Classic Era Patch Updates

I played Vanilla since October 2005, and played Classic since launch in September 2019, and I am sick of finding a mind control for Rend in crossroads every week. I was so happy with the new Rend, I thought it made so much sense.

I’m SOOOOO sad you guys listened to the vocal minority and revoked the SW Rend. It’s really heart breaking for us who have to get Rend for our Naxx runs every week.

Please consider reinstating SW Rend, my entire guild in Pyrewood Village agrees.

Also, we hate the new guild UI.

In the end, we got the worst possible outcome: no SW Rend, and crappy retail guild UI…


Blizzard has made about $240 by allowing the continued existence of Shell.

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Time to bring it back Blizzard


Please reconsider and reinstate Stormrend!


No matter how one attempts to argue it MoS does bring “gameplay-impacting change”.
Now please hold to this commitment, Blizzard.


Nefarian head drop for Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer was not fixed, it was 8 hour cooldown the entirely of classic until SoD release months ago broke it to remove the cooldown, the change today was just a rollback to that broken system with no cooldown and not an actual fix.

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go play SoD if you want vanilla with sprinkles


logged on after work today to disappointment. Some of us truthfully play this as a game after work for enjoyment, I had never even raided with rend before till it was dropped in SW randomly and i just went to try it out in molten core. It was amazing fun and reinvigorated my gameplay and fun, kinda sad that if i want a similar experience I would have to go through the tedious and ultimately immersion breaking mc into horde rend drop. I find it hard to believe the team handling Era has any confidence in the product/servers being paid for and played on, how could you when you are legit accidentally patching in content to multiple live servers on a routine patch… And then to see all the positive and all the negative reactions, sift through them, and land on the outcome that you must listen and fold to the vocal minority of negativity, its just embarrassing. Any leader should be ashamed of the actions this company takes surrounding these legacy servers, just look at osrs and see the greatness you could obtain with small, nuanced, and informed changes to this wonderful world. Do better if you want my fifteen bucks next month


Good, we never wanted any changes. Now just have to work on getting rid of this horrible guild UI that causes chat input delay and is significantly uglier than the original. Take chronoboon out while you’re at it.


Please bring back alliance rend buff for era


Post #1,000 baybeeeeeeeeee

I am pro-Stormrend FYI


1001 200 sigs go vote my dudes

BRING BACK STORMREND :earth_americas:

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blizzard please revert the revert.
its 2024, gathering buffs is challenging and time consuming to enjoy the game to the fullest.
if you dont like stormrend - simply click it off.


please bring back might of the stormwind blizzard!


Dear Era Community and Blizzard Team,

This message is for the players but please consider this Blizzard!
For the future of Classic Era we know there was three options:

Historical Era: A love letter to the original game version that started it all. All changes made for historical accuracy for the conservation of the original.

Idealized Era: Conservative changes to the game in the spirit of classic with a focus on the longevity and stability. Working to create a version of Classic Era that the Original team could only have dreamed about.

Classic Era+: Following in the footseps of Rune Scape. Intentional changes to the game to improve on the old and revitalize content to keep fresh engagement with the original concepts of the game.

We know which route Blizzard chose! Idealized Era with Seasonal Classic Era+. We are here for it, the silent majority support it.

For all the #NoChanges crowd I’m sorry but #Somechanges are Inevitable. We might as well get something good with the bad.

I accept that we have lost Logout skips. Speed Leveling strats are in shambles after this loss but thats fine we will move on. What I will not accept is that with the bad came something good. STORMREND! And because of some delusional folks holding on the dream of Historcal Era, we could not keep STORMREND.

To the STORMREND hatters, your playing Idealized Era. Blizzard isn’t offering Historical Era. Stop trying to tear down the game version the bulk of the player base is loving out of spite that Blizzard won’t give you Historical Era. You will receive QoL degrading changes with no QoL improvements that way.

To Blizzard, Talk to your community! This has been an absolute Nightmare Rollercoaster!

Confusion, Fear, Sadness, Acceptance, Joy, Excitement, and now Sorrow and Anger!

Leadership of the top guilds on Mankrik cluster are here supporting MoS! Each of them with 50-120 players behind them!

I wont quit this game because of MoS or any other minor change but I absolutely will quite a company that has no intrest in its community, no communication, flip flops on design decisions, and the worst offense making changes for the ease of the company that degrades the quality of life of the community.

That is the end result, I get a crap guild UI I didn’t ask for, I lost use of a game mechanic, and now I got nothing in return.

I didn’t ask for STORMREND but now I demand it!

#Might of Stormwind
#Make Alliance MoS Again!


Thank you so much for listening to the community and reverting these changes that make sense in SoD, but do not make sense in Era.

I also appreciate you acknowledging that dropping changes abruptly and without warning was not the right way to go about it. You will now face some backlash from some people who liked the changes you implemented the past week who no longer have them. But for the health of the Era servers I think it’s for the best that Era be touched with changes as little as possible. I encourage people who want these changes to go play SoD, since that is the version of Classic that is intended to welcome change.


You are from a PVE server. You are playing half of the game.

You don’t care about PVP, or how rend impacts the population of PVP servers.

You said yourself you won’t quit, but you know damn well there are tons of people that will quit and go to “that server.”

There are way more purists that will bounce than PVE whiners that got a taste of QoL for a week and that’s facts. You’re fighting an uphill battle.


The community doesn’t know what it actually wants, SoD is the best representation of that where they almost entirely listened to community feedback and it’s universally panned by people that have played it. At least with Vanilla people can go into it knowing what to expect; Classic era “with changes” alienates those that actually prefer gimmicky Vanilla in favor of chasing an audience that doesn’t realistically exist.

Remove Chrono
Remove Layering
Reinstate old Ranking
Reinstate batching


The problem with a vote for this sort of thing is that it is doomed to be biased. The people who are satisfied with the game/latest changes are much less likely to be crawling 1,000 posts deep into a forum thread… they’re just out there playing the game. You’re more likely to come to the forums when you have a problem vs. when you don’t.

They updated the client removing a game mechanic and vandalized the guild UI. They atleast gave is a QoL increase with STORMREND and your threating to quit over that but not the other changes?

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