Classic Era Patch Updates

There was zero downside to Alliance Rend. As many have said everyone gets it anyway. It just made life easiet for everyone…


hi, i’m not an era purist. i’m an era perfectionist. i like good changes and dislike bad changes. hope that helps!


great change reverted sadge


The addition of Might of Stormwind was the only beneficial thing added in any update (beside chronoboon) you’ve ever done to classic wow and its now removed.

Depriving Alliance of having their own version of Warchief’s blessing makes parse culture more toxic and grief culture more toxic as well. Now collusion is a must if any Alliance player is to have Warchief’s and the griefers will return in full force.

You claimed to change PVP in the name of creating a more healthy gaming environment and culture around your game. In short, it was correct, even though it went against the authentic classic experience. Might of Stormwind in a sense was the same exact thing. Repealing has once more aligned the game experience in a more toxic and negative way.

Its disingenuous to pretend to want to preserve the authentic experience when so many other things have already changed this game so much. This is my first forum post ever in over 15 years of playing. I find this one single issue of importance enough to express.

Repealing Might of Stormwind is the single worst choice Blizzard has made for Classic Era servers and for the cohesion of the community as a whole.

I would advise that a polling system is started and leave it up to the votes instead of this arbitrary system of using the forums where people only show up to complain.


So if the horde cry loud enough you will cave… good to know. Sweet company


Never heard a single person complain about the buff in game. Are these wow purists even playing the game at all? Is Blizz only taking feedback from trolls on their forums?


This is outrageous. Revert this. Stormrend was a huge quality of life upgrade.


me parece algo estupido que hayan quitando el buff de ventormenta para que ahora los que se quejaron que en su totalidad son hordas y vendedores de rend “vendedores de oro” puedan seguir sacandoles provecho a eso

It seems kind of stupid to me that they removed the Stormwind buff so that now those who complained that they are all hordes and rend sellers “gold sellers” can continue taking advantage of that


Most of the real outrcy from people you should listen to was about the cooldown. I dont really care if alliance gets stormrend. If they dont they will just get rend the old fashioned way.

Ive played alliance plenty. Ive got rend with no issues many times. Its not an alliance hate thing.

Managing getting buffs in any real way is a nightmare with them on a 1 minute cooldown. If you think thats sustainable in any way your crazy.


Listening to a vocal minority and a few ‘streamers’ who will jump off era as soon as the fresh dies.


Once again blizzard making changes without any real community input


Good, can’t wait until your “competent” devs figure out how to roll back the other “intentional” changes to era, e.g. SoD abilities during mindcontrol bosses, the poop guild-ui and at the same time deprecating important api functions like GuildDemote() and GuildPromote() so we can’t make a 1:1 version of the old tab ourselves


It’s kind of wild your intended change was reverted so quickly. The vast majority of people who are against MOS aren’t even raiders…It has zero negative impact on anyone.
Can you just admit the real reason it was reverted is because the influencers (that don’t play our game) QQ’d about it?


Then fix the problem, stop catering to this BS world buff meta. You have no one to blame but yourselves for catering to their stupid games. This fight was lost the moment people petitioned for the Chronoboon.

You guys are acting like you represent the community more than people who want to keep the game as-is, but I really don’t think you can know that’s true. Infusing new QoL into Classic Era is weird unless it’s seasonal stuff IMO.


I think you forgot to revert the single most impactful change from that patch there bud. Druid polearms are not why you got ratio’d so hard


Do I get my gold back on my druid for polearm?

What about logout skips?

DMT/SF dispel?

Half *** reverts here.


Typical blizzard L. Really sick of it


Blizzard has released a variety of changes that seemingly no one cared about. But now that Alliance gets a horde exclusive buff, all of the horde players converge in the comments and begin whining and advertising petitions in trade chat as if it’s the end of the world.

The #Nochanges crowd barely spoke about Chrono Boons entering the game, where was this energy when that happened? Alliance will be getting rend regardless of whether MoS is a thing or not. Now it’s just tedious and time consuming for alliance again. Don’t fold under pressure from what the minority of people have to say Blizzard, please bring back these changes.


Revert Logout skip changes.

Take out polearms for druids (literally nobody cares about this).

Put a 3 hr cd on horde and alliance rend with a drop timer for each.

QoL changes are good. Equality between the factions is GOOD. Not promoting and catering to griefers is GOOD.

Blizzard do something right for once you plebs.