Classic Era Patch Updates

I was actually about to cancel my subscription because I was tired of wasting hours of my life getting the Rend buff. It’s basically required for every serious raid, or you simply don’t get a spot. The Might of Stormwind was the best change they made in years, but they had to listen to YouTubers and their degenerate followers. That’s because they don’t play their own game and didn’t see that 90% of the in game player base was happy about it.


Exactly. Which is why I’m suggesting people use the StrawPoll and the petition above because maybe just maybe Blizzard might actually pay attention.

It would be nice if the guild chat interface displayed {star} as a star, and not a string literal.


Alliance rend buff was amazing while it lssted and made every single 40-man raiding guild on Mankrik PvE cluster extremely happy.

Taking it away was more damaging than not having it to begin with because now we are fully aware of how much of a luxury it is to have consistent rend buffs on a daily basis and the buffs even caused a surge in player activity and people looking to form runs that people were excited to exhaust the new version of rend on.

Please reconsider the reversion for the long-term health of the game. Raiding in Classic is the majority of a player’s experience and this was a change that aligns with the introduction of the chronoboon. If you’re going to take away might of stormwind, then why did we keep boons? Because its a quality of life change that heavily affects the majority of the player base in WoW (raiders) in a positive way.

Melee damage is the overall highest damage source in this game and this particular buff is a major component of why that’s even the case. Also, the competitive aspect of this game is a major reason the game has so much playability even after obtaining all of your best gear. If you don’t have this one rend buff out of 8 world buffs, your performance will be null in comparison to those who managed to get it by subjecting themselves to a major inconvenience of waiting in the opposite factions city waitinf for it to drop and get mind-controlled…this is an extremely goofy thing many of us have grown to accept due to having extremely competitive spirits. Why continue this archaic tradition.


It is incredibly disheartening to see Might of Stormwind being removed from the game. It was a much needed QoL addition that leveled the playing field when it came to World Buffs. Horde players can easily get Rend while only a slim minority of Alliance hardcore raiders were able to get Rend (and it’s a PITA). Making “Rend” more accessible to a wider player base via MoS/Stormrend is in the best interest of the game’s longevity. Please add it back in Blizzard.


Me and Shell have been living amongst the families in the crossroads for almost 2 years now, Our masters have abused us and forced us to wear these hats so our masters can steal the earth mothers blessing, We’ve been slaved away for more days than I can remember. I honestly just want to end it myself to get out of this misery of being a simple hat trick for these alliance scum. Every day this night elf starts in a duel with me just starring and taunting me for hours until someone gives thrall the head of Rend.

Last week, sunddenly the Night Elf stopped showing up. and the chains were removed and I was able to hearth back in orgrimmar. It was honestly the greatest time of my life, I wasn’t abused, tortured or beating all week, the first time in years my master let me be alone and I was able to experience orgrimmar once again, Oh how much Ive missed seeing my friends who are still around orgrimmar. I caught up with Gest, So glad to see him after so many years of the hell Ive been sentenced to. I havent see anything outside of the Barren Sun in over 3 years and randomly today, after 4 days of enjoying orgrimmar, I was sent back to my post for some reason… And I saw the night elf riding on the damn ram heading straight for me… I started crying, I thought the pain was finally over, I thought I was finally free from this hell. But no apparently someone murdered the newly discovered person in the city of stormwind who found a way to replicate the earth mothers blessing and now all the masters have returned to abuse us once again… if anyone can hear me please rediscover the recipe to replicate the earth mothers blessing to end the torture for all of us.



I will also like to say I do no abuse, or torture this individual. We do speak every day briefly for some time and I do ask politely for them to use that really cool hat on me so I can also enjoy the warcheifs blessing, Its a really cool thing that make my weapon go fast and I would sure be cool if the alliance where to have that aswell. But again I would like to dismiss the claims of abuse. Im a simple Night Elf. I do not harm others… unles- Nevermind.

Just please bring back stormrend, Or else I will slaughter all of Crossroads… and Mankriks Wife


show helm warriors all look the same I didn’t even notice you were night elf until you said so. Oops.

Bring back Stormrend! It was the best QOL update Classic Era has seen in years! And all it did was level the playing ground between all Horde and Alliance raiders.


honestly what does it hurt? give alliance their copy cat rend


I don’t want the modern UI. I’d rather keep the classic UI imo for guilds its actually easier to use anyways.


What the heck did you just hecking say about Fargos, you little Orc? I’ll have you know he graduated top of his class in the Navy Seals, and he has been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and he has over 300 confirmed kills. He is trained in gorilla warfare and he is the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to him …

I’ve changed my mind and deleted my post. I want Stormrend back. Mainly b/c I want Blizz to go back on the thing they said they were going back on. I want to watch it all burn to the ground in person.

Also, I want Ort to get Stormrend back. He really wants it and Ort is the best.

I read this as you want Orcs to get stormwind, okay Medivh calm down <3

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I appreciate the decision to revert back.

Era realms should strictly remain no changes.


Might of Stormrend was an extremely healthy change for Era raiding (just as chronoboons once were). Please don’t let a vocal minority influence the decisions behind your change. As a long time Era raider, I fully support adding the Might of Stormrend to Classic Era.



Classic Era realms now keep Stormrend, Druid polearms, new guild tab, boons, etc.

Blizzard then launches a new expansion called World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Old and have everything set to 1.12.

Essentially what is Classic Era now becomes classic+ where QOL changes happen regularly with input from the player community. And Season of Old (maybe Season of Yore could work too…idk I’m still workshopping names) would just forever be the 1.12 client.

Kaivax, I await your decision.

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Classic era: classic era (classic)


Yes. Nailed it. 194 SIGNATURES LET’S VOTE :earth_americas:

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