurers young and old. Here, the original landscapes, quests, and challenges of World of Warcraft’s early days were faithfully preserved.

In this alternate reality, the whispers among the players were of a stirring change—a change that seemed almost too good to be true. Rumors spread like wildfire across the taverns of Ironforge and the bustling streets of Stormwind. It was said that Blizzard, the titan behind the virtual world, had finally turned its gaze back to the Classic Era with a newfound sense of care and dedication.

At first, it began with small but noticeable improvements. The ancient servers, once prone to occasional lag and downtime, now hummed with newfound stability. The developers, inspired by the impassioned pleas of the community, began to address long-standing issues that had plagued the Classic experience. Bugs that had eluded resolution for years suddenly found themselves vanquished by the tireless efforts of Blizzard’s team.

But it wasn’t just technical improvements that marked this new era of care. The developers, having immersed themselves in the world they had created, began to understand the delicate balance of nostalgia and modern convenience. They introduced subtle adjustments that preserved the purity of the Classic experience while easing some of the more frustrating aspects.

In the heart of Orgrimmar, Thrall himself stood before a gathering of Horde leaders and announced, “Today, we embark on a new journey—one where the heritage of our past is not just preserved, but cherished. Together, we will forge a Classic experience worthy of every adventurer who ever roamed these lands.”

Across the Great Sea, in the majestic halls of Stormwind Keep, King Varian Wrynn nodded solemnly. “The Alliance stands with our allies in this endeavor,” he proclaimed, his voice resonating with a newfound sense of unity. “For the Alliance!”

And so, the realms of Classic Era WoW flourished under Blizzard’s newfound care. Regular events and community gatherings became the norm, where developers mingled with players to hear their stories and ideas. The forums buzzed with excitement, not just for what was to come, but for what had already been achieved.

In the verdant forests of Ashenvale, a night elf druid named Lysara watched as the sun set behind the ancient trees. She had been an adventurer since the early days, navigating the trials of Classic with steadfast determination. Now, as she gazed upon the tranquil landscape, a smile tugged at her lips.

“They’ve done it,” she whispered to herself, marveling at the sight of fellow adventurers chatting eagerly by the moonwell. “Blizzard really cares.”

And in that moment, as the world of Azeroth continued to evolve, a bond was forged between the creators and the players—a bond built on trust, dedication, and a shared love for the timeless tales that had brought them together.

For in the realm of Classic Era WoW, dreams were not just dreamed—they were lived, cherished, and protected for generations to come. And amidst the ever-changing tides of gaming, Blizzard’s care for their classic creation shone like a beacon of hope, guiding adventurers old and new on their epic journeys through the World of Warcraft.

Alas it was all but a dream…


Please bring back Might of Stormwind.


You’d be surprised. Ive played since vanilla, and most expansions/relaunches. I actually had to go figure out how to change my selected character before coming to post here for the first time.

Stormrend was great for the hardcore community raiding naxx. Was a nice QoL change.


gib back mark of stormwind. it was a good change. no era player who consistently raids and doesnt have the extreme biased condition of being a horde player who heavily profits off of rend thinks MoS was bad for the games health.


They asked for feedback, not software engineers.

I am certified in C++ but I dont see how that’s relevant.

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o implement the described buff in Lua for World of Warcraft, you’ll need to create an addon that listens for the event where the player turns in the specified item to the NPC. Here’s a basic outline of how you could approach this:

  1. Create a WoW addon (if you haven’t already):
  • Create a new folder in World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns (replace _classic_ with _retail_ if you are playing retail WoW).
  • Name your folder something like CustomBuffAddon.
  1. Create the Lua files:
  • Inside your addon folder (CustomBuffAddon), create a Lua file named CustomBuffAddon.lua.
  1. Implement the functionality:

    -- Define your addon's name and event handling
    local addonName = "CustomBuffAddon"
    local addon = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName)
    -- Register for PLAYER_LOGIN event to initialize addon
    -- Event handler function
    addon:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
        if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
        elseif event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then
            local message = ...
            -- Check for the system message when the player turns in the item
            if message:find("You receive loot:") then
                local itemName = select(2, message:match("You receive loot: (.+)%."))
                local itemID = select(2, message:match("|Hitem:(%d+):"))
                if itemID == "12630" then  -- Check if the item received is "Head of Rend Blackhand"
                    -- Apply the buff
    -- Function to apply the custom buff
    local function ApplyCustomBuff()
        -- Check if the player already has the buff to avoid reapplying
        if not UnitAura("player", "CustomBuff") then
            -- Apply the buff with the specified stats
            local spellName = "Custom Buff"
            local spellIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_nature_ravenform"
            local spellRank = "Rank 1"
            local spellDescription = "Increases hitpoints by 300, 15% haste to melee attacks, and 10 mana regen every 5 sec."
            local spellDuration = 3600  -- Buff duration in seconds (1 hour in this example)
            local spellTexture = spellIcon
            -- Apply the buff
            local index = 1
            local applied = false
            while not applied do
                local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId = UnitBuff("player", index)
                if not name then
                    -- Apply the buff
                    CastSpellByName(spellName, spellRank)
                    applied = true
                elseif spellId == spellId then
                    -- The buff is already applied
                    applied = true
                index = index + 1
  2. Explanation:

  • The addon listens for the PLAYER_LOGIN event to initialize itself and then listens for CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM to detect when the player receives loot.
  • When loot is received, it checks if the item received is the “Head of Rend Blackhand” (Item ID: 12630).
  • If the item matches, it calls ApplyCustomBuff() to apply the custom buff.
  • ApplyCustomBuff() checks if the player already has the buff (CustomBuff), and if not, it applies it using CastSpellByName(spellName, spellRank) (you should replace this with the actual spell name and rank from your game data).
  1. Notes:
  • Ensure that the spell name, icon, duration, and other specifics match what is actually in the game.
  • This example assumes you have the appropriate permissions and knowledge to create and manage WoW addons.
  • Adjust the spell application logic (CastSpellByName) based on how buffs are applied in your WoW version and environment.

Remember to test your addon in a safe environment before using it in your live WoW gameplay to ensure it functions correctly and as expected.

Blizzard: I see you’ve been going to the sketchy part of town to get the goods. Let me help you out and make it readily available and a safer product.

Blizzard: JUST KIDDING. Your dealers complained.

Thanks for making us go back to back alley deals after you got us addicted for a week.


When Classic dropped, it was stated over, and over again that it was a love letter to the community.

The community who has been playing Era since 2021, has gotten one insane change in 3 years after paying the initial fee to clone, or the price when it was on sale.

This change solved a lot of issues for era, and was an over-all massive quality of life boost.

I’d ask in the future for you guys to formulate data from the crowd who actually is playing the game, and will be playing the game in the future rather than formulating data from the flavor of the month realms.

If this is truly a love letter to the community, and you guys are going to ride that quote into the grave, stick with it.


Please bring back Might of Stormwind! Best change ever.


Day 482, Midday;

Still no sight of master yet.

I wrote a poem to Mother.

Gone are the days of Sun on my face
Gone are the days of life to embrace
Dust and mountains I once awed to see
Surround me and drown me in misery

These chains are too heavy, these walls too confined
I twiddle my thumbs, biding my time
This Cap so oppressive, and the irony?
This Cap I wear is controlling me


@BlizzardCS from the mountains of Durotar to the seas in Silverpine Forest and all around the world in Azeroth share the love of Rend with giving the Alliance Might of Stormwind back!


Not really a genius or anything but seems like a vast majority of the player-base wants MoS back.

Again, not a business major but, a small quality of life feature that takes little to no work that a majority of your consumer wants seems like an easy win, that’s just my take though what do I know.


I really wish you would put Might of Stormwind back. Just like Chronoboon, there’s so few downsides it just makes sense.


I hate changes and updates, and that’s why I play Classic Era instead of other games… But, to be honest, that SW buff, the new PvP system, and the new guild tab did come in handy and should stay for good!

Btw there are 70,000 honorable kills still missing on my warlock since the new PvP system was updated! Please add those back to the ones that are still showing.

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Here’s a novel idea: if you don’t like doing a completely optional activity…don’t do it?


Yo! Bring back Stormrend! I need more rend drops per day for the 5 warriors that I play! =) There is no Imbalance, we get rend on alliance anyways, let the casuals enjoy the full wb meta without having to pay for a mind control. Let us drop WBs whenever we want with no cooldown. China #1, get a clue Activision/Blizzard. Please don’t assassinate our Trump Card.


My take:
*Making the initial change with no warning feels like trying to cover up an unexpected result while attempting to minimize the optics that you screwed up.
*Reverting the change while saying “you spoke and we listened” is either you being completely blind to the vast majority of the player base or you again trying to minimize your appearance as amateurish.
*This is a QOL change that is so unobtrusive and clearly so easy for you to implement that with the amount of paying customers asking for this back it seems like a no brainer to me. WoW classic is an absolute cash cow for you folks, thousands of $15 a month subscriptions are here just for WoW classic and the vast majority of those want “StormRend”


It was the same that caused Blizz to remove stormrend. Most players happy with the change didnt show up and say “hey thanks for doing something good for a change”. It was a vocal minority who demanded Stormrend be removed and Blizzard in their infinite wisdom didn’t poll a wider audience before pulling the trigger to remove it. If players dont want MoS just click it off - it’s that simple.

Looks like only people mad at alliance having rend buff are horde players and people on welfare. Tf are you doin blizz? If you can add Chronoboons you can also add alliance rend. Horde a little upset we don’t log onto alts to give them company for 2 mins at a time? Garbo company that does whatever it feels

Saying “this lapse in communication was not in line with our values, and we need to do better here” and then IMMEDIATELY making/reverting changes without any notice is just insane - especially picking and choosing what you revert and what stays.

All we REALLY REALLY want? To be able to get home from work after a maintenance day, log in, and not have to scramble around like crazy trying to figure out what you guys broke this week and how to Macgyver a fix in time for raid.

Having a cooldown on dragon head buffs was an annoyance to some, but in actuality necessary to assist in the rationing of buffs that we WILL eventually run out of. I don’t know if every Era cluster does it, but Mankrik has worked hard to rally the community behind scheduling buff drops to make the best use of our limited resources. Asking people to hold off on a quest turn in that rewards them a great item is a pain, but most are happy to oblige for the greater good of the community.

Might of Stormwind was an unexpected but oh-so-welcome change. Eliminating Alliance need to stand around Crossroads, horde partner or 2nd account in tow, was such a HUGE quality of life change. For a buff we were all already going out of our way to get anyway, allowing us to do it without having to inconvenience another player (or our wallets) for indiscernible amounts of time was amazing. People were running dungeons again. Not just UBRS either. It was bizarre - we suddenly had more time to……play….the…game. I understand the “no changes” crew at their core, but I cannot fight the truth that this buff (much like the chronoboons) was a HUGE quality of life improvement. AND, adjusting the cluster not just to a new buff but also scheduling the buff with the others….went way smoother than I expected, honestly. Ripping the rug out from under our feet just as everyone started to get used to it was, for lack of better words, a dick move.

No one likes the new Guild UI and no one cares about druid polearms. PvP wants (and should have) dispellable buffs. We want our dungeon resets back.

Stop distracting Era players with a great thing just so you can sneak in and steal a nice thing and replace it with garbage while we’re not looking, then also take away the great thing when we’re busy being mad about the pile of garbage we found.